Well, That Was Unexpected (Tony Stark x fem!reader)

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Tony watched you training with Natasha. You moved with a supernatural grace that captured the billionaire's attention. You were a trained assassin, like Natasha and Clint, but you were different. You had basically appeared out of nowhere with a skill set all your own, but you had wanted to learn more. There were times when you could completely naive, but it was endearing. Especially to Tony.

Tony Stark, the playboy, had fallen for you. He was downright enchanted by you. The women that he usually surrounded himself with were no longer enough for Tony. They weren't you. However, there was something else about you that Tony couldn't quite put his finger on. When asked about your past, you gave vague answers. You didn't lie outright, but Tony could tell you weren't telling the whole truth. And what intrigued him more was the fact that he couldn't find much information on you in any record anywhere. Normally, that would make him suspicious, but in your case, it only made Tony want to know more.

"Hey, Tony. How long have you been standing there?" you asked, shaking Tony out of his daze. He smirked at you. "Long enough to see a beautiful woman take down another pretty lady." You rolled your eyes and chuckled. You'd gotten used to Tony's flirting. Natasha scoffed. "Could you at least stop flirting long enough to tell us why you're up here?"

"Spoil sport. The Cap wants us in the briefing room on the 11th floor. Apparently there's some information on a new HYDRA base." You and Natasha nodded before following Tony from the gym. The whole way up in the elevator, you kept sneaking side glances at Tony. You admired him and had ever since you'd met him. He was funny and smart as well as attractive. True, he had problems but then again, so do you. So did everyone else.

You heard the commotion before the elevator doors opened. When they did, you could see chaos on the briefing room. Tony quickly called his suit while you and Natasha raced forward to help the others that were already fighting. "Looks like HYDRA found us," Natasha muttered. You weren't able to respond as you began fighting. You were dodging punches left and right, trying to remember all your training. However, you soon found yourself surrounded by HYDRA on three sides. Behind you, the broken window.

You held your stance as they closed in around you, but it didn't matter. The agent closest to you grabbed you while the others moved to attack and before you knew it, you were being thrown out the window. Tony watched in horror as you disappeared from view. His heart clenched. There was no way you could survive that fall. Not 11 stories. "Y/N!" he cried, losing his focus. Luckily, Steve was there to help and soon, the HYDRA agents were taken care of.

Tony sank to his knees and opened his helmet. He was fighting back tears. He'd lost you. He never got to tell you how he felt and now, you were gone. Anger surged through him and he punched the floor with every ounce of strength he had. He was honestly surprised it didn't crumble under him. "Tony-"

"Don't, Rogers! Not right now," Tony snapped. "Steve, let him be," Bruce whispered. A sudden, familiar voice asked, "What's wrong with Tony?" Everyone's heads snapped over to the window. There you were, alive and well, with...wings?! Scaled wings that were as red as blood. Tony sat there gaping like a fish. "You- you-you-" You gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't think you'd want me around knowing what I am."

Tony hopped up and he crossed the room, his hand reached out slightly. When he was close enough to touch you, you thought he was going to touch your wings, but he didn't. Instead, he cupped your face with his hand and pulled you into a kiss. You squeaked in surprise. You hadn't expected that. Tony pulled back and his brown eyes met yours. "I don't care what you are. I don't care that you have wings. You're alive. That's all that matters."

Tony let go of your face and moved his hand toward your wings. With one look, he asked for permission and you nodded. He gently touched one wing and you shuddered a little. It was an unfamiliar feeling. No one had ever touched your wings before. "Does anyone else feel like we're intruding?" Steve asked, making Tony retract his hand and you laughed. "Yeah, I'm really uncomfortable now. I feel like we just caught them in an intimate moment," Bruce added.

The team all left the room, leaving you and Tony alone. You looked back at him. He was still staring in awe. Not at your wings, but at you. "You really scared me there, Sweetheart." You glanced down at your feet. "I'm sorry.I'm fine though, really." You tucked your wings back in. "I'm going to go get cleaned up. I think we can talk more about this later." You kissed his cheek. "You better believe it, Y/N." You giggled as Tony pulled you close and kissed your forehead.[ɥȥ0^m

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