What Did You do to Yourself? (Steve Rogers x reader)

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"How the heck did I get roped into this?" I asked myself using my forearm to push my (h/l) (h/c) from my face. I already knew the answer. I was the only one of my siblings that was unmarried and childless. Because of that, my brothers decided that I needed to play babysitter so they could all go out on a date night with their partners. They had nine kids between the three of them. Luckily for me, I didn't have to work alone. My best friend Steve had volunteered to help me.

At the moment, I was feeding the twins in their booster seats and the youngest was in my arms with a bottle. Steve had the other six in one of the bedrooms. We'd been there for two hours and I was already exhausted. It made no sense. I could stay awake for days on missions the S.H.I.E.L.D. but put me in a room full of kids and I was done. I was brought back from my thoughts as a bowl full of macaroni and cheese hit my shoulder. "Thanks, kid." I put the baby in her carrier and moved to clean up the mess when Steve walked in with the four girls and two boys trailing behind him.

I looked at Steve's face and bit back a laugh. "Um...Steve. What did you do to yourself?" I asked nearly choking on my laughter. Somehow, my nieces and nephews had gotten into my makeup. Normally, I would have been furious but seeing Steve's face made my anger disappear. The kids had managed to put makeup all over Steve's face. They had caked on purple and green eye shadow all the way up to his brows, the blush went into his hair and his lips were a deep maroon color.

When Steve turned his head toward the hall mirror, his eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped open. I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore after that. I doubled over clutching my stomach. "Why did you let them do that?!" I cried between giggles. "I, uh, might have fallen asleep." He shot a glare at me and then the children who scattered to the wind. "Who knew Captain America was such a heavy sleeper?" I was still laughing. "This isn't funny, Y/N."

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