Dead Girls Tell No Tales | kaloned

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picked from reading list one: stories that have more than 100k reads

Dedicated to kaloned


I have slit throats far more beautiful than yours.

In which a thousand brides have fallen, and she is the last, so she spins a tale as old as time to live the dawn.

arabian night x beauty and the beast

Three words to describe Dead Girls Tell No Tales: intense, curse, and scandal

⤇ First element I adore: dialogue

This high intense story gets my heart fluttering! Gosh, the quick responses and the characters are spot on, Shahrazad who desires to stay alive since Shahryar, the King, has been killing women every night. Shahrazad knows what she wants. Her straight forward and analytical responses are cautious, any method to keep her alive. In the first chapter, she says to Shahryar, " 'I was made aware of that since the massacre of a thousand girls,' she answers, tilting her head, abruptly caged in an odd angle of proximity." She is upfront with the King, she knows what is at stake; it's her life. As the reader, I'm drawn into the narrative. The readers witness their interactions where it's a dance, a back and forth (almost like a tango). Through dialogue and other amazing elements, I'm left with multiple questions that keep me pressing 'Read Next.' What has made Shahryar be a killer? Why is he doing this? What hidden agenda does Shahrazad have too? Is she only staying alive or is she there for another reason?

⤇Second element I adore: setting

I'm going to be upfront, as a writer I need more practice in the setting / world building. This story's world building is magnificent! The sentence structures throughout the narrative takes you on an elegant, long-description journey. I am here for it! ❤️ It's like the whole setting is its own character, the medium to which Shahrazad and Shahryar move through and use. There's this social pressure from the rebels and allies, the Kingdom that lives within the setting. I just - I adore it! The mood and breathtaking features makes the readers emerge with the narrative; it creates a strong connection. One of the many examples, I want to write a lot of quotes because there are so many to choose from but I will choose one, is from chapter five, "Shahrazad smiles thinly, staring at the outline of the warrior under the scorching desert sun, sinking into an evening vengeance." Oh! The scorching desert sun, the moon images, and stars gives me an eerie tone. As the reader, I'm left on the edge of my emerald chair . . . hoping and rooting for Shahrazad to stay alive. It's fantastic writing!

⤇Third element I adore: characters' motivation

I believe every word and reason behind the characters' motivation. Their purpose. This is an important element because as a reader, I have empathy and connection. With Shahrazad, the narrative stays close to her in third point of view and I start to understand her. Her personality. Her reasons. I don't want to give too much information because I want to keep this review spoiler free. One of my favorite quotes is in chapter two, "She despises him, with all the bones in her body, she loathes his entire being. The dagger's kiss on her bronze skin reminds Shahrazad of her purpose in the palace, and she trembles slightly, before meeting his gaze, 'This one is about a King.' " The action! Her feels are described her and then the readers experience it with her especially in the 'dagger's kiss' and 'she trembles'. She tells tales to let the time pass. I'm immediately put into her position, I see and experience her motivations. She becomes real. And I'm hundred and ten percent rooting for her.

⟿ Conclusion.

Overall, the high intensity, the present tense, and the narrative keeps me as a reader to continue and find out what's going to happen next? I highly recommend this story for readers who enjoy frame narratives, historical fiction with a dark King and possible Queen, and who enjoy romance as well. ♥️

I read this story in a day. I couldn't stop reading! The fast pace drew me in. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to know what happens to Shahrazad and also what's going on with Shahryar, there has to be a reason or back story on why he kills. Eeep, I want to tell more, but I'm going to keep it spoiler free. If anyone wants to talk about this fantastic story, private message me because I want to keep the comments free from all spoilers.

Thank you so much for writing this retelling! In the external link at the bottom of this page, it'll take you directly to the story. 😃

What did you read from reading list one: stories that have more than 100k reads? I love to hear your thoughts and encouragement, which story did you dive into?

Above in the header, I created a fanart for the story. I hope you enjoy it! I was inspired by the story. 😊

Thank you for checking out this review. Stay safe! And have fun reading and writing! 📚


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