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JOHN: Now, David, can I get this right: You've just completed a Msc course on which a large proportion of the students were international students? Is that right?

DAVID: That's it. Yes, I was in AERD – that's the department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development.

JOHN: And how do you think the students from the other countries got along on that course?

DAVID: Pretty well.

JOHN: What advice would you give to students, particularly international students, based on your experience as a student here?

DAVID: I think the most basic thing is to make use, full use, of the tutors and lecturers. Maybe some of the overseas students are a bit shy to take questions or problems to tutors.

JOHN: What do you think they should do?

DAVID: I think they should find out at the beginning of the course the times at which the tutor is going to be available for tutorial appointments, and then make full use of them.

JOHN: So, any problems, they should tell the tutor as soon as possible? Let's move on, what about the amount of reading that you have to do as a university student?

DAVID: Yes! It looks pretty daunting at first, with those long reading lists. Don't think that students have to read everything that's listed. Try to find out which are the most important items on the list – ask the lecturer or tutor if necessary, and then, if your time is limited, spend it reading those books thoroughly.

JOHN: OK, that's very helpful, David. Thank you very much.

DAVID: No, not at all.



Let's look at some of the recent changes in the US job market and see if we can make some predictions for future jobs.

A good way to begin is to look at the American workforce and how it is changing. The most important change has been the shift from manufacturing jobs to service jobs.

Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which people make something or produce things. For example, people produce cars. Service jobs are those in which workers provide services, or we may say, they do something, like washing people's cars. Generally, service jobs are grouped into five categories:

One: Transportation companies.

Two: Wholesale companies.

Three: Retail companies.

Four: Finance companies.

Five: Personal services, such as hotels, cars repair, accounting, education and medicine.

Now the point here is that people have change from manufacturing jobs to service jobs. For example, 100 years ago, 80% of workers produced goods, today only 30% do. Economists predict by the year 2020, nine out of every ten workers will work in service jobs.



The inhabitants of Tango, a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, discovered a plant which contained a powerful drug. They grew the plant all over the island and they took the drug every day. This made it more difficult for them to think rationally - it stopped them worrying about the future and enabled them to forget all their problems. At the same time, it made it much easier for them to relax and enjoy themselves. And because of the drug, the whole population of the island stopped working and spent all their time singing and dancing and looking at the sea.

Unfortunately this had very bad effects on the country's economy. The workers and farmers became lazy, the children didn't want to go to school and the whole population began to run short of food. This, however, didn't discourage people from taking the drug. The Prime Minister made speeches on the TV warning them about the drug, but nobody took any notice, and before long the economy of the country was in ruins. This forced the Government to take measures. They introduced a law to make the drug illegal. But that only made the situation worse. The law couldn't prevent the people from taking the drug. On the contrary, the fact that the drug was illegal encouraged people to take it more. They put the drug-takers into prison. But this did not have any effect, there were not enough prisons for them. Eventually, the Government found a solution: they exported the drug to other countries. This saved the islanders from having to work more than one day a week and allowed them to spend the rest of their time sitting in the sun without any care in the world.



Interviewer: Many scientists predict that in the 21st century people will be living into the incredible age of 130. What do you think about this?

Dr. Davis: Well, I quite agree with them. They have reasons to be confident about that.

Interviewer: What are the reasons?

Dr. Davis: In fact, their prediction is based on research and on the fact that the centenarian population is mushrooming as our general health improves.

Interviewer: Can you explain this further?

Dr. Davis: A century ago average life expectancy in Europe was 45. Today, providing we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes, we can add nearly 35 years to that figure.

Interviewer: So these are the factors that help people live longer?

Dr. Davis: Yes. But the most important factor is the development in medical science.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Dr. Davis: Nobody dies from old age, just from diseases that affect people when they get older.

Interviewer: So scientists are trying to find cures for fatal diseases like cancer and Aids?

Dr. Davis: Right. Nowadays, about 50% of cancers are curable, and I really believe that within 30 years this will increase to 80%. And in ten years' time Aids will also be brought under control, too.

Interviewer: That sounds interesting. What about living forever?

Dr. Davis: So far, eternal life is just science fiction. But with the advance of science, it's not impossible.



Hello everyone. In today's talk, I'm going to tell you something about deserts, what they are and how they are formed.

A desert is a hot, dry, sandy place. A desert is also a beautiful land of silence and space. The sun shines, the wind blows, and time and space seem endless. Nothing is soft. The sand and the rocks are hard, and many of the plants, such as the cactus, have hard needles instead of leaves.

The size and location of the world's deserts are always changing. Over millions of years, as climates change and mountains rise, new dry and wet areas develop. But within the last 100 years, deserts have been growing at a frightening speed. This is partly because of natural changes, but the greatest desert makers are humans.

In the 19th century some people living in English colonies in Australia got rabbits from England. Today there are millions of rabbits in Australia, and they eat every plant they can find. The great desert that covers the centre of Australia is growing.

Farming first began in the Tigris-Euphrates, but today the land there is a desert. In dry areas, people can plant crops on dry and poor land. When there are one or two very dry years, the plants die, and the land becomes desert.

In developing countries, 90 percent of the people use wood for cooking and heat. They cut down trees for firewood. But trees are important. They cool the land under them and keep the sun off smaller plants. When leaves fall from a tree, they make the land richer. When the trees are gone, the smaller plants die, and the land becomes desert.

Humans can make deserts, but humans can also prevent their growth. Algeria planted a green wall of trees across the edge of the Sahara to stop the desert sand from spreading. Mauritania planted a similar wall around its capital. Iran puts a thin covering of petroleum on sandy areas and plant trees. Other countries build long canals to bring water to the desert areas.

Well, that's all for my talk. Thank you for listening.



For a long time the image most people had of a gorilla was a dangerous-looking animal with big, bared teeth. But researchers studying gorillas show a very different picture of mountain gorillas. The animals are peaceful, gentle, sociable, and mainly plant-eating creatures.

Gorillas live in family groups. A typical group is led by the biggest and strongest grown-up male gorilla. He is called a silverback because the hair on a male's back turns from black to silvery grey as he grows up. A silverback's group usually includes one or two sub-adult males and a few females and their young.

Mountain gorillas spend much of their time eating. Their food includes a variety of plants, along with a few kinds of insects and worms. At night the animals make a nest to sleep in. Many lightweight gorillas nest in trees. The heavier ones may nest in grasses on the ground. Babies sleep with their mothers at night.

Life for mountain gorillas is not always peaceful. They are endangered and threatened by civil wars in the smaller parts of Africa. Hunters kill them for food. Their forests are cut down for farmland, fuel, and housing. But many scientists, forest rangers and other concerned people are working hard to protect mountain gorillas and their habitats.


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