Chapter 1: New Day, New Life

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(Yes I have a bunch of Venom Memes deal with it!)

The screen started up as Andrew was walking in Queens towards a school, "Do we have to go to school? Why cant we just join the Avengers?" Venom whispered into Andrew's ear as he ate a breakfast Burrito with bits of chocolate in it, "We need to keep a low profile, especially if they are alive." He soon finished his food and threw his trash away as he got his schedule.

"Wait that's my school?!" Both Kamala and Peter shouted at the same time before looking at each other, "No way. I thought you looked familiar." They both smiled now knowing that they both are not the only one in school. Andrew grinned, "Great, now I have three people to look after."

Andrew walked through the school trying to find his classes before bumping into a girl causing her to drop her books. "Oh I'm sorry." He gets on his knee and helps her pick her book up. "Oh its fine." She reaches down and he was about to get the last book her hand touched his. He looked up at her face as she blushed before retracting her hand and taking the book before running off. "Wait can me?" He stands there for a moment before sighing and walking towards his first class.

Kamala buried her face in her hands to hide her blush as all the other girls coo at the cute moment. "I dont get it." Andre said as he looked at the image in confusion. "Dont get what?" Tony asked him as he was a former Playboy so he might help. "Why did her face turn red and why did she run?" Andrew look at him. Silence was heard for a moment before, "Did you ever have a crush, or a girlfriend before?" Tony asked hoping he did.

Andrew shook his head, "No. Though girls did stare at me alot in P.E and they would wet my shirt alot so I always brought extra shirts to school."  Every guy, even Peter, Groot, and Drax face palmed as Kamala frowns, "Try harder you might get him." Gamora comforts her as she smiles.

Andrew knocks on the door, "Come in." He walks into the class as the teacher introduces him, "Class this is our new student. Treat him well." The teacher, now named Mr.Faucker, went back to his desk to pull out some assignments. "Hey. I'm Andrew Lake, not much to say about me." With that he took the only chair that was next to a male Brunnete and his slightly chubby friend.

The brunette looked up from his paper, "Hey I'm Peter and this is Ned." He points to the person to his left, "I can show you around if you want?" Andrew turned to him and smiles, "Thanks. I would like that." He hands Peter his schedule, "Same classes as Ned and I." He hands the paper back as class resumed there recent topic.

*After School*

When school ended as well as the tour was over, "So what do you think of this place?" Ned asked Andrew who thought for a moment, "It seems nice. Crowded but nice." He smiles and waves at the two, "I got to go. See you tomorrow." With that he left the school, "Thank God that was over." Venom told him, "Agreed."

The duo made it to a mini mart and greated the 50 year old Chinese lady, "Hey Andrew how are you? Been meditating lately?" She asked him as he was going down the aisles holding a bag of chips. "You know I did. And it dosent work." He told her as he went down the aisle and got a big bar of Snickers. "Give me the money lately."

Andrew perked up and looked to the side of the aisle as a man around 28 with a black beard pointed a gun at Mrs. Chen sideways making it seem like he was a thug. "Bad guy?" Venom asked Andrew who nodded, "Yes." The man ushered her to hurry up, "Can I eat him?" He grits his teeth, "Fuck it why not."

As the man ushered her to hurry up a black tendril grabbed his gun and threw it to the side. The two people looked to where the tendril came from and saw a big hulky figure with pure white eyes glaring at the man. "You come here. Pointing a gun at an old lady minding her business for no reason." His right hand grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down on his knees, "First we will eat both your arms, and then both of your legs. Then we will eat your face off of your head, you will be this armless, legless, thing wont you. Rolling down the street. Like a turd. In the wind."

When the two said that some of the immature people (Tony, Drax, Danny, Luke, Thor and Nick)started to laugh as some of the ones with a weak stomach gagged, "That sounds disgusting." Clint covered his mouth pretending to throw up. Venom made his head appear out of Andrew's shoulder and looked at him, "Pussy." Before disappearing making more people laugh.

"What the hell are you?" The man looked up at him in fear. Venom revealed the right side of his face showing a emotionless Andrew staring into his soul, "We are Venom." Before he opened his mouth and bite the guys head off.

When Venom was done eating he reverted back to Andrew who looked at Mrs. Chen, "Oh I have a parasite." Causing her to gasp as he left a ten on the counter and walked towards the door, "Night Mrs. Chen." As the two walked down the street before jumping up to a roof toward their home. "Today was interesting wasnt it?" Before Venom could reply an earthquake shook the entirebuilding, "What the hell?"

He ran towards the window and saw a building a few streets away that look to be falling apart. He opened the window and took a few steps back. Before running towards it and jumped through the window as Venom formed around him. The duo started to run towards the building as police cars, ambulance and firefighters surrounded it. He jumped in the middle as all cops aimed their guns at him.

He looks at them before running into the building and jumps down a giant hole, "This holes pretty deep." Andrew muses to himself as he lands in a crouch, "That's what she said." Venom told him who laughed as he facepalmed, "God dammit I share my body with a pervert." He made his way down the tunnel towards the sounds of fighting.

As Venom ran down the hall he jumped up and tackled a person wearing all black with some red and bit its head off causing everyone to look at him. He glared at them before he grabbed one with his tendril and bit his head off. The other ninjas ran at him he ducked under one that jumped him before he grabbed his foot and slammed him into a one of the hands ninjas in front of him before her twirled around causing more to get hit and sent spying away.

By the end of that only five people stood in front of him. The Defenders and Elektra started at the hulking figure in front of them as it stared back at them. The building shook and Venom grabbed all of them as he ran up the tunnel the way they came from and exited the building a few moments before it collapsed.

"That was fun." He dropped the five on the floor before being grabbed by Luke. "Who are you?" Everyone looked at him before he grinned showing his razor sharp teeth, "We are Venom." Before running into the dark.

"That was an interesting way to meet." Jessica says bluntly as Andrew snorts, "Fuck yeah it was. Now is this the end or can I go to sleep yet?" They looked at the screen for an answer as it continues to play, "Damnit."

Venom made it back to their apartment before reverting back to Andrew, "Ow." He pops his back and neck making a loud crack heard throughout the apartment. He grabbed a chocolate bar and split it in half before giving it to Venom. "What do you think will happen next V?"

Venom was about to say something before the T.V turned on, "We are live here at what seems to be a Gang war where a building collapsed right after a huge black being saved some vigilantes such as DareDevil, and Luke Cage." The T.V showed the destroyed building as the Defenders were gone, "We have a clip of the being. The news channel showed them and just like that it ended with them running off.

"Guess we drew some attention to us didnt we?" Venom asked Andrew who nodded, "Yes we did. Hopefully not too much." With that he layed down and fell asleep.the screen started to turn black showing the end of the clip.

"Well that was interesting." Tony said out loud as everyone nods, "And I know when I'm going to meet some people." Andrew threw in as the defenders, Peter and Kamala nodded in agreement.

Andrew smiles, "Well I cant wait to see what happens next." Everyone agrees with him as the T.V starts up again.

(Sorry this took a bit longer but I did it)

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