Chapter 7

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I ran as fast as I could, pulling my sword out of my sheath. I slashed my sword at the trees as I ran, making branches fall down behind me.

I could hear the guards loud footsteps stop as they tried to go around it.

I looked back and noticed one of them tripped over the branch, one of them was helping him up, and the other one was trying to cut through the branch.

I snorted at them.


I kept running until I got back to headquarters.

I stopped and leaned on the wall taking deep breaths, but then I heard some shouting.

"Oh shoot they followed me!" I muttered under my breath.

I ran into the main building to go warn the rest of the Heroes.

"Guys!!! We're under attack!!!" I yelled. Then there was a loud gunshot noise from outside and every ducked down, as if on cue.

"Newbies evacuate now!" I heard someone take orders,"everyone else, et ready to have some fun."

I watched as people scattered for the exit.


Then the door blast open.

"Give her to us," Bandit said all calm.

"Who?" Someone yelled from the back of our crowd.

"Look, we can do this the easy way, of we can do this the hard way. Where's Taunt?"

When he said my name, the person next to me whispered one word I would never forget.


I ran to the back of the crowd and crouched behind them, noticing Hunter was back here.

"Oh hey Tau-"

"Shh!!!! They're after me." I whisper/yelled.

"Oh! Sorry," he said.

"I've got to get out of here."

"I've got an idea, but you have to be open to anything, got it?"

"If it saves my life!"

"Good," he said as he got a bag and stuffed me inside.

"Hunter!! You should have--"

"Shh. I'm going to bring you upstairs."

Then he started at walk up the stairs all slowly.

"HALT!" Bandit yelled, "what's it the body shaped bag?"

"Some old guns that don't work anymore. I'm just bringing them to the dump," he lied. Then he continued to carry me up the stairs. When we were in the clear, he let me out.

"Can I have a warning next time?"

"It's funny how you think there's going to be a next time I'm putting you in a bag."


"So. Now what?"

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