Chapter 1: Meeting the Girls

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(Naoki is seen walking around the village until he sees a board saying "Help Wanted".)

Naoki: Maybe I should try to get some dimes... I mean, how would I be supposed to make a living?

(Then Naoki gets in the tower, and as he gets in there, he is greeted by a young woman.)

Naoki: Excuse me, but is it here you need someone to help?

Asuka: Well, that depends.

Naoki: Well, sorry to bother you.

Asuka: Hey, I'm kidding.

Naoki: Oh well...

Asuka: We are actually seeking a member for our party.

Naoki: A party? Like something to celebrate?

Asuka: (chuckles) No, silly. I'm referring to a team we are making.

Naoki: What do you mean by "we"?

(Then two girls come in.)

Charlotte: You must be the new member of our party. I... I don't know what to say...

Ryuko: So? What brings a cutie like you around here?

Naoki: (blushes) Well... I got here because I thought I could get a job... you know... to make a living.

Asuka: Well, we can go to quests. I mean... we just needed someone to complete our team to have some... adventures.

Naoki: Hmm... I see...

Asuka: Now come on, we need to go to the manager to make our team official.


(The manager is seen offering some papers, and Naoki fills them all, and so do Asuka, Charlotte and Ryuko. Then they give them to the manager.)

Manager: Well, it's official. Naoki Ryuga, Asuka Koukawa, Charlotte Dunois and Ryuko Matoi are now a new party.

(The girls get excited while Naoki gets nervous.)

Naoki: (in mind) Oh my God.

(Next day, Naoki is seen walking in the grass fields until he finds something.)

Naoki: What's this?

(Naoki sees the Desire Driver and Tycoon's ID Core.)

Naoki: Are these...

(Then he places the driver in his waist.)


(Naoki gets shocked by seeing it was active.)

Naoki: How is this still active?

(Then he places the ID Core in his Driver.)


(Naoki becomes Kamen Rider Tycoon.)

Tycoon: What... what did I become?

(Meanwhile somewhere else, a villainous boy notices that the Desire Driver was activated.)

????: Damn it... (picks up a phone) Summon Black here.

(Then Edwin Black comes in.)

Edwin: You called me?

????: The Desire Driver got activated somehow. I want you to send your man to find and capture whoever is wielding it.

Edwin: (smirks) Got it.

(Then Edwin walks away and goes to a room, where his men are seen.)

Edwin: Soldiers, I have a mission for you!

(The soldiers salute Edwin Black as the screen fades out.)

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