[Real] night ride

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I had an event full bike ride with my family. It started out pretty normal the sun was going down, so it would be a night ride every time my Dad and brother go on one i always end up sick, or had a surgery. Witch causes me to stay home but not today. I was so exited I gaped my phone and put on some music, got a water bottle, and started to pump air in my bike. I was the first one to get ready so I rode down the drive way to take to my mom and neighbor. I listened to a bit of neighbor hood gossip till it was time to go.

My dad and brother went off first then me. It was starting to get dark so my dad instructed to turn our lights on. When i looked up again a bug was heading straight toward me directly toward my mouth i quickly swerved off the trail and narrowly missed the ditch witch causes me to losses balance then into the ditch I went. By the time I made it on to the trail my dad and brother were way ahead of me. I peddled as fast as I could. I eventually caught up to them, for about ten minuets there were no problems. Then once we made it up to the lake we notice the forest behind it was no longer there. It was pretty sad. We kept going on we were about one fiths around the lake when we stopped to cheek for traffic. I feel like each time I go there more and more of the nature there goes away we used to not need to do that. That was not the only thing I notice I look down at the ground to see a baby SNAKE it was about ten inches but NOPE. It eventually slithered away my dad taught me when I see a snake on a bike ride to out both feet together up on the bar thing. [Just letting you guys know ]Well than shortly after frogs and toads all over the trail bouncing along all over the place on laded on my foot and stayed there for about five seconds. They were probably there because there were so many grasshoppers, beetles, moths, and fruit nats I think there were most likely more. A grasshopper than bonced on my kneecap and jumped off like he/she/they are some America ninja warrior. Witch surprised me so I ended up swerving around. Oh but that's not it did I mention small bugs were flying all over the place so naturally one had to fly up my nose. If that's never happened to you then the feeling is like a small creature is crawling around deep in there. It is not pleasant, so I got up trying to get it out. I bet I looked like an idiot. We had no other problems for about three fiths into around the lake were my water bottle fell out not that big of I deal I went to go get it and kept on truken. I pretty sure I ran over a few frogs. Eventually we made it out of the lake than we took a nice brake near the park and public pool. It was not nice beetles flying everywhere. I shortly jetted out of that place. Know we are going around a smaller but still big lake. Not that bad. I was half way around the lake when my water bottle fell out again and of course I was on a gravel path and ran it over. I let my dad know so me went to a stopping point as a group of people pass clearly hearing I lost my water bottle. I turned my flashlight on my phone to go get it. The group of people saw, they were at the point of were a lost my bottle they stopped looked at it looked at me and kept walking. Rude, so I eventually got it witch mud was covering it yippee. I survived that lake now we were heading to the path that leads to home. every time I tried to get on my bike I swerved and got stuck in mud about six times. Naturally my brother said, "lets leave her." They were at the end of that path when I caught up. We were on our last and final trail. Not even half way a tortoise was blocking the path like it owned the place.[well some way it kinda does]Actually very cute. When I returned to my bike about a dozen moths were fluttering together. I ran through them and sped of on my bike ahead of my brother and Dad. We shortly made it home to tell the story to my mom and neighbor.

All in all I had a great time. I really recommend a night bike ride at least once in your life. its an amazing experience. Go out and see what creatures you come across. Lets try and treat theses amazing animals nicely and try and perverse there habitat.

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