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Alrighty let's get this Show on the Road!! Thanks you guys for Reading my stories And for your advice/support too!! You guys are The best!!! 

Emilia's Pov

The Warriors of Kyoshi

"OUCH! AHHHHH!! EEKKK!! YE-OUCH!! OOMPH!!! AHH!! AIEEEE!! HISS!!!!" Those were probably the most common sounds I made while falling up and through the tree branches. I knew this tree was big but how many dog gone branches are there!? 

I feel like I'm going through a paper shredder as I didn't miss a single branch, twig or knot! And I was still falling. . . . . well at first I thought I was still going up but now I've been hit around so many times I can't tell which way is up, right, left or down!?

A thin whip like branch sliced up my shoulder then across my face. My eyes blinked open giving me enough time to brace myself for the thick root waiting to catch me. I still fell on my side, if the wind hadn't been knock out of me I might've been using some juicy choice words at that moment.

Bruised, bleeding and torn up I lay on the coarse surface trying to regain my breath. The stench of sweat and humidity hit me like a ton of bricks gagging me. Using my arms I lifted myself up a little higher to breath in some fresher air, yeah that didn't help, my body protested to me until I was once again laying down.

What had happened? Had I been kidnapped by a tree? Tilting my head around I gave the trunk a glare, "Jerk!" I gasped out. A loud rickety sound responded, I stared in unbelief as the branch closest to me. . . . . moved. . . . 

My brain registered just in time that if I didn't move I was going to be a pancake. The large branch was coming straight down on me, So this is how Harry, Ron and Hermione felt with the Whomping Willow? Screaming I rolled out of the way as the branch crashed down. "GALLOPING GORGONS!!!" Glancing up I saw the branch start to lift up curving around at the tip then it shook from side to side. . . . . 

I was being scolded by a tree branch.

Fear was instantly replaced by hot anger as I jumped up, "It's Not My Fault I Fell Through YOUR BRANCHES!! You're The One Who KIDNAPPED ME!!!" The branch stopped scolding and snaked away. Huffing I leaned over and started to brush myself down, I wasn't hurt too bad. Obviously I'd have more bruises then scratches, but luckily the none scratches were any longer than a pencil and surprisingly I didn't have too many slivers. The biggest scratch I had already was starting to stop bleeding so I wasn't too worried about it. I was more concerned about the giant bruise that was forming on my hip. 

"Are you lost youngin?" I yelped and jumped around facing the man who had spoken. 

I wished I hadn't. 

Instantly my face flared as I got a good 'detailed' look of the man standing about three feet away. He was an older gentleman, short a little round though the muscles he had said that he was far from helpless. He had straw hat like hair and a beard, with a wide smile and soft eyes he would've looked like my old neighbor Trent. . . . except Trent had a shirt, hat, chaps and pants on him every time I've visited him. . . . This man didn't even have REGULAR UNDERWEAR COVERING HIM!?!? 

What were those?! Leaves?!! What was keeping them up?! 

The more questions that went through my mind the more my face congested with red blushing heat. He tilted his head and smiled, "You aren't from around here are you youngin." 

Of course I am. . . . . . That's what I wanted to say, but his statement was so clear and his physic still required pants, so I did what any good smart girl would do. . . . I averted my eyes.

Instead of seeing lush greenery all I saw was a never ending swamp land. . . . . instead of hills and mountains it was a sea of bland greens and blue sky. . . . . . 

All I could do was stare.

Where was I?

I was so shocked that I didn't even jump went the man put a hand on my shoulder, I glanced over at him from my peripherals. He gave me a small smile, "Seems like you have some questions, maybe I can help you, let's talk."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skippy  

"Okay let's see if I got this right," After some explanations a mild panic attack followed by some epic pacing and a small water bending demonstration I started to believe Huu. I was not in america, but on some other world. 

While I was pacing I tried some tricks to see if I was dreaming;  the pinching trick didn't work, the reading trick didn't work either, nothing I could think of worked plus I was still sore from my tumble from the tree. All the evidence was here in my hands and in front of my eyes but it was impossible. . . . . right? I mean I've heard about time travel and parallel universes from Doctor Who but I've only seen a few episodes.

I took in another steadying breath, "I'm on a earth that is divided between four groups of people, and some of these people can use a natural element to their advantage, like what you did with that small vine in the puddle?" Sitting across from me on the giant root Huu gave a smile of encouragement. "And I am specifically in the Foggy Swamps? In the south west part of the Earth group?"

"Earth Kingdom," He corrected gently, "Yes."   

I looked down and started to spin my emoji bracelet around my wrist, "This is. . . . to be honest. . . . insane."

Huu chuckled, "It would seem that way yes. Never have I heard of a person emerging from the Spirit Tree or from another world." 

My chest constricted I looked back over at him, "What do I do? How do I get back home? Do I have to climb up the tree?!"

His smile went down and sighed, "I don't know the answer to that. Though I do not think climbing the tree will help you, for it seems like it wasn't the one to bring you and was merely used as the gate way." He paused then stood up, "Perhaps with more help we can find a solution. Come Emilia, let's head back to my village, some food and rest might do us some good!"

Seeing the sun starting to set I nodded, grabbing my back pack I quickly zipped the zippers to one side before I started to follow him down to the water. "Emilia?"

I softly jumped down behind him making only a small splash in the murky waters, unfortunately the water was to my mid calf so my shoes got soaked. I shivered and tried not to think of the creepy crawlies in the water!? "Hmm?"

"That is a strange pack you have there, what does it do?" I raised my eyebrow, I would've thought he would ask me about my clothing, I shook my thoughts away, I sure hope the people here aren't all dressed like this?

"It's a backpack, it just holds all of my things. . . . you don't know what backpacks are?"

"Well we have packs like yours of course, but the way it opens and closes is unique." He shrugged and continued towards a small canoe looking thing.

"Oh." I nodded in understanding, keeping my eyes down I tried to follow in the shallower parts, "It's called a zipper, cause it makes a 'Zzzz' sound when you open and close it."

Huu stood by the canoe and smiled at me, "That it does. Be careful." He helped me in before climbing in himself. Instead of sitting down with me he stayed standing. Legs unfortunately bent slightly apart he started to move his body from side to side? 

Just as I was about to comment, I noticed that we were moving?! But there was no motor!? Where were the oars. . . . . . . . 

Oh!! Duh Emi! He's a waterbender! He can move us by moving the water! That is so cool!

Shifting around so that I was facing forward, I was able to calm down and somewhat enjoy my fantasy ride to the village.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skippy Again To Dinner With The Village

I didn't have much in my pack but the things I did have were so strange here that everyone wanted to see them. Luckily I was careful enough to keep my more valuable things in the bag like my music, headphones, American snacks, etc. The kids were playing around with my Ocarina next to the cooks and some of them were trying to play a made up game kind of like Marco Polo with the sunglasses which was cute. 

Some of the people were looking over my water bottle filter, binoculars and my dying/dead cellphone. They came over and asked me a few questions I tried to answer them all and ask them my own but in the end I was just too tired. My mind had too many questions that were going unanswered and my body was physically exhausted. Not only that I was feeling like the more I asked the more question I came up with. And the more question I came up with the more I came up with empty answers! Which was seriously stressing me out!

"Well I reckon Emi knows how to play that there thing!" I jerked out of my thoughts nearly dropping my bug-kabob on the ground, which wouldn't have been a total loss, as I heard my name, "Go ahead and ask her!" Looking up I saw a lanky little boy standing next to. . . Due I think his name was. The large thin man grinned patting the boy forward.

"Emi?" He questioned clutching the small instrument in his hands, "Could you. . . . um play this? For like real!?" 

In the corner of my eye I saw a few more children waiting for my response. Well they have been helpful and really nice to me since I got here, plus how could I say no to a performance for these cuties! Smiling I gently took hold of the Ocarina, "I'd love to play!"

And when one holds an Ocarina in ones hands. . . . then one must play a Legend of Zelda song. The only one to pop in my head was Zeldas lullaby, one of the first songs I had learned. Putting it up to my mouth I noticed the kids coming closer. Closing my eyes I began the quiet song.


"Do it again!" A little girl squealed next to her mother and baby sibling.

"Can you only do that one?!" Another kid asked.

"Yeah?! Can you do one with more bounce in it? I wanna dance!" An older girl questioned.

I was a little put off by the enthusiasm, no body at home asked me things like that nor that bluntly well except my friends. Enjoying the attention for my hard earned talent I smiled, "Of course, let's do a bouncy one next shall we!?"


Some of the adults were clapping to the tune, two others pulled out some drums and played along while little kids paired up and started doing some jig together. After repeating the verses a few times I started to add in my own notes before gradually going back to the original music. By the end of that song everyone was involved and smiling.

Before starting up a the Pokemon theme song I thought to myself, You know what. . . .maybe this won't be so bad? Yeah you got this Emi! who knows maybe you'll wake up and everything will be okay!

Little did I know . . . . what was to happen.

PLEASE LITTLE JEWELS LET ME KNOW IF SOMETHING IS WRONG IN THIS CHAPPY!?!?!? I'M EXHAUSTED AND CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT ANYMORE. . . . . Love you all I'm just going to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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