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Once everyone had left the house after the funeral, it was just Harry and I with a melancholy cloud hanging over us. We were sat on her worn out sofa, the smell of her perfume embedded in the fabric and both our eyes were staring out the window. I did that a lot- stare out the window. I suppose I always felt so caged inside buildings, I liked to be outside where the possibilities were endless.

"We had some fun times didn't we?" Harry mumbled, and I looked over to see that his eyes were firmly fixed on a picture of himself that Judy had framed.

"We had some epic times. We were reckless kids who had nothing else to do," I replied back and my mind was attacked with memories of the past.

Happy memories flooded back to me, ones where Harry and I had been joking, laughing and smiling with each other. Memories of a life I sometimes wished I had never left.

"And now what's life like? The same old crap everyday? Death? Slowly losing everyone around you?" I could hear the anger in his voice, and I knew that he was angry at life- a feeling I knew too well.

It seemed like I was permanently angry at life, right from the age of around fourteen. I did my best to make the most out of life and what it gave to me, but I always seemed to get hurt. Anger was a perfectly natural response.

"I know the feeling," I whispered and closed my eyes.

"I seem to be constantly seeking happiness yet I can never find it. I thought marrying was supposed to make you happy- it's what everyone wants, isn't it?" There was a tone to his voice that gave away that something was happening at home.

Looking at me with tired eyes, Harry sighed and looked back out the window.

"My wife has ruined my life," he said after a while, and I nodded.

If it had been any other situation, I would have told him that I had predicted it from the start, but I felt like that comment was not needed in the moment.

"If it's any consolation, my life hasn't exactly been fun either. My long-term boyfriend turned out to be gay, and I've moved to a place where I know no one."

"Ouch," Harry said, a small smile growing on his face; it was strange to be comparing our messed up lives, but oddly humorous.

"God, what are we like? It's like neither of us are able to make sane, rational decisions!" I exclaimed and Harry chuckled slightly.

I suppose when you can't do much about your current situation, you've got to just laugh about it.

"Why don't we just run away again?" Harry blurted out before covering his mouth, almost like he hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"How can we do that? We have lives now Harry, proper lives. You have a wife. And let's say that we theoretically do run away, where would we go?"

As ridiculous as his idea sounded, it made me feel excited inside. The idea of freeing myself from the responsibilities of life, reliving my teenage years and spending it all with a man that I had grown to love in more ways than one, all of it excited me.

"Forget about my wife, as long as there's money in the bank account she's satisfied. We could travel the world, go to places we would have loved to go as teenagers. It doesn't matter where we go, it's about the things we do. The memories we'll share. You can't tell me that you don't crave freedom?"

It was true, I couldn't deny the truth in his words. I craved freedom more than anything else, I desired to escape from reality for a while and truly live.

"I'll think about it," I murmured with a smile threatening to spread onto my face.

That was what I loved so much about Harry, even in the darkest situations he had been able to see the positive side of things. He never saw anything as impossible, his world was constantly giving him new opportunities. That was where I was the complete opposite, I couldn't help but see the negatives in life. When Harry saw the sunlight after a storm, I focused on the dark clouds that hung over me.

I was apprehensive about running away with Harry, mainly because I was scared that it wouldn't be like the first time. We would be running around with pockets full of money, probably staying in hotels and travelling round foreign countries. That wasn't running away, that was just seeing the world. Would that be as fun as when we had trudged through fields in the cold as teenagers?

What made me finally give into Harry's idea was the fact that I was tired of living my life so carefully. For my whole adult life, I hadn't done anything reckless or careless except move to California and that decision had turned out to be a mistake but I guess I learnt from it. That's what they say don't they? You learn from your mistakes.

I was running away with Harry Styles... Again. Some things hadn't changed. We were both running from misery, we both craved a new life, and we were both friends. Nothing more than that, friends who had failed to fall in love.

So Harry and Matilda have decided to run away again, where will they go? Will they find happiness?

I'm so sorry to announce that there is only one more chapter left and an epilogue! How will this series end? Will it be a happy ending? A sad ending? A bitter sweet ending? You'll have to wait and see...

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