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The next morning rolled around too quickly and I found myself running around my apartment trying to find my straighteners. I had to look good for this event, mainly because I would be on camera. And there was also the fact that I would be seeing Harry for the first time in years.

"Matilda, your dress is at the office- come quickly!" My boss whispered down the phone harshly as I left my apartment and I gulped slightly.

"Please don't let me make a fool of myself today," I said up to the sky, hoping there was a god listening to my plight. I didn't want to mess this up.


"Breathe in a little bit more-" I told myself as I pulled the tight, red dress onto my body, trying to not rip the dress.

I was ready to give up when finally the fabric gave way and hugged my body in a way that not many dresses had done before. Looking in the mirror, I smiled slightly at the sight of myself with a full face of makeup, perfectly styled hair and finally a beautiful dress- I looked like an adult. An adult who had finally got herself together.

"Matilda! Hurry up, otherwise they'll be no one on the carpet for you to interview!" My boss charged into the room where I was changing and looked me once over before nodding.

Before I knew it, I was being bundled into a taxi without any words of advice and taken straight to the location of the premiere. Nerves wracked my body and I went over my questions in my head despite the fact that they were written down on cards for me. What if people didn't like me? What if I accidentally said something wrong?

All these thoughts whirred through my head as the taxi weaved in and out of traffic, trying to get to the premiere in time.


I think I heard the premiere before I saw it; there was this deafening roar of screams from the crowds that had gathered to catch a glimpse at their favourite stars. Climbing out the taxi, I practically sprinted to the entrance for the press where I was giving a tag saying my name and publication before being ushered to the side of the red carpet.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I watched on as the other journalists talked among themselves while waiting for the stars to walk the carpet. Would I fail miserably and just make a fool of myself? Or would this just make me a stronger journalist?

Suddenly, a deathly quiet fell over the section I was in as journalists and photographers prepared themselves for the stars that were now walking towards us at, what seemed to me, the speed of light.

And then I saw him.

Harry was laughing and smiling at his fans who were all waving manically at him. On his arm was his fiancée; she was wearing a dress that probably cost more than my apartment and everything about her seemed perfect.

Harry looked at her adoringly, kissed her cheek and then she was taken inside the building while Harry did his interviews.

It was like my eyes couldn't move from him. They were constantly stuck to every action he made, every laugh that he emitted and I watched his lips as they curled into a smile every few seconds. He came closer and closer to me and it was obvious that he was finding the interviews more tedious.

His security began to usher him away and my heart sank in my chest; of course I could have interviewed his co-stars but there was a gnawing inside me that wanted to speak to Harry. To see him up close again.

"Harry!" I shouted over the yells of angry journalists and he swivelled round to see me.

At first, he looked shocked and slowly motioned over to me, drawing all eyes to my section.

"Matilda!" He said animatedly, trying to compose himself as everyone was staring. I suppose our reunion could spark rumours, and he needed to be careful.

He walked over with a forced grin on his face, which I could tell was for the cameras, but I could still see the astonishment in his eyes. I guess he never expected to see me again.

After a few polite hellos, I motioned to the camera man to start rolling as our interview began. He spoke to me in the way he spoke to everyone else, with faked enthusiasm and rehearsed lines.

When the camera was turned off he looked at me and sighed deeply, almost as if he was regretting ever coming over to me. I wasn't sure what to say, so I just looked at the ground and hoped that he would either leave or speak.

"Let's catch up soon, coffee tomorrow at Georgina's Cafe? You know where that is?" I nodded at his question and he gave me a faint and slightly nervous smile before walking away.

The grin grew on my face with every second I thought about what he said, it meant that he wanted to spend time with me. What did this mean about his feelings towards me? But he had a fiancée and I couldn't forget that.

The rest of the night rolled by and I smiled and laughed along with celebrities I had only ever seen in fleeting moments on television. I couldn't stop thinking about Harry, how he wanted to see me again. I wondered what we would talk about. I wondered if we would still be able to hold a conversation with each other.

There was so much that I was unsure of when it came to him. But I was excited to find out the truth about him, his life and more importantly the past.

So they're going to meet up! What will happened when they start talking?

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