A Day at the Hospital (Wayo)

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"What is going on here?!" A voice booms out.

I look at the door and immediately recognize the man standing there. How could I not? He looks exactly like my husband, only twenty years older. On a positive note, my P'Pha will still be incredibly handsome when he gets older.

He strides into the cafeteria purposefully. I actually feel bad for those nurses. You know what, no I don't. Off with their heads!

"We are in a hospital ladies. The hospital which you are employed at. At what moment did you think this behavior was acceptable?" He asks.

The two nurses refuse to make eye contact with him. I don't blame them. He's kind of scary. Subconsciously I reach over and grab P'Pha's shirt and twist it in my hands. I notice him look down at it then smile.

"The director's office now ladies." He tells them.

Wow it's almost like being at school. They were naughty and have to go to the principal's office.  Ha-ha, that's what you get for being stupid.

Dr. Kongthanin now turns his sights on us. His eyes flick to the table then back up to us. He walks to the table and snatches the pot.

"Since there's no winner for the fight, I call a draw. I'll take the winnings." I stare stupidly at him and looking to my left I can see I'm not the only one.

"Anyone have a problem with that? Boys?" He asks looking at P'Kit and P'Beam who shake their heads no.

"Yo?" He asks looking at me.

He knows who I am? I've never met him. Then again if he's been to the apartment he would have seen the pictures of me. That must be it.

I smile and offer a wai to him before he pulls me to him and hugs me so tightly that I squeak.

"How is my son-in-law doing today?" He asks pulling away from me.

"Huh? You know who I am?" I ask stupidly.

"Of course I do. Have you been to my son's house?" He asks playfully.

"I live there." I say shyly.

"I know son. So are you OK?" He asks again.

"I'm fine now that it's over." I admit.

"Did those two ladies upset you?" He asks looking concerned.

"A little bit, but I know how popular P'Pha was in college. It's only to be expected that he would be just as popular here." I admit

"Pha's actually been pretty good about staying out of the limelight lately. I think it's his sudden reappearance that has caused this stir." His dad says thoughtfully.

"Wait. I'm confused. What's going on here?" P'Pha asks.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too." P'Kit says from behind me.

"Oh Beam and Kit, you don't know what's going on? Didn't Pha tell you that he had gotten married?" His dad asks innocently.

"No we knew, although he's not the one that told us." P'Kit says with a scowl.

"We just didn't think that you knew." P'Beam says.

"How would I not know? Ruang Sak and I went to school together. As a matter of fact I knew about Yo's coming back before Pha did." He says with a smile.

"You what!?" We all shout.

"Parents talk." He says like we're idiots.

"Beam and Kit, I'm friend's with your parents too. There's very little that I don't know about all of you boys." He says pointing to each of us.

"By the way Phana, why is it that Ruang Sak Panitchayasawad was not only present at your wedding but signed your certificate while I was....well not even informed." His father asks.

P'Pha all of a sudden looks like a small child. He clasps his hands together in front of him then starts using his toe to draw figure 8's on the ground. Apparently it's so interesting that he can't look away from it.

"PHANA!" His dad shouts.

P'Pha actually stumbles a little, tripping over his own feet, as he looks up at his father.

"Por, that's not how it was. I didn't know we were getting married. I just thought we were applying for the certificate." He says.

"That doesn't change the facts Phana.  The only reason I know anything about all of this is because Ruang Sak was bragging" His dad says as he leaves.

"But it's not my fault." He whines as he chases after his dad.

His arms are dangling at his side and flop back and forth as he jogs calling for his daddy. I've never seen him do such a thing and to commemorate it I pull out my phone and video it.

I turn to face P'Kit and P'Beam when he's out of sight. They too have their cameras out and are filming this.

"We should compare and see who got the best footage." P'Kit says.

"I got from when he started dancing." P'Beam says proudly.

"I want that." I say pointing at him.

We take a few minutes to compare videos and indeed P'Beam's is the best.  After making sure we all have a copy they head out.

"Thanks for having lunch with us today." I say.

"Well we intruded on your lunch but it was worth it." P'Kit says shaking his phone.

"P'Kit, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"P'Kit and P'Beam share a look then P'Beam simply smiles and walks away waving.

"Later Ai'Kit. Nong." He calls.

"What's up nong." He asks when we're alone.

"I need to talk to Ming." I say.

"Then call him." He says easily.

"No I want to talk to him face to face.  In a location he can't run away from." I say slowly.

"So you want to trap my husband?" He asks.

"Just until we make up." I confirm.

"But he's not mad at you anymore." He tells me.

"Oh yes he is. He's just good at hiding it. He's still very mad at me." I tell him.

"I'll see what I can do. I have to get back to work though.  I'll call you later." He says as he leaves.

I have no idea where P'Pha and his father went as I stand here all alone. They actually left without me. I'll go check both of their offices before I leave.

I wander through the hospital. I know where P'Ph works so I'll check there first. I'm in no real hurry so I take the time to look around and see what departments they have. I could work in a few of these if I ever left my current position.

"You don't belong here." An annoyed voice calls from behind me.

I turn and see one of the nurses from earlier.

"Oh. I didn't realize this was a restricted are. My apologies." I say and head for the elevator.

"I mean at this hospital or with Dr. Kongthanin." She says.

I wave my hand and continue on my way. I don't have time for her. If I got upset at everyone that thought they deserved him more than I do then I would be huddled in a ball rocking and talking to myself.

"He belongs with me." She continues.

I turn and smile at her.

"You're not the first woman to think that and I'm quite positive that you won't the last. When it comes down to it, the perfect person for P'Pha is the one he picks, not the one who deludes themselves into thinking they deserve him." I say.

"You fucking queer! What do you have that I don't?!" She screams.

"P'Pha." I say with a smirk and walk into the elevator.

I can hear her scream as the door shuts and it's a gratifying feeling. I pull out my phone and do what I should have done in the first place. I call my husband.

"Where are you?!" He says sounding panicked.

"You know what? I really don't know. I'm in an elevator. I'll tell you when I get out." I say.

"What were you doing? Do you know how upset I was when you weren't at the cafeteria when I returned." He asks.

"You left with your father without saying anything to me. How was I supposed to know that you were returning?" I say.

"Sorry babe. I wasn't thinking." He says softly.

I get out of the elevator and immediately know where I am. It's the same no matter what facility you are at. They all have that creepy, unsettling feeling you can only get from the morgue.

"I'm in the basement." I tell him.

"The basement. What's down there?" He asks.

"Dead bodies P'Pha. Lots of dead bodies." I whisper.

"Stop it right now!" He says sounding alarmed.

I laugh at his expense. He doesn't like dead things which is funny considering his profession.

"P'Pha, the lights are flickering and I- I think I see something moving." I say adding a bit of a quiver to my voice.

"I swear I will leave you down there by yourself!" He says angrily.

I laugh openly now.

"I'm not the one afraid of bodies." I sing to him.

"Dammit Yo." He warns.

"Tell me what floor to go to from here."

"Second. I'll meet you there." He says.

Still laughing to myself, I push the button for the second floor.

"I don't find it funny." I hear over the phone.

"Nope, but I do." I say chuckling, then I stop.

There's a sudden jerk in the elevator as it comes to a halt. The lights go out for a moment then the emergency lights kick on.

"What was that?" He asks.

"OK P'Pha, I'm gonna need you to be calm and focused. Can you do that for me? This won't take long at all." I say soothingly.

"What's going on!?" He yells.

So the answer to that is clearly no he can't be calm and collected about this.

"Not a big deal. The elevator has stopped.."

"WHAT?!" He screams.

"I'll go get my dad." He says and I can hear him running.

"P'PHA! What can your dad do? Get maintenance." I yell holding the phone to my mouth.

I hear his shoes squeak and then he swears. Then I hear his footsteps again.

"I'll call you back." He says and hangs up.

I sit on the ground and cross my legs. I shoot a quick text to my dad letting him know what's going on and then answer the thousand questions he sends to me afterwards. Once I finish that I pull out my battery pack and plug in my phone. You never know how long these things will last and oddly enough, this is not my first time stuck in an elevator.

Another good thing is that I'm somewhere between the basement and first floor which means if I drop, I don't die. That's comforting right now.

I should have just stayed in the morgue.

My phone pings endlessly from the seven people that I know. P'Pha must have an emergency phone tree thing going on. Then again he probably just sent one group text letting them know what was happening. My poor P'Pha, he doesn't deal with things like this well.

Two hours and thirty-seven minutes later, the lights flick back on and the elevator starts to move. Soon the doors open and I'm greeted by everyone that I know.

"Over react much?" I say to the man who is currently squeezing me to death.

"You know we're here for him right nong? He was panicking." P'Kit explains.

"I'm just glad I was the one in the elevator and not him. We probably would have had to do an extraction if that had been the case." I tease.

"We're going home." He finally utters.

"OK babe, let's head home." I agree.

"Hey thanks everyone for being here to taking care of my P'Pha." I call out to head nods and waves.

"Wait P'Pha." I say stopping abruptly.

I run and hug my dad who hugs me back.

"Sorry our plans were ruined and thanks for being here. I'm sure P'Pha was a handful." I say with a smile.

"A bit but I understand. He loves you." My dad says.

"And I love you too. Thanks for being OK." He continues and I spot a tear which I wipe off.

"I love you too daddy." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"Next week alright. P'Pha goes back to work then and I'll be all yours." I call as I run back to P'Pha.

We head to another set of elevators to get to the main floor when he pulls me to a stop.

"We're taking the stairs." he says dragging me to the staircase and I follow with a smile.

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