First Day Off (Wayo)

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"Baby. Baby wake up." Is sweetly whispered into my ear.

I force open my eyes and stare directly into the face of an angel. I close them again because the sight is too much. His soft laughter fills the room and my heart takes off. It's beating so fast right now. I can feel his hand run through my hair and push it behind my ear. Soon his mouth is back against it and he gives a quick lick.

"Baby. We have a lot to do today. It's time to wake up." He says a little more forcefully.

I slowly open my eyes again and push myself up. I lean against the headboard and try to wake up. I look down as I feel a weight settle on my legs. There sits a tray. A smile creeps across my face as I take in the simple but heartwarming breakfast that lays there.

I look up and brave meeting his eyes again, hoping they won't steal my breath away this time. His stare is piercing. He's waiting for my reaction but I can't move. I'm completely entranced by this man before me.

"Yo. Aren't you going to eat?" He finally asks.

"Yes. I was just. Staring." I say somewhat embarrassed.

"It's OK. I'm yours to stare at." He says offering me a piece of melon.

I accept the bite and chew on it happily. I feel like I can move now so I start eating. Once I do he settles beside me and pulls over his own plate.

"Were you waiting for me? You should have just eaten you silly man." I slightly scold.

"What fun would that be? I want to eat with you." He says as he pops a piece of fruit into his mouth.

"What time is it anyway?"

"It's ten." He looks at his watch to confirm his answer.

"Wow, that's really late. I can't believe I slept that long."

"That happens when you don't sleep most of the night." He says winking at me.

"I suppose so." I say talking to my breakfast.

He chuckles beside me and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I decide that my full attention should be on breakfast so that I can feel less embarrassed.

As usual I started things last night. I couldn't help it, I wanted him so badly. Of course he still held back which completely frustrated me. I could have punched him in the face when he refused to go all the way. He said it wasn't time yet.

It's my fault. I should have let him fuck me the very first day. Now I'm paying for it.

We're married dammit. Shouldn't he be the one saying that we need to go all the way? I won't beg for it though. I'm pretty sure about that. I think the 80/20 rule applies here. I'm 20% sure I won't beg for it.

And why am I always the horny one? Shouldn't P'Pha be the horny one? I know how he was in college, he slept around. A lot. But he doesn't want to sleep with me? That can't be right. Maybe he's waiting for something. Me? Is he waiting for me to be ready?

"Yo." I look up and I'm greeted by this half smile that he does.

I love this smile. I've always loved this smile.

"Are you done? We should get ready if you are."

"Yes. Yes I'm done." I say getting up and going to the shower.

I stop as I reach the door and look back at him. He looks up at me and I can see the love in his eyes.

"Why don't you want me?" I ask.

There's a knot in my stomach right now.

"What?" He asks looking confused.

"Why don't you want me that way?" I ask again.

"What makes you think I don't want you that way?"

"Because I all but said I wanted it and you still didn't."

He closes the gap between us in three steps and pulls me into his arms.

"You're right, you did everything but actually say that you were ready for me." He says looking into my eyes.

"You need to say the words Yo. You explicitly told me you weren't ready. That was only three days ago. Now you'll have to use your words to tell me that you are. I won't guess and I won't assume." He says.

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tightly.

"I love you P'Pha. God I love you so much." I say into his chest.

"I love you too. We'll take that step when the time is right. And just so you know, I do want you that way. More than you can even imagine." He says confidently.

"And you won't change your mind?"

"Change my mind? About what?"

"All of this. About me." I say even though my stomach is one bundle of nerves.

"You could never do anything that would make that happen."

"Even if I'm not what you think I am? Who you think I am."

"I know who you are."

"Y-you do?"

"You're Yo Kongthanin. My lawfully wedded husband. You are the man that I love. I know who you are." He says confidently.

I rest my forehead on his chest and fist his shirt. What do I say to that? Do I tell him now while I have the chance? I should do it now. I look up and see him staring at me. His soft smile is comforting and makes me lose my nerve. I'll tell him another time.

I let my arms slide around him and hold him close. I breathe in his scent then place my ear against his chest to listen to his heart. It's beating for me. I know it.

"We can just stay in today if you like." He says softly.

"What?" I says as I pull away.

"No. Let's go ring shopping." I say releasing his shirt and heading into the bathroom.

I strip and turn on the water. I drift my hands under the water testing the temperature. I step in and let it run down my body. Feeling overwhelmed, I lean my head against the tiles. How am I going to tell him? There's no way he won't be angry with me.

I'm startled as arms glide their way around my waist pulling me to a very sturdy chest. A kiss is pressed onto my neck, then that mouth attaches itself, forcefully sucking on that spot. My arm raises until my hand is resting on his head, holding it in place. I extend my neck to give him better access.

While one of his hands is firmly wrapped around my waist, the other smoothly slides down until it reaches my penis. It grazes by as he cups my balls. He gently massages them and I moan out.

"Why would you ever think I didn't want you this way?" He says with a raspy voice.

He pushes his very hard cock between my butt cheeks. He starts thrusting basically fucking my crease. There's constant stimulation against my hole and his hand that once rested on my family jewels has now grasped my length.

He strokes it in time with his movements.

"You don't know how hard it is for me to not take you. I want you all of the time. I want to be inside you. I want to fill you so full of my cock you feel it in your stomach. I want to make you scream my name when I hit your spot. I want you writhing underneath me because you feel so good. I want to cum inside of you, marking you as mine. I want all of it." He says huskily.

"Ha-ahh." I moan out as I cum all over his hand and the tile in front of me.

His stroking continues, milking every drop from me. He increases his movements behind me then cums on me with a low moan.

"Yo. My Yo. You belong to me now. I will never let you go, no matter who or what you are." He says holding me close to his chest.


"You seem to be concerned that you're not Wayo. You have to know that I love you. The you that is with me now. Don't worry about the boy from my past anymore." He tries to comfort.

But it's not a comfort.

I am that boy from his past.

We get cleaned up and out of the shower. I watch him towel off and wrap the towel around his waist. I watch the way his body moves as he walks out. After he leaves I sink to the floor and rest my head on my knees. I feel the warmth of the tears as they splash on them.

What am I going to do?

I don't hear him walk back in but I'm made aware of it when he drapes a towel over my shoulders. He squats in front of me and uses his thumb and finger to guide my chin so that I'm looking up at him. He leans over and kisses the tears away.

He picks me up and walks me into the bedroom, carefully laying me on the bed. He sits beside me and pulls me to him.

"What do I need to do? How do I make you feel secure?" He asks into my hair.

"Just hold me right now. I - I can't think. I just feel scared." I admit.

He holds me. He gently rocks side to side while humming softly. I rest my head against him and close my eyes as I listen to his heartbeat. I feel his thumb run across my cheek wiping away stray tears as he whispers that he loves me.

"Please don't ever leave me." I say hoarsely.

"Not ever. I won't ever let you go. Even if you beg me to let you I won't let you go. You're mine forever." He says.

"Hmm." I hum out.

He pulls me up so that I'm looking at him. It's a bit shocking and I stare wide-eyed at him.

"I'm serious Yo. I won't ever let you go. I don't think you realize just how possessive I am. You are mine. There's no escaping that." He says and his expression is different.

I place my hands on either side of his face and search his expression. He means it. I can see it. Relief floods over me. I let out a shaky breath and lean up to kiss him.

"You promised. I will hold you to that. You must be mine forever." I tell him.

"And past that." He adds kissing me.

I get up from his lap and walk over to my luggage that I have yet to unpack. I rummage through and pull out something I made for him back in college. Back then Ming had told me about how the gear represents the engineer's heart and that they give them to the people they want to protect their hearts.

He gave his to P'Kit while P'Forth gave his to P'Beam.

I thought why can't I have something like that. So I basically merged our symbols. I took the caduceus symbol which is a staff with wings that has two snakes winding around it. But I removed the snakes and replaced them with the DNA sequence. It represents both of us.

I hold this charm tightly in my hand debating whether or not to give it to him. But then my choice is made for me as he opens my hand to reveal the charm.

"What's this?" He asks.

"I made this. For you." I admit.

I looks at it intently.

"It's the Caduceus." He says.

"Oh. No it isn't." He says taking a closer look.

"No. It is. I just removed the snakes and added the DNA sequence. It represents me." I say shyly.

"Well, you and me." I say as I stare at my now empty hand.

"I love it." He says.

I watch him stand and walk over to the dresser. I see him rummaging through a wooden box. He pulls out a silver chain to match the charm and puts the charm on the chain. He walks back to me and holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. We walk together to the bed and he sits.

"Help me?" He asks handing me the chain then turning away from me.

With shaky hands I swing the necklace over his head then join the clasps together fastening it shut. He takes hold of my hands and draws them together and guides them to his lips.

"So this charm represents your heart?"


"And you want me to protect it?"

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Consider it done."


Originally I said this would be a short story of about ten chapters.  As you can see, this is the tenth actual chapter and still no end.  Looks like it's going to be a bit longer than I originally intended it to be.  I need to stop adding chapters dang it.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this so far.  I appreciate it and hope that you're enjoying the story.


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