I want to make you mine (Phana)

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"Are you nervous?" I ask.

"Of course I am.  I've never done this before." He says.

"I assumed so but you're an android. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." I say as I cage him in with my arms.

A look of irritation crosses his features.

"I AM NOT just an android.  I am an AI capable of independent thoughts and feelings.  I am as close to a real person as you will get without actually being human.  And you know what? I don't want to do this with you right now." He says getting up and snatching his shirt.

He walks out of the room slamming the door behind him.  Is he going to leave? I grab my shirt and run out of the room and down the hall to find him in the kitchen.  He's making tea and wiping at his face.  Is he crying?

I go to him and look down to see that he is crying.  I wrap my arms around him and hold him close.  He smells so good.  I kiss his neck.  I can't help it.

He pushes away and whirls around at me.

"I am mad at you.  What do you think you're doing?" He demands.

"I'm saying sorry.  At least I was, but then I couldn't stop myself from wanting to kiss you." I admit.

He looks at me like he's debating whether or not to forgive me.  That's so like him, the real Yo.  He sits with his tea and watches me. Waiting.

For his apology!

"Yo, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I say.

"Fine, I forgive you." He says.

"Great, then we can..."

"No we cannot.  You have to earn that buddy." He says poking me in the chest.

"I expect you to make the effort to woo me." He says.

"To what?" I ask.

What the hell is he talking about? And what does woo mean?

"To woo me.  That means to make me fall for you." He explains.

"But aren't you supposed to already be in love with me?" I ask hesitantly.

"So you're just going to take me for granted?  You're going to assume that because I already love you that you don't have to make an effort? Is this the kind of relationship that you wanted from me?" He says looking really disappointed.

"No, that's not what I want.  I want my Yo to be happy.  I want to love you and give you everything.  I want to bond with you because I'm afraid that you'll leave like the real Yo did." I say.

"I will never leave you Phana.  So love me.  Really love me and I will love you back." He tells me.

"So we caaaan?" I ask hopefully.

"No you horny bastard! You still have to earn that." He says.

As if waiting nine years to have sex with him wasn't long enough.

"OK.  Where do I start with this wooing thing?" I ask sitting next to him.

"I assume you've dated before. What did you do then?" He asks.

"Dated? No. Had lots of sex? Yes. Quite a lot in fact and that didn't require any effort." I tell him.

"So you're still a man whore?" He says.

It sounds so dirty that way. Besides that was a while ago. I'm not like that now.

"I suppose I was, but not anymore.  Not for some time now.  Probably the last year." I admit.


"That's when I decided I wanted you." I tell him.

His soft smile accompanied by his blushed cheeks make him look delicious.  He looks down into his tea but I notice that his smile is getting bigger.

"You like that?" I ask and he nods yes.

"I like that very much." He says still smiling into his tea.

"I'll make sure to say plenty of cheesy, mushy things then." I say feeling proud of myself.

He shakes his head at me then takes my hand in his. He flips it over looking at it, holding it against his hand, lacing our fingers, then brings it to his lips to kiss it. A smile blossoms and I start feeling giddy.

"Small things like this. Sweet, sentimental, meaningful things. I don't need grand gestures to make me feel loved, I need things that show that you're thinking about me and that you know who I am." He says as he rubs the kissed hand against his cheek.

"Hmmm." I hum out.

"By the way Yo, what are you going to do while I'm at work? Will you get a job?" I ask.

"Somewhere I can drive you to and pick you up from?  Somewhere I can send flowers or lunch to?  Something like that?" I ask.

"You would let me work?" He asks.

"Wouldn't you be bored staying here all day by yourself?" I ask.

"I would, but I find that many owners don't allow their companions out." He says sadly.

"I'm not embarrassed by you, plus if you work won't you seem more like a real boy?"

"You're not embarrassed?" He asks staring intently at me.

"Should I be?  Yes you're an android built after the love of my life but like you said you're as close to a human without actually being human right? Why should I be embarrassed?" I ask.

"That's right, I'm modeled after someone.  What happens to me if that person returns?" He asks looking concerned.

"Over the time you were being built and trained did you find that you had likes and interests?" I ask.

"Yes of course, we all did." He says.

"Well I have to take the time to woo you right? I'll have to learn those likes and interests, I'll have to get to know this Yo." I say pointing to his heart.

"So if that moment ever comes the Yo I will love will be you, not the boy that I remember." I say.

"What I'm saying is that I will choose the current holder of my heart which will undoubtedly be you." I tell him.

"Let's go out for ice cream. You like strawberry right? That's what your file said." He asks.

"Yes I like strawberry ice cream. What's your favorite?" I ask.

"Chocolate, with some more chocolate, covered in chocolate. If they could possibly add more chocolate to it too that would be fantastic." He says, his eyes getting bigger every time he says the word chocolate.

"So chocolate huh?" I ask chuckling.

The real Yo liked strawberry too. That's why I started eating it. Chocolate used to be my favorite flavor but then I found myself eating strawberry whenever I thought about Yo. That's why it's my favorite now.

"Luckily there is an ice cream shop within walking distance. Shall we walk?" I ask holding out my hand.

"Yes." He says happily taking my hand.

We walk hand in hand to the ice cream parlor. When he orders I'm surprised that he could say chocolate so many times. I got a simple strawberry cone which seemed small to the mound of ice cream Yo had.

"Are you going to be able that?" I ask.

He snorts at me. actually snorts. I watch as he happily digs into the frozen dessert. I lick at mine slowly while he wolfs his down. Every now and then he smiles, sometimes he giggle, one time I heard him taunting the ice cream. He did in fact manage to eat the entire thing, then eyed my cone. I handed it over feeling a bit sad. The cone is my favorite part.

After the ice cream we walk around the area so he can get a feel for our neighborhood. He looked into a few windows, dragged me into a few stores, but mostly we simply walked while holding hands.

All to soon we're back at the apartment. I don't know why I feel sad. He'll be living with me, but it was such a lovely time. I close the door behind me and turn to see him there with his hand extended out for me.  I take it and he leads me to my, I mean, our room.  What is he up to?  Oh will I get to have him? I need to calm down, he may get angry if he knows my mind wandered right into the gutter.

He has me sit on the bed and straddles my lap.  He lets his arms rest on my shoulders. Then leans down and kisses me.

"Phana, I'm connected to you so you don't have to worry about me leaving you.  Yes coitus is the way to establish the bond but I feel that if we take our time and work our way there it will be a greater and closer bond.  What do you think?" He asks.

"So you want for us to get to know each other and to gradually work our way up to sex?" I verify.


"Then what are we doing now?" I ask.

"This." He says as he presses his lips to mine.

He pushes me down and crawls over me.  He pulls his shirt off then reconnects our lips.  He opens his mouth to me and I plunge my tongue into his mouth.  He weaves his hands into my hair as our kiss deepens.  He moans softly into my mouth and it's driving me crazy.

He breaks the kiss and sits up.  He tugs at my shirt and I take it off understanding what he wants. 

As soon as it's gone he attacks my neck sucking on it.  He's driving me crazy.  He sucks on my ears too.  Holy fuck I didn't know those were a sensitive area.  He works his way down and lightly laps at my nipple before sucking it into his mouth.  He suckles it and my eyes roll back at the sensation.

His free hand is palming my dick.  So teasing me is step one towards sex.  Shia.  I'm not sure I'm gonna make it.

He looks up at me licking his lips.  He slinks back towards my mouth and kisses me again then pulls away and offers me his neck.  I flip us over and cover his body with mine.  I mark him everywhere.  Everywhere I attach my mouth I suck harshly creating deep purple marks.

I'm rubbing our cocks together as I mark him.  He's moaning and squirming.  I so badly want skin contact.  As if reading my mind he reaches down and undoes my pants.  I get up and shrug them off along with my underwear.  When I look up he's lying there completely naked and blushing like crazy.

I lay back on him and let our members touch again.  I can't help the sound of pleasure that comes from my mouth at the contact.  I start rubbing them together again.  I move my hips creating friction and I start kissing him again.  I speed up my actions and he starts bucking into it.

He digs his nails into my shoulders as he screams my name.

His essence mingles with mine.

I look at him and run my hands through his hair.  He's looking away but I want his eyes on me.

"Yo.  Please look at me." I beg.

His flushed face turns and his eyes train on mine.  I kiss him softly.

"Do you think you'll be able to love me?" I ask

"I already love you." He says.

"I mean if we were to turn off that programming would you be able to love me?"

"P'Pha you must know I'm not programmed to love you.  That's why we have to bond.  So I can honestly tell you that I love you without being programmed to love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say as I lean down and kiss him sweetly.

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