The Dads (Phichit & Ruang Sak )

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Phichit Kongthanin's POV:

"Dude. What's with the face?" I ask as soon as Ruang Sak walks in.

"What face? There's no face. This is my face." He says.

"Really? Mulan? It must be bad if you're quoting Disney." I laugh.

"Screw you Phichit!" He yells.

"No thank you. Last I checked we both still do chicks." I mock.


"Yep." I admit.

"But we've been best friends for years, so you already know that." I say grabbing two beers from the fridge.

"I messed up with the boys." He admits opening the bottle.

"When I went to see how the furnishing was going they were there. Not only that, they were angry. Turns out the house wasn't staged, Pha had been meticulously picking the pieces to go in it." He explains.

"That's OK. We can fix this. We'll just get the old furniture back." I tell him.

"We can't. Who knows where that stuff is now? Since I thought it was just there for looks I told the movers they could have it. I only know for sure where one piece is and thankfully it's the one Yo demands be returned." He says glancing behind me.

"No. Please don't say it. I love this chair." I whine throwing my body over the chair in question.

"And so does your son. Apparently it's his favorite." He says.

"Fine." I pout.

Damn parental obligations.  If that boy were a stranger I'd say suck it!

"But you owe me another chair." I tell him.

"I'm sorry Phichit." He says holding the bottle up.

"I'm not mad. We should have asked first. It was both of our faults, it's just that you got caught. Do you remember what any of it looked like?" I ask.

"I don't." He whines as he sits heavily.

"Well, all of the furniture we picked was with our boys in mind so maybe they'll like it." I say hopefully.

"And worst comes to worst, we can give them money to replace everything. That sounds fair doesn't it?" I ask trying to make him feel better, after all it is partly my fault too.

"You go get changed and I'll make dinner OK?" I ask.

"Thanks man." He says as he heads out.

"A fabulous chair. One that massages." I demand making him laugh.

"Yeah, yeah." He says raising his beer to me.

"At least five speeds." I continue.

"I'm not joking." I call out as he heads for his bedroom.

Ruang Sak and I have been best friends since high school. We were there for each other through marriages, births, deaths, and divorces. After our boys left home we moved in together. Why did we both need obnoxiously large houses to live in alone? We didn't, so I sold mine and moved in with him. It's nice. We each have our own wing but we share the common areas.

It helps stave off the loneliness.

Both of us will probably never remarry. My divorce was enough to ruin that for me and Ru can't get over his wife. I can understand why though, they were perfect together.

It's my turn to make dinner so I head into the kitchen to see what we have. Unfortunately no matter how many times I check the fridge, no actual food appears.

"Ru!" I call out.

"What?!" He yells rounding the corner in his lounging pants.

"No food. What the hell? It was your turn to shop." I complain.

"No dude, it was your turn. You were off this weekend." He argues.

"No. I wasn't."

"Yes. You were."

"Do you think I don't know whether or not I worked this weekend?" I ask feeling annoyed.

He pulls the calendar off the wall and points out my schedule.

"Do you really think I don't know you're schedule? I write everything down, and look here. You were off." He says pointing to the schedule.

"That's right I was called in, but it wasn't my weekend. I forgot to ask why." I admit.

"Oh you better find out why. Don't let them get into the habit of calling you all of the time. I won't stand for it." He says.

"Oh are you going to come to my office with your chest all puffed out and defend your poor, helpless best friend?" I tease.

"Nope, I'll call a board meeting and fire whomever is taking advantage of you." He says coolly.

My mouth drops open.

"You wouldn't." I say in disbelief.

"Oh I would, and you know I would. The only reason I'm a major shareholder at that hospital is because of you. You can bet I will flaunt that around if I need to." He assures me.

"Alright, let's calm down. I'll take care of it." I tell him.

"You really do need to get to the bottom of this." He continues.

"I know. I won't forget." I say.

"Really, like you didn't forget that you were supposed to be off this weekend? Or that you were supposed to ask why they called you in?" He asks.

Dammit, I hate when he's right.

"You know Phi, the memory is the first thing to go as you get older. Maybe we should get you checked out" He says then takes off giggling.

I throw my slipper at him as he's running away.

"Damn it Phichit! That hit my head!" He yells.

"I know, I saw it." I say laughing.

"Laugh at this." He says as he pours a bowl of water on my head.

It was my fault, I was too busy laughing at him that I didn't see him get it.

"Oh you're dead now!" I yell as I slip around on the floor going after him. He's doubled over on the ground gripping his stomach as his body shakes with laughter.

I finally get my footing and leap into the air. I land squarely on my friend causing an "umph" sound. He easily rolls me off and grabs the closest pillow. He begins beating me with said pillow until I'm in the fetal position.

It doesn't hurt. The problem is that once I start laughing I can't stop. So I was plagued with laughter while my friend was pummeling me with a pillow. He finally stops and throws both hands into the air.

"The winner. Ruang Sak Panitchayasawaaaaad." He yells in his best wrestle-mania voice.

"Help me get the chair to the apartment tonight?" He asks with a smile.

"Do you even have to ask?" I say.

"I know but I wanted to anyway."

"Let's get changed and get going." I say.

"Why do I have to change? I'm not the wet one." He smirks.

"You gonna move furniture in lounging pants with no shirt dumb ass?" I ask.

He looks down at himself and swears softly then heads for his room. I laugh as I head to mine. I hate wet clothes because they stick to your body. It makes it harder to get undressed and if you don't completely dry off it's hard to get new clothes on. I'm so going to get him back.

He pulls his truck up to the door and we lift it into the bed. We make sure to strap it down so it doesn't go sliding around.

"Goodbye perfect chair. We had a good thing while it lasted. I'll always remember you and the good times that we had." I say as I lay my hand on the armrest.

"Oh shut up Phi. I said I'll but you a new chair dammit." Ru says.

"I'm just saying goodbye alright! Can't you give me this? You're already ripping us apart. You, you homewrecker!!" I scream.

"Get in the fucking truck before I come kick your ass." He warns.

"How you gonna catch me with your bum hip? Old people have bad hips Ru." I tease.

"Says the man that's had reconstructive knee surgery. Twice." He taunts.

"Those were sports related and you know it!" I yell.

"Oh. Is golf a contact sport now Phi?" He mocks.

"Sometimes Ru, I swear, I have no idea why we're friends." I say as I slump into my chair and pout.

He hops into the back and sits on the armrest.

"Because we need each other. Because we depend on each other. Because we trust each other. Because there's no one else out there that knows us as well as we know each other." He says seriously.

"I want sushi you asshole."

"Fine. I'll get you your damn raw fish."

"Damn right you will." I say as climb out of the chair and into the truck.

We drive over to the apartment and Ru pulls out a key.

"You have a key here too?" I ask in disbelief.

He simply shrugs at me. No wonder they think he's overbearing.

We move the chair in and move some of the other furniture around to make it fit.

"Should we wait for them so they know we returned it?" He asks.

"Seriously? Are they gonna think a thief broke in and gifted them with a chair? It'll be fine, besides we have no idea when they'll be back."

"Yeah you're right lets go." He says making sure everything looks alright.

"Wait a sec. I need to take this call." I say.

"This is Dr. Kongthanin." I say.

I listen as the on call nurse asks me to come in for surgery. I know full well that I am not the doctor they should be calling, especially since Ru made a point of  showing me the calendar so I make a point of asking. She tells me I'm who she is supposed to call.

Man, he's gonna get pissed.

Sometimes people think we're more like a couple than just best friends because of how Ru is with me but they don't see it from his perspective. He lost the love of his life. After that he became fiercely protective of those he cares about. As his best friend I understand that and accept it.

"Ru. I have to go in." I mumble.

"What do you mean you have to go in? It's not your turn." He argues.

"I know buy they said they needed me to come." I say bracing myself for the inevitable response.

"That's it! You were supposed to be off this weekend but they called you in! And now they're doing it again! You better fix this or I will." he shouts pointing at me.

"I'll take care of it." I say as I call a cab.

I arrive at the ER and head to the nurse's station and demand the on call log. Looking it over, I am not the on call doc today, nor was I this weekend. I put the log down in front of the nurse pointing to the name of the doctor that was actually on call.

"I believe you told me a falsehood." I say.

She keeps avoiding eye contact.

"I want to know why you lied and why you called me when the doctor that was here is perfectly capable of doing the surgery as is the actual on call doc." I demand.

"I – um- well."

"NOW!" I yell slamming my hand on the desk.

"I told her to do it." The attending says from behind me.

"And what gives you the right?" I ask.

"I don't trust anyone else." He says confidently.

Oh he's one of those people.  I'm going to have to take care of this now or Ru will storm in and create total chaos.

Ruang Sak Panitchayasawad POV:

I can't believe they called him in again. He's the head of the department but he believes in pulling his weight so he pulls call but they've been calling him in on days that aren't his.

He better take care of this quickly. No one takes advantage of my friend and no one wants me getting involved.

Since I don't have Phichit here to harass me I decide to wait for the boys so that I can apologize for my mistake. I sit in the chair and close my eyes.

I jolt awake when I hear the door open. It's still dark but I can definitely make out the voices of my son and his husband. They're very loud kissers. It sounds sloppy and did my son just moan? I should stop this now before I have to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

"A-hem." I say as loudly as possible and turn on the lamp beside me.

They both turn to look at me. Yo lucks flushed while Pha looks angry.

"Oh for the love of god daddy. What do you want now?" Yo says angrily.

"Oh that's a fine way to greet your father." I say.

"Well my father is on my poop list so he should be grateful that I'm greeting him at all." Yo says with a sassy attitude.

"Why are you here? And how did you get in?" He asks.

I hold up the key.

"Do you have a key to everywhere we live?" He asks.

"Yes I do. I know great locksmiths who were willing to make keys for me." I admit.

"Oh no. That is not going to happen. We are going to put new locks on the doors and you will not get copies unless you never want to see me again." He yells.

"The requested chair." I say trying to get this over with quickly.

"What? No thanks." I ask.

"Thank you for giving me back my stolen property." Pha says.

That little asshole. He doesn't know how much trouble I'll have to go through because of that chair. I smirk as I walk out just because I hope it ticks them off.

"Good daddy. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Yo says curtly.

"I know." I say as I walk out.

I head to the hospital to find out what's going on there. When I walk in Phichit is there and does not look happy at all. He's bitching out the ER attending. This is strange because he's very good at keeping his emotions in check.

"Just who do you think you are to bypass the on call doctor just because you feel like it?!" He scolds.

"This is the second time. There will not be a third. Do you understand me?" He says, his face inches from the attending.

"Yes." He responds.

He turns to leave but then spots me.

"I have surgery." He says.

"I gathered. Want me to wait?" I ask.

"No. It'll be hours. I'll just sleep here." He says.

"But that's what you did this weekend." I complain.

"I'll be too tired after the surgery. I'll just come home after my shift tomorrow." He tells me.

"And take tomorrow off." I tell him.

He pauses and stares at me then he nods and heads off to surgery. Once I see him leave I beeline to the attending who has the nerve to harass my friend.

"Who does that doctor think he is? Does he think he's too good to cover on call?" He complains to some random person.

"Actually, you little ass, he IS too good to cover on call, but he does it anyway. My problem is that for some reason you keep bypassing the on call doc and calling him. Why is that? Have a crush on him? Think you can get in good with him by making him come in on someone else's shift?" I question.

"That's none of your business. And just who in the hell do you think you are to question me?" He demands.

"Besides being that man's best friend. I am a major shareholder in this hospital. Believe me when I tell you, you don't want to go toe to toe with me. You'll lose. Every time." I say and turn to leave.

"The next time he gets called in, it better be his shift. And trust me I know his shifts." I warn walking out.

Phi dragged his sorry ass home promptly at 5. He knows I'm irritated so he wouldn't dare be late. I have sushi prepared since he didn't get to have it yesterday. He smiles when he sees it and claps his hand on my shoulder.

"You're the best friend any man could ever have."

"That's why you keep me around." I joke and we sit down for dinner.

Over the rest of the week Phi and I look for office spaces that will suit Yo's needs. My Yo hates looking at realty. It was quite evident the last time we went. Phi and I actually like it, so to make things easier on him we have decided to find the best office space.

It helps that Phi is doctor, he's been really helpful on the spaces we've looked at.

We finally decide on one that's two blocks from the hospital. Now Yo and Pha can ride together, plus it has access to the buses and subway. It's a prime spot.

I make the deal easily and decide to buy the property. I don't believe in renting space, landlords suck and some can be dishonest. After verifying that the person I'm dealing with is in fact the owner I purchase the building and property from him. Now for a contractor.

I left that to Phichit. He was in charge of the remodeling of the house so I trust his judgement. By the weekend we have the office space and contractor in place. I have set up interviews for Monday since Pha will be going back to work then. All in all, a pretty great week.

Just one more thing.

"Hey Phi come here." I call out.

Phichit rounds the corner with an apron on and a beer in his hand. I nod my head towards the middle of the room.

"You didn't! How? I can't believe it!" He says as he runs to the chair.

I actually called Phana and asked about the chair. It was hard to swallow my pride to ask but it's Phi, how can I not? Thankfully he told me where he got it and I was able to procure one for my best friend, who seems to love this chair more than any living creature.

"By the way, I invited to boys over for dinner so that we can apologize about the furniture thing." I tell him

"That's a great idea." He says sitting down in his new chair.

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