What the Hell? (Wayo)

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"Daddy?" I call out to the man standing in the doorway.

"Hey baby boy. What are you boys doing here?" He asks like the fact that he is here isn't strange.

"Well, this is our house." P'Pha states.

"Yes. It's very nice too. I had a walk through over the weekend." He says casually.

"What? How did you even get in?" P'Pha demands.

"I have a key." My dad answers holding up a key.

P'Pha simply lets out a laugh of disbelief and walks into the kitchen. He's in there for a second before he comes storming back in.

"Where is all of our stuff!!!" He screams.

"Even the damn plates are gone!" He continues.

"Oh yeah. It was all wrong. Besides you needed new furniture." My dad replies.

"IT WAS ALL NEW!" P'Pha yells.

"I can't even sit down because you took my fucking favorite chair you..." He stops when he see realizes he's speaking to my dad.

My dad's gaze doesn't falter as he waits for P'Pha to finish his thought. Instead he walks past my dad and into the yard.

"What are you doing?" I ask once P'Pha is out of sight.

"What do you mean? I'm furnishing a house. It was supposed to be a surprise." He says innocently.

"Oh no, don't think that I don't know what's going on right now daddy.  You're having a pissing match with P'Pha and you know it. You should never have come here before we invited you and you really shouldn't have swapped the furniture." I scold.

My dad sits there unrepentant. He simply shrugs and walks past me to the movers. Wow I can't believe it.

I leave the house in a huff and make my way to P'Pha. He's sitting at the stream with his head in his hands. I debate if I should go comfort him but then I realize, he is my husband and that is my responsibility, even though it's my father's fault.

"P'Pha. I'm so sorry about daddy." I say once I'm standing in front of him.

He reaches his arms out and winds them around my waist. He pulls me close so that he can rest his head against me.

"It was perfect you know. I was meticulous about what I chose. Some things I had to have specially made and he just threw them away." He says through his tears of frustration.

"I know he's your dad but he was wrong. He shouldn't have done this." He continues.

"I know." Is all that I can say.

"Let's go home. I don't want to be here anymore." He says as he stands up.

He won't look at me. He simply looks at the ground while we walk to the car.

"P'Pha." I call softly.

"I don't blame you. I know it's not your fault. Can we just go?" He says sounding defeated.

That's it. I yank my hand away from his and march back into the house.

"DADDY! Put all of the old stuff back!" I yell.

He walks out and looks at me with a blank expression.

"Sorry Yo but all of that stuff is gone." He says.

"Daddy! You had no right! Why would you do this? P'Pha is really upset right now. And that makes me upset. At the very least you better find that damn chair and have it back in this house tonight. Do you understand me?" I say angrily.

I never speak to my father this way so he's shocked. He simply nods as I walk out and back to P'Pha. We head home in silence. Every now and then there's a sniffle and I feel angrier with my father. There's really nothing I can say though, my dad was wrong but he doesn't care. All of the stuff is gone and we'll just have to deal with the new stuff.

He walks into the apartment and I follow. I follow him to our room where he plops onto the bed. I cuddle as close as possible and he hold onto me.

"We can buy our own furniture. Together this time." I say.

He nods once then lays back down. I lay my head on his chest and just stay there with him.

I have to give it to him. He can sulk like no other, including me. I actually fell asleep, then woke up alone. I pull out my phone and stare at it for a few minutes. Do I do this? He's still mad but...

< I need you>

I hold my phone waiting for a reply to my text. I'm startled when it rings and Ming's face pops up. He always comes through for me.

"What do you need?" He asks.

I explain the situation. Every now and then he says something like "he didn't!" or "are you kidding me?" Once I'm finished I finally ask what I should do.

"Man Yo. This really sucks. I can't believe...no I can fully believe that your dad would do this. Remember that time we built a fort only to come back and find cabin in its place or when were in middle school and we worked on that science project only to have him replace it last minute? We failed because it was clearly not our work. Your dad does things like this." He says.

"I know but I think he did this to hurt P'Pha's feelings." I confide.

"Yo. You know your father better than anyone. In our entire lives has your dad ever done this with the intention of hurting someone? He does it to please you. I guarantee you will love everything in that house because he will have tailored it to your preference." Ming reassures.

"You're right Ming. Thanks. I needed this. Now I just have to make P'Pha feel better." I say.

"Sex. That always makes me feel better." He says.

"That's because you're a horndog." I hear Kit yell in the background.

"Hey nong, try taking him out. Don't let him stay home and sulk." P'Kit advises.

"Any suggestions Pii?"

"Yeah, take him to the bowling lanes in the mall." He says.

"Can P'Pha bowl?"

"Yeah, he's pretty good and he likes it." P'Kit says.

"Thanks guys. Love you." I say as I hang up.

When I walk out to the kitchen he's there cooking.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask.

"I needed some time to think. You're right. We can slowly replace the furniture with things we have chosen." He says but he still looks sad.

"Let's go out after we eat." I say.

"I feel like bowling?" I say.

He turns and looks at me as if debating.

"Can you bowl?" He asks.

"Nope. I've never done it but I like the idea of getting to watch you from behind while you're doing it." I admit.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Let's go after we eat." He decides.

After we eat we head to the mall and to the bowling alley. When we get there we're surprised to see P'Forth, P'Beam, P'Kit, and Ming there waiting for us.

"Took you long enough. Did you do the sex thing like I told you too?" Ming asks.

"No, we ate first." I tell him.

"Shame. I bet Pha would have preferred the sex." P'Beam says giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"Thanks Pii." I mumble awkwardly.

"Hey Kit. What are you guys doing here? I thought you were on a trip." P'Pha asks.

"Oh that was only for three days. I took the week off so I could enjoy some time at home with him too."He explains.

"So are we doing couple or teams of three?" P'Forth asks.

"Couples." P'Beam and P'Kit say.

"Teams." P'Pha says.

"It's because I said I didn't bowl huh?" I ask and he nods.

"Were you going to pretend that you couldn't bowl?" Ming asks looking appalled.

"Ming." I warn.

"You can bowl?" P'Pha asks again.

"A little." I give.

"Sure if being a professional bowler is a little, then yeah, he bowls a little." Ming says sarcastically.

"It was only for one year." I mumble.

"Nong, you were a professional bowler?" P'Beam asks.

"My first year in Europe, before I started working at the company, I made a living bowling." I admit.

"Were you good?" P"Forth asks.

"Good enough to be on the circuit and earn some money but not good enough to win the championship." I tell them.

"Couples!" P'Pha shouts.

"No, I think it should be teams, husbands versus wives." P'Kit says.

"Where are the wives?" I ask and they look at me like I'm stupid.

"Fine nong, tops versus bottoms." P'Beam clarifies.

"Ohhh. We could also say tall versus short." I say thinking out loud.

P'Pha spits out his soda while laughing. P'Kit and P'Beam glare at me. What its genetics, that's not my fault.

"I say best friends." Ming says.

"Um, Pha and I aren't best friends." P'Forth says.

"Individual?" I suggest but get ignored.

"Look we're here to cheer up Pha so let him choose." P'Kit says but then squeezes his eyes shut.

"Teams of three. Kit and Beam, you're with me. Forth, Ming, and Yo will be a team but Yo has to give us a ten point lead." He says.

He's been thinking about this.

"I'll give you three frames." I say confidently.

"Deal!" P'Pha says pointing at me.

Ming brings out a bag that has his bowling gear. Oh yeah, Ming is a bowler too. Almost as good as I am. So even if P'Forth throws gutter balls all night we could still win.

I didn't bring anything because I was trying to pretend to be bad. I can use the house stuff but I don't really want to.  I hate the thought of wearing shoes worn by lots of other people.

"Maybe we should make it fair and have P'Forth go to their team." Ming whispers.

"Hey we didn't choose this setup, they did.  They'll just have to learn the hard way.  But if you think we should then we will." I say with a shrug.

"Here, you'll need this." Ming says pulling out my things.

"How?" I ask.

"We stopped by your dad's on our way here." He says with a smile.

They're so dead now.

"In an attempt to be completely fair, Yo and I have decided that we would offer you P'Forth." Ming says.

"Pfft, we don't need your pity. We're a great team." P'Kit says challengingly.

"OK then. Let's play." P'Forth says.

"Hey P'Forth, can you bowl?" I ask quietly.

"180 average." He answers with a smirk.

I smile widely. I love winning and P'Forth just sealed the deal.

To say we obliterated them would be an understatement. Even with the three free frames they couldn't keep up. If they'd taken P'Forth it may have been closer, but they still would have lost.

"Wasn't this supposed to make Pha feel better." P'Beam says.

"Oh, I'll have sex with him later." I say innocently.

"That works for me." P'Pha says with a grin.

After bowling we go out to have ice cream. It's the first time I've been around all of these people in five years. It's a bit awkward because I keep waiting for someone to bring up the companion thing, but they never do. It turned out to be a really fun night.

By the time we get home P'Pha is happily smiling and that makes me happy. We walk into the apartment and he pins me to the wall. He kisses me with full intent of collecting on my earlier promise.

His hands have found their way under my shirt and are caressing every inch of my skin. I have his head in a vice like grip holding him close as we kiss.

"A-hem." Rings through the air as the light flicks on.

We both look at the person sitting in our living room.

"Oh for the love of god daddy. What do you want now?"

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