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The first thing you need to understand is that my house is extremely new. We bought it right from the people who built it, so there is no negative energy in terms of death in the house.

Next thing you need to know is that both my parents believe that there is a perfectly valid reason for everything that happens. WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE. There's nothing wrong with being that way. However being a 5 year old running from my room as fast as I could because there's a 5"11' shadow figure sitting on the window sill at the end of the hall is difficult when my parents would never believe me.

My room is very close to that window, and I remember very vividly every time I had to go down through the hall (which was a lot) I would sprint until I hit the kitchen floor because I could always feel his eyes on me. Now as far as I remember the spirit never did anything to harm me.

In fact, up until two months ago I had completely forgotten about this guy. I mean, it was ten years ago! However sometime around two months ago (fast forward to I'm now 15) I was in my room on my iPad with my headphones on. It was around 9ish and the only light in my room was from my iPad and underneath my door.

You know that feeling when you can feel someone's eyes staring at you? Yeah? Me too. At first I ignored it. Why? Because I have a younger sister who thinks it's hilarious to try to see if she can scare the bejesus outta me. Perfect, I was thinking, when she tries to scare me, I'll scare her instead! So I killed my music but kept the headphones on, letting her think I couldn't hear her coming.

But a minute passed and still no footsteps, yet I could still feel someone looking at me. So, I turned, slightly annoyed that she'd just stand there.

Instead of my sister stood a large black figure, his two "feet" blocking some of the light that otherwise poured through the bottom of the door. Even though my room as dark as it could be, I could still make out the outline of his massive body with my eyes as they traced their way up to his head. He didn't have any features, but it was definitely a male body.

Now normally, I wouldn't really be afraid of this kinda thing. I've kinda learned to deal with it. However this one was different. Suddenly I remembered this guy from my early youth, and how much fear and paranoia he had caused me and it scared me. Really scared me.

So I did what any normal person would in this situation and slammed on my light (which was a lamp right beside me, sitting on my nightstand).

When I turned on the light he disappeared, and he was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief, and took off my headphones. My eyes scanned the room and there was only one corner where it was still pretty dark. It was the area near my desk. But I could see that he wasn't there.

Everything was fine, and I haven't had any run-ins with him since, though I know he's somewhere in the house, or maybe around me in particular. I'm still not sure if it's malicious or not. 


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