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Purple, blue, and black bruises stained my lips and fingertips. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting an iridescent glow on my skin. Despite the turbulent start, akin to Kendrick Lamar's swimming pool blaring in the background, an unexpected calm settled over my frayed nerves.

My left shoulder was marked with bite imprints; my breaths were shallow. My skin remained eerily serene and porcelain. Jessica Sanchez maneuvered through the crowd, her body joining mine on the bedroom floor. Radiating with beauty, she stood out, her tiny frame, deep blonde hair, blue eyes, and killer attitude, distinct from my sister's demeanor.

"Is he okay?" She clasped my hand, water droplets trailing down her petite shoulders as she pushed her wet blonde hair aside, dressed in a bikini.

"Call an ambulance," another girl interjected. My best friend stood in his boxers, leaning over me, drenched and motionless, his eyes shut.

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open, a blood-red glow under the bright lights above. Inhaling deeply, I smiled, feeling fangs pressing against my gums, breaking brackets as they pushed forward.

After that, my memory grew fuzzy, fragmented glimpses of events unfolding. I understood I was no longer among the living but rather something beyond, driven by an insatiable thirst for blood, yearning to unleash chaos upon the world.

My fangs retracted, the blue returned to my eyes, and the crowd dispersed. The person filming shut off their phone and departed under a hooded cloak. Hanna confronted me.

"Why didn't you stay in the car, Adam?" Her voice was sharp. I rose, blinking rapidly before focusing on her. "I'm fine so that you know. Thanks for asking."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you in the car." I wiped myself off and made my way out, Erin following closely.

"What just happened, Adam? Seriously?" Erin's confusion was evident. I rubbed my temples, struggling to piece together the fragmented memories. "I'm not entirely sure."

Erin admitted, "We thought you were dead." I walked away from the room, Erin trailing me.

"I'm not," I responded. Erin's gaze remained fixed on me.

"Adam, we found you nearly lifeless, half-naked in my cousins room. Tell me something."

I stopped at the top of the stairs, meeting Erin's gaze. "Well, I'm here now." I descended the stairs and walked through the open doorway.

In the passenger seat, my phone rested on my lap. Hanna drove, stealing occasional glances at me while navigating the lonely road.

"You better not breathe a word of this to Dad. Clear?" Her tone held an unmistakable seriousness. I sighed, staring out the window and tapping my phone.

"I wouldn't have said anything regardless."

"Good," she exhaled. "Are you alright?" Hanna took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. I met her gaze.

"I'm not sure, Hanna. It's complicated."

"Something happened at that party, Adam. You're acting strange." Concern laced her words as she observed me through the rearview mirror. Hanna refocused on the road and suddenly slammed the brakes as a massive wolf leaped before the car. I looked at the surrounding woods a hooded figure emerging from the shadows. Our gazes locked as the wolf halted, the hooded entity mirroring my gaze. The wolf's howl echoed as Hanna switched on the high beams, and the creature vanished into the woods.

"Was that a wolf?" Hanna's voice trembled. I turned toward her. She kept her hand on the horn, ensuring the wolf had retreated.

"Maybe?" I replied.

"You weren't even paying attention, Adam." Her frustration was palpable.

"I was, Hanna. It's just... I thought I saw something else." I reassured her, despite knowing she was right. Hanna let out a breath.

"What?" My gaze returned to the woods. The hooded figure had disappeared.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, tapping my phone lightly. Deep down, I didn't want to know. Hanna sighed and drove away, frustration evident in her huffs.

Less than fifteen minutes later, we pulled into the driveway, and the engine silenced. Hanna leaned back in her seat, her eyes on me.

"Remember, Dad can't find out about any of this." I unbuckled my seatbelt, pushing forward.

"Got it," I affirmed. We left the car and headed to the front door. Hanna struggled with her keys, prompting me to take them from her and effortlessly unlock the door.

"Seriously?" She snapped. I pushed the door open.

"Dad? We're back." My father entered the room, concern etched on his face.

"What happened to you two?"

"Well, you see, Hannah—" Hanna covered my mouth with her hand, and I playfully licked her fingers, to her disgust.

"Yuck." Hanna wiped her forehead with my shirt, and my father's watchful eyes shifted between us, his arms crossed.

"I'd bet your allowance you were at that girl's party. What was her name?" I grinned, earning a smack from Hanna's shoulder, causing me to wince.

"Seriously, dude?" My grin grew wider.

"If you need me, I'll be in my room," I said, exiting the kitchen and heading to my bedroom.

Anxiety gripped me as I tossed on my bed. My eyes flew open, fixated on the ceiling. A rustling at the window startled me, the sight of it slightly ajar. I threw off the covers, got up, and closed the window securely. Returning to bed, I pulled the covers over myself and shut my eyes.

Outside, thuds and bangs roused me again. My eyes opened with a crimson glint, scanning the room.

"Is someone there?" I questioned cautiously. A low hiss and distant howl disrupted the room's silence. I surveyed the space.

"If that's you, Erin, I swear..." The hissing ceased. I closed my eyes, pulling the covers over my head. A faint voice reverberated, "Adam... Adam... Adam... ADAM!"

Once more, I jolted awake. A hooded figure, Auburn eyes gleaming, gazed down at me from my bedside, studying me intently.

Initially, fear gripped me, my eyes locking onto the silhouette in the dim light. My blinking struggled to stave off sleep as a howl sounded afar, a growl distinct and growing louder outside my bedroom door before everything plunged into darkness.

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