Chapter 4

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"I'm so glad you woke up. One more hour and I would have brought you to a nurse friend of mine." The man called "the Doctor", walked to the coffee table and placed the tray of refreshments on it.

"I thought you said you were a doctor." Sabrina finally spit out, not lowering her weapon.

"Haha, I understand the confusion. I'm not 'a doctor', I'm THE Doctor. Believe me, I do not have a medical degree. And please, relax. I'm not going to hurt you. It was my fault you crashed so I only thought it necessary to help and make sure you were okay." He said sincerely.

Sabrina saw the worry and kindness in his eyes. She lowered the candelabra and put it back where she found it. The Doctor smile widely and proceeded to prepare two cups of tea. "Cream and sugar?" He asked. Sabrina nodded and accepted the cup.

Taking a sip, her taste buds were having a field day. "Wow, this is the best tea I've ever had!" She grinned. The Doctor returned the smile and held out the plate of cookies. "Jammy-Dodger?" She grabbed a cookie and bit into it. Again, she was satisfied with the taste. Finally, after eating the- what did he call it? A Jammy-Dodger? Whatever it was called.

After she ate it and drank her tea, she asked him, "So, where are we? Is this your house?" She glanced around the room, admireing little details in the woodwork and ceiling.

The Doctor laughed humorlessly. "I guess you could call it a house, but she prefers to be called the T.A.R.D.I.S." he stood up and started out of the room. "You coming? There's more to see than the Study." He called back to his guest.

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