Chapter 9

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(A.N. Hey y'all! Before I get any farther, I have to tell y'all something. I'm not a huge fan of cursing. Hearing/reading it doesn't bother me, but I don't curse. So, because I don't curse, I'll be replacing any and all curse words with alternative words. Please don't be mad. I just can't curse, even in writing. Alrighty, I'm finished. Here y'all go! 😊)

"Sabrina slow down! You'll tear my arm off!" The Doctor yelled at her, but she wasn't listening.

All she could think about was getting to the Lodge House and listening to Jack and Crutchie sing about Santa Fe.

They rounded a corner and Sabrina stopped dead in her tracks. Before her stood the old, rundown building that is the Newsboys Lodging House.

She started running again, releasing the Doctor's arm from her grasp. He struggled to keep pace with her.

She ran to the building next to the Lodge House and went around to the fire escape and began to climb it, not stopping till she reached the top.

She stood on the roof, her eyes scanning the top of the Lodge House for two sleeping forms.

The Doctor had managed to catch up to her and leaned against the railing in front of them. That's when she heard someone walking around on the other rooftop.

Her eyes focused on a figure with a crutch. She grabbed the Doctor's arm and pointed at the figure.

"That one, with the crutch, his name is Crutchie."

"Not a very creative name." He muttered.

"Says the guy called "The Doctor."" She retorted.

"Touché." He admitted.

Sabrina continued. "And the other guy that's sleeping right now, that's Jack Kelly. He's the main character in this story." The Doctor nodded. He opened his mouth but was cut off.

"Hey, hey what are ya doing? The mornin' bell ain't rung yet. Get back to sleep."

"I wanna beat the other fellas to the streets. I don't want anyone to see I, uh... I ain't been walkin' so good."

"Oh quit your gripin'. You know how many guys fake a limp for sympathy? That bum leg of yours is a gold mine."

"Someone gets the idea I can't make it on my own, they'll lock me up in the Refuge for good. Now be a pal Jack and help me down. Whoa! Jack!" Sabrina let out a small yelp as she watched, not able to help. Jack race over to aid his friend.

"You wanna bust your other leg too?!"

"No.... I wanna go down."

"You'll be down there soon enough. Take a moment, drink in my penthouse. High above the stinkin' streets of New York."

"You're crazy."

"Why, cause I like a breath of fresh air? Cause I like seein' the sky and stars?"

"Yeah, you're seein' stars alright."

"Them streets down there, they sucked the life right out o' my old man, years of rotten jobs stomped on my bosses, and when they finally broke him, they toss him to the curb like yesterday's paper. Well, they ain't doing that to me."

"But everyone wants to come here."

"New York's fine, for those who got a big, strong door to lock it out. But I tell you Crutchie, there's a whole 'nother world out there. So you keep your small life in a big city. Give me a big life, in a small town."

Sabrina could hardly believe what was taking place right before her eyes. She knew every line of the musical, and now all she wanted to do was sing at the top of her voice with two of her favorite boys. But she kept her mouth shut, which was a nearly impossible thing to do.

She almost fainted when Jack started singing. The only thing keeping her from falling was the Doctor's arm around her for support.

This was going to be a long week.

(Sorry for the cut off, but it would have gone on for forever {Anyone who catches that, comment and I will tag you next chapter.} Anyways, next chapter we get to see some singing take place, EEEEKKKK!!! Till then, peace out from Panda!🐼)

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