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I am continuing it from the point where arnav confessed his feelings to kushi

After confessing his feelings which can't bearable anymore in his heart,freeing his feelings from the four walls of his heart,relieving from the feelings which are way too predictable he's carrying in his heart all these time to kushi,he just came inside giving space to kushi so that she can think and recollect his feelings put in words and decide the best for herself. He's happy that at least he confessed his feelings.If only she could able to forgive him,there is a hope for their beautiful relationship, beautiful future.
If not so,she will find him beside her through out her life as a friend.

At Garden

Kushi is still at the garden standing under the trillion no.of stars and full moon peaking through snow like clouds, surrounded by plants ,enjoying the cool breeze pondering over the words that she heard from THE ASR.she somewhat expected this from ASR,Ofcourse how can she miss his gaze toward her through out the dinner,though she didn't show any reaction or emotion on her face  that doesn't mean she didn't notice his gaze. She's is a cop for godsake,she can easily predict whether the opposite person is acting or not........!Of course A cop job or say a habit is in his/her blood is to observe the opposite creature keenly.She know he's been having feelings towards her but used to control his feelings towards her and she know that because infact she's is too been attracted to him and know how to hide her feelings  behind her Miss.K /KR mask same like arnav behind ASR mask.But the thing she's not expected is his seeking forgiveness and punishment.She thought he's not going to confess his feelings this soon including being guilty and remorseful.She thought he's going to take more time to seek forgiveness from her as it is difficult to remove the fake mask and put aside a big fat ego as it is difficult for her too.
After listening his confession she's just awed by him as listening ASR speaking more than 40 seconds is just 8th wonder of the world,like fish out of water.But listening to him,she concluded that he's been remorseful with the way he behaved with her earlier.And she know he's guilty too may be from past three months.So, she's not going to take time for forgiving him as until now he's  close to her heart but she's denying it.But ,now as she started accepting her feelings she want to give it a chance. so that she can't hold any grudges against him.

But she's not going to take this relationship forward so quickly as she want to have understanding and communication with her soulmate before entering a lifelong relationship which is possible only by dating.

With these thoughts she entered inside.

At hall

Hall is filled with lots of giggles and laughter as Raizada's and Gupta's are sitting on the sofa and having fun with eachother where arnav is sitting along with them silently.
This is the scene that welcomed kushi when she entered the hall and seeing her family so happy she felt content where the Raizada's and Gupta's are in their own world having fun where only arnav noticed the presence of kushi of course by the signal which is Quickening of heart beat and cool breeze touching his hair making it fall on his forehead.

He's getting goosebumps,a shiver run down his spine as someone is looking at him with her piercing gaze and he very well know who is that......!He's feeling nervous under her gaze as he can't able to predict her emotions displaying on her face.This is what may be called as Irony.In past,it's him and his emotions which are unpredictable but now the scene is reverse here.

In the meanwhile,the moon which is peeking through snow like clouds where the sky is filled with billion of stars previously is now hide behind a black clouds ,generating 10000kw per thunder ,creating a rainy night.

The Soon to be one family who are having fun until now come to conscious that tonight is a rainy night  to which Raizada's excused from Gupta's and got up to get back to their mansion to which Gupta's denied.But After looking at the condition outside the Raizada's decided to stay behind due to which two pair of couples are happy where one pair of couple is unpredictable.

At 11.30 pm

Arnav is in his allocated guest room arranged by Gupta's thinking about kushi  and his nervousness which is unbelievable to himself after Freshning up.But he decided to put aside tese thoughts for now as he is feeling quite  tired knowing very well that sleep is not going touch him anytime soon.

With that thought he climbed up the bed and Covered himself with quilt preparing himself to sleep.But after sometime he got disturbed with the feeling of someone poking on his arms.So,He opened his and what he saw made him to open his mouth 'O' shape.

There his love,his life,his heart,his angel standing in front of him in her sexy night dress.He don't know why he is shocked?because the girl who would not even look at any guy or he thought so is in his bedroom through sneak out or the girl who is traditional or  he thought so is in his room wearing night dress.

Kushi's night dress

Arnav is still in his shock mode watching kushi is these type of night wear where kushi released a sigh and closed his O shaped mouth due to which he came out from his intial shock.


Kushi, (cutt off by kushi)


Listening his stammering and releasing a sigh

Yes I am here,Any problem?

I want to clear some incompleted talk between us. can I?


Opens and closes his mouth like a fish
Only nods.


I completely awed by your confession today.But as you said you want forgiveness but I will give you punishment,only then I can forgive you.Are you ready for punishment?


With a big smile,bobbing his head up and down like a baby
Where kushi is flattered seeing his smile and his bobbing head like a cute baby.She blinks her eyes looking at him.She want to forgive him without any condition or punishment looking at his baby like cute expression.But maintaining a stern face.


(With mischievous glint)

You have to make my ginger tea and lemon juice every morning.
Are you okay with it?

He can't able to open his mouth due to the dead easy punishment and nods his head up and down but after some time realizing it meaning ,wides his eyes like an owl.

Looking at his expressions she just want to cuddle him,cocoon him in her arms like a baby and sleep.She want to give him all her love who is devoid of any love from his childhood.


I forgave you

Looking at his wide eyes and wide mouth for the indirect proposal she given him as in the form punishment.


(With a big smile)

I Love You kushi.............Thank you so much..........

Kushi- baby

Pecking his cheeks

I love you too......pinching his cheeks......

(With the overwhelming happiness and tears in his eyes)

Will you marry me?


With this question,he looks so unlike ASR,probably like confirming her mother not to leave insecure if she leaves him?
But turning serious

Yes,I will marry you but only after dating as it is important that there should be understanding and communication between soulmates.Are you okay with it?


Understanding her

Nods his head and hugs her due to which both will fall on the bed.

Arnav and kushi ,both with a smile on their faces gets into deep slumber cuddling to each other dreaming about their beautiful future.

The End

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Hope I have done justice?

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Forgive me for the mistakes.......!

Thank you

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