Realize (10)

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Okay, so I told you guys that I'm going to dedicate this chapter to the comment I find interesting. And so I'm going to dedicate this to xxPigletxx because I agree with her. Todd and Maxine's moms are awesomely masterminds in getting Todd and MAxine together. Hahaha! :D

Without further ado, the 10th chapter!!


In Chicago, Kim was watching cartoons and eating ice cream in the living room. She was so devastated to how unreasonable her 'childhood friends' were. Brian noticed this as he walked in the living room.

"What's up?" he asked.

"They're not as nice as I expected," answered Kim grouchily.

"Okay . . ." he said slowly. "We're still going tomorrow, right?"

"I don't think I'll be able to control my temper if I got the bad luck of seeing them again," she replied quietly.

"Don't worry." He grinned at Kim. "You have me."

Kim couldn't help but smile. She stood up and hugged Brian. "Thanks, Brie."

The next day, Brian and Kim went to the carnival together. Nobody could deny that they looked like a very cute couple. Kim enjoyed the time she spent with Brian. At last she was forgetting how horrible yesterday turned out to be. But she spoke too soon.

Sam and Emma passed by, seeing them. The two girls quickly noticed how good-looking Brian was.

"Hey, there's a popcorn booth," noticed Brian. "D'you want me to get some for us?" he asked Kim. She nodded.

And so Brian went to the popcorn booth, while Kim waited for him. Sam and Emma took this chance and went to Kim, wearing curious looks on their faces.

"Who's the hunk?" asked Sam.

"Does he study at Sky, too?" inquired Emma.

"I'm sorry," said Kim gently. "It's not wise to share information with his admirers."

With that, she left Sam and Emma with their mouth hanging open.

"What the — did you just — I can't believe — how dare she — let's go!" commanded Sam, dragging Emma with her.

Brian and Kim sat at a Café, when Sam and Emma joined them. Both girls settled themselves beside Brian.

"Hey, handsome," growled Sam seductively. "What's your name? I'm Sam."

Brian winced. "Uh . . . Brian," he said. He leaned to Kim and whispered, "Do you know them?"

"They're the ones I was talking about," Kim whispered back.

"I'm Emma, how do you know Kat?" asked Emma, nodding to Kim.

"Her name's Kim," corrected Brian coldly. "I'm her best friend."

"Brie, can I leave you alone?" Kim asked Brian eyeing Sam and Emma.

"I think so," said Brian slowly. "Why?"

"I've got to do something for mother. Don't worry, I'll be fine," added Kim when Brian gave her a look. She hurriedly stood up and ran. She stopped in front of an old man, catching her breath. She took several deep breaths and composed herself.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you Mr. Cole?" she asked the old man, who looked as though he was a mayor of an small town.

"Why, yes," nodded Mr. Cole. "Who is asking?"

"Kim Nickerson, sir. I'm the daughter of Samantha Nickerson. She wanted me to send her love, because she couldn't come for the festival."

"Sammy? Oh, I miss that child . . ." said Mr. Cole looking back a few decades ago. When he returned to the present day, he stared at Kim and smiled. "You have her looks, m'dear. I remember back then, when you were still a baby . . . Oh, the happy days . . . Have you strolled the whole plaza?" he suddenly asked.

"I'm afraid not, sir." answered Kim, shaking her head.

"Well, then, let me call someone who can tour you around," offered Mr. Cole.

"No," said Kim quickly. "It's okay."

"Nonsense. A young lady like you should not be alone. Tom," added Mr. Cole as he patted someone's back.

That someone named Tom turned out to be gorgeous. Blonde, chiseled, and tall. Kim was sure he was an athlete, with the looks of him. She stopped herself from gawking. She certainly didn't want to look like Sam and Emma.

"Kim, m'dear, this is my grandson, Tom," introduced Mr. Cole. "Tom, this lovely young lady is Kim. Accompany her around the plaza."

Tom did as he was told. Every store they passed, he always had an amusing story to tell. He was kind and energetic. He always made Kim laugh.

The thought of Brian and how he was doing suddenly popped into Kim's mind. She wished he was there with her. But it was all right. There was still tomorrow.

Kim and Tom decided to call it a day, so he walked her home. When they were at the porch steps, she couldn't help herself but ask.

"How old are you, Tom?"

"Uh . . ." he hesitated, then coughed, "Thirteen."

"Thirteen?" she demanded incredulously. He looked eighteen.

"But I'm old enough," he added proudly. "I can even drive cars now. I don't have a license, though."

But Kim was only half listening. "O – Okay. Good night."

As she entered the house, she thought about Tom.

He was just thirteen? Wow. Kim didn't expect that. But now that she thought about it, he did mention some childish things like, "I really want to ride a roller coaster, but my Mom won't let me." Or something of that sort.

She went upstairs straight to Brian's room and check on him. She peered and slowly entered the room. She saw Brian lying on the bed with his eyes closed, looking exhausted.

"What happened to you?" she asked, standing on the doorway.

"I was – I was stroked by two horrifying hurricanes," he groaned. "Or sticky gums that got stuck on me, more like. I made a dozen excuses to leave. Thankfully, one did the job. Don't even ask what the excuse was." He opened his eyes and looked at Kim. "What about you?"

"I got the chance to stroll the plaza," shrugged Kim, grinning. "Tomorrow, you're coming with me. We'll walk around the park." She turned to leave and slowly closed the door. Before the door was fully closed, she peered one last time and said, "Good night and get some rest. 'Love you, Brie – my-only-guy-best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world."

Brian chuckled. "'Love you too, Kim." he murmured.

They strolled the park the next afternoon. Brian was surprised to know that they would be accompanied by a guy Kim met yesterday. He was confused about her having fun with this Tom dude, more than necessary. He felt out of place. It was as if he was being a chaperone for Kim on her date with this Tom.

Tom was getting on his nerves.

A sudden thought came to him.

Jealous? I can't be, thought Brian. And he pushed the thought away.

"You know, I'm an athlete and everyone loves me," said Tom a-matter-of-factly.

Kim grinned. Kids, she thought.

"Everyone?" Brian blurted out. "Why, I don't feel anything for you. I don't even love you. So be careful when choosing the right words to use if you're going to impress someone."

Kim and Tom stared at him.

"Brian," scolded Kim.

Throughout the week, Brian was always in a bad mood whenever Tom was around. Not because he felt insecure that Tom was good-looking. Because Brian was not insecure. He was just angry that Tom kept flirting with Kim. As if he stood a chance!

Finally, at the end of the week, they bid their good-byes. Brian was still in a bad mood when Tom said good-bye to Kim.

Why doesn't she notice it? She knows when someone's flirting with her. But . . . she might know – she must know. She can't not know. Maybe she's just trying to ignore it. But why would she ignore it? thought Brian.

"What is the matter with you?" asked Kim, when they were on their way home to New York City.

"You do notice it, don't you? He keeps flirting with you, why won't you do anything?" asked Brian, finally relieved to let it out.

"Brie, he's thirteen years old," said Kim pointedly.

"Seriously?" asked Brian, after a moment.

Kim nodded. It was weird, but Brian felt a lot more relieved.

After a few hours, they arrived in New York City. Brian drove Kim home. He parked his car at the front entrance of the Nickerson's residence, and helped Kim get her luggage out of his Ferrari. He carried her things to her front door steps, as she rang the doorbell.

"Well, good night," smiled Kim. "And drive home safely," she ordered, kissing Brian on the cheek.

He unintentionally blushed. "Yeah, sleep dreams," he mumbled, slightly in daze.

He tried to be casual as he walked to his car and got inside.

"What did just happen?" he asked himself, as he drove away from the block. "I can't possibly be feeling this way . . . No . . . Of course not . . . Yes! That's right. I'm not falling for my best friend." He shook his head and finally said, "Nah!"


What do you think will happen next? ;)

Note: Next chapter, Todd will let slip something. Bwahaha!

Upload: I upload on weekends. ^_^ (But I probably will upload on Wednesday)

Please Comment and Vote -- if you like!! ^_^

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