Realize (20)

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That weekend, the gang was happy that Todd and Maxine were acting normal again. In fact, Todd even offered to help Maxine make their song.

Maxine was thrilled.

'Stay with me, I'll make you mine',” she sang, while she sat beside Todd in the Sky Studio.

Todd shook his head.

“No, that's not right,” he said. After a few seconds of being thoughtful, he added, “How about — 'Stay with me, I'll make you smile'.”

She stiffened. She had never heard Todd sing – and she was honestly startled.

Now, she could see why the others insisted them on singing together. Todd's voice was unbelievably heartbreaking.

“Well?” he asked with a raised eyebrow when she didn't say anything.

She could only stare at him.

“Is that good?” he asked again.

She forced herself to nod. And as if on cue to break the tension, Peter spoke up.

“Nope. Sorry to disappoint you, but really — it wasn't that good,” said Peter. It was hard to tell if he really thought so. “But can I make a suggestion?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.

Todd could see where this was coming.

“Fine,” he said, slightly grinning.

Peter cleared his throat, while everyone waited.

'Stay with me, my honey bee'” sang Peter in a very low-pitched voice.

Everyone in the room laughed.

Kim went to the library in search for Brian.

When she got there, she saw freshmen girls giggling and huddling in a circle. It seemed that they were surrounding Brian. Kim moved closer to get a better view and she overheard what they were saying.

“I can't understand this diagram, Brian,” said a girl with blonde pony tailed hair. She bent down, leaning to Brian.

Kim huffed. “Can't Brian notice?” she hissed, glaring at the girls. “I'm here, Brie. Just waiting for you.”

Why? thought Kim. Why am I acting this way? Why not the year before last when we were still dating together? Why now that there's not a chance left? Why did I realize how I truly feel for him, just now? Last Thanksgiving, when we hugged . . . there was a connection . . . And from there, I knew. Didn't he feel how I felt that night?

Kim was deeply lost in thought when Brian interrupted her.

“Hey, why are you just standing there?” he inquired, lifting her chin up.

She jumped in startle.

“I — I don't know,” she stuttered. “Bye.”

With that, she left.

“Wait!” Brian called out for her.

But she was already too far to hear.

☺ ♪ ☺ ♫ ☺ ♪ ☺

“Yes! Just a few more lines!” said Maxine, stretching out her arms. “This song really tortured me.”

“Stop complaining,” Todd told her. “I came up with most of the phrases, so you don't have the right to complain.”

“That's only because you reject all of my suggestions,” she muttered.

“They're prosaic. Can you blame me?”

“Don't use an extravagant word on me.”

“Why?” he sneered, a crooked smile forming his lips. “You didn't understand it, did you?”

She snorted. “Please. The word 'Blame' is quite understandable.”

“Even 'Prosaic'?”

“You mean 'Pre-his-to-ric'?” she emphasized.

“No,” he said slowly. “I mean 'Pro-sa-ic'.”

“You just changed it,” she accused him, her eyes wide.

“No, I didn't.”

“You totally did.”

No, I didn't,” he insisted. “You need your ears checked out, dummy.”

“Don't call me that.”

“I've always called you 'dummy' . . . dummy.”

“What if I called you names, you arrogant doormat,” she snapped. “How would you feel?”

“Honestly, I'd take pity on your choice of vocabulary,” replied Todd, unfazed.

“Right.” Maxine rolled her eyes. “Because 'dummy' is just oh-so original.”

“At least the lyrics I come up with aren't prosaic.”

“There you go again. Stop saying that word.”

He let a laugh through his nose. “Why, because you don't know what it means? Go on. Admit it.”

“I won't give you the satisfaction, Samuels.”

This time, Todd burst out laughing. “That's as good as admitting it, dummy.”


Karl and Peter were at the corner of the Studio, watching Todd and Maxine banter petty things.

“You know, I might even thank Coward Chris,” Karl whispered to Peter.

Peter shook his head.

“No, I don't think so,” he replied, scowling as he remembered the happenings of last week. “The dork's the reason why Todd's in a bad mood all the time last week.”

“Yeah — but then again, Coward Chris is the reason why Todd agreed to compose the song with Maxine,” shrugged Karl.

“He's not the reason, he's the cause,” Peter pointed out. “And I still haven't forgiven him for running away like that and leaving Maxine deal with those men.”

“Me, too,” murmured Karl seriously.

Then, an evil grin stretched out on Peter's face.

“What I really like most is setting pranks on those who deserve it,” he said, smiling maliciously.

“What are you planning?” asked Karl, reading Peter's mind.

“Are you in?” asked Peter, ignoring Karl's question.

“I'm always in,” said Karl, his brows furrowed.

“Let's get moving, then,” declared Peter, as he stood up and left the studio.

Karl followed after him.

As they walked out, Brian came in. As soon as he saw Todd, he walked toward him. Todd and Maxine watched as Brian neared them.

“Dude, I —” began Brian.

Todd smiled. “Can't take it anymore.”

“Yeah, and I'm —“

“Planning on telling her?”

“Right, only —“

“You don't know how.”

“Exactly, that's why —“

“You want to ask for help,” finished Todd.

Brian nodded.

Maxine was about to shout triumphantly when Todd grinned broadly. She was forced to swallow her yell into a gulp, feeling her heart beat accelerate just seeing him smile. Then, she mentally slapped herself for thinking that.

And so Todd told Brian a plan. Immediately, Brian loved it.

“But where?” asked the love-struck boy.

“Think of a place that's really special to the both you,” shrugged Todd.
“A place with your history written all over it.”

☺ ♪ ☺ ♫ ☺ ♪ ☺

“Is it set?” Peter asked Karl.

“Yeah,” nodded Karl. “I've already booked us this afternoon. After you, my turn, and then Coward Chris’s.”

“Excellent,” said Peter gleefully. “Let's go.”

They went and waited outside Doctor Green's office, the Sky’s female Psychiatrist. Karl and Peter have scheduled themselves for an appointment this afternoon. Half an hour have passed, Coward Chris came and sat beside Karl.

“Mr. Peter Sullivan,” called a voice from inside.

Peter stood up, glanced at Karl. They exchanged meaningful looks.

“Have fun,” whispered Karl.

“Oh, I will,” assured Peter, grinning.

Peter went inside, leaving Karl and Coward Chris alone at the waiting area. Coward Chris was sitting quietly and patiently beside Karl.

“Is this your first time, Cow — Smith?” asked Karl lightly.

“Y — Yes, that's why I'm quite nervous,” answered Coward Chris. “How about you?”

“Yeah,” breathed Karl. “It's mine and Peter's first time, too. We don't know what to expect.”

“T — There’s nothing wrong with it, right?” queried Coward Chris nervously. “I mean, we're just gonna get asked by questions.”

“You're right,” said Karl, smiling now. “There's nothing danger —“

“AAAAAAAAARGH!” someone screamed from inside the office.

Karl and Coward Chris froze.

“What's that?” said Karl in a hushed voice. “What's happening inside?”

Coward Chris shook his head, unable to speak.

They went rigid.


Karl and Coward Chris then heard a breaking china, thud on the floor, and some ripping noises. They did not dare move from where they were.

“I will not hurt you,” said Doctor Green soothingly.


“How dare you!” shrieked Doctor Green.

“PLEASE! HAVE MERCY — DON'T — DON'T — PLEASE!” pleaded Peter loudly.


There was a loud breaking noise.

Karl couldn't take it any longer. He got to his feet and knocked loudly on Doctor Green's office.

“Peter!” called out Karl. “Come out! OPEN THE DOOR!”

There was a sound of scrambling of feet. Then, the door burst open and Peter collapsed on Karl. His clothes were torn, his hair was in disarray, and he looked like he had been harassed.

“What — What did you do to my best friend?” Karl demanded Doctor Green, with a horrified expression.

“What did I do?” asked Doctor Green, taken aback. “Why, I —“

“You hurt my best friend,” sobbed Karl. “You — of all people — I thought — we thought that you were able to help us!” He cried a tearless sob. “You — you lied!”

“Now wait just a minute,” said Doctor Green, walking outside her office.

But Karl and Peter dashed away.

Doctor Green's eyes landed on Coward Chris. He was shaking, staring wide-eyed into space – clearly in shock. Doctor Green went to his side. When she touched him, with the slightest of touch, he screamed.

“AAAAAAARGH! DON'T TOUCH ME!” squealed Coward Chris, as he stood up and ran. When he tripped over the rug, Doctor Green helped him up. He screamed again. “AAAAAAAARGH! SAVE ME! SHE'LL EAT ME ALIVE!”

When Karl and Peter entered an empty classroom, Peter arranged himself as the way he used to be. There was a moment of silence. But when their eyes met, they burst out laughing.

“Did you — see his face?” said Karl through his laughs, clutching his stomach.

“I did!” said Peter, his voice was highly pitched. He couldn't talk in his normal voice because of his laughs. Tears were coming out of his eyes from laughing. “It was the funniest damn thing I had ever seen! Hahaha!”

“Nice acting! Doctor Green must've gone hysterical!” guessed Karl, grinning. “Where did the sound effects come from?”

Grinning broadly, Peter answered, “Played it from my PSP.”

“Brilliant!” exclaimed Karl.

Their plan wasn't as grand compared to the other pranks they had done. But it was good enough to make Coward Chris go into hysterics.

☺ ♪ ☺ ♫ ☺ ♪ ☺

When Kim arrived home, her mother was waiting for her in the living room to give her urgent news. Her mother was cross-legged as she sat with her back straight on one of the customized arm chairs. This lady's aura was screaming 'High Class' all over.

“Kimberly, darling,” her mother started, the moment Kim stepped foot in the room. “We need to talk.”

“What is it?” asked Kim, slightly alarmed.

Her mother only looked stern.

“Darling, I have something to tell you,” said Mrs. Nickerson, looking away. “You see, your father and I were very happy when you and Brian started dating. However, I –”

“Get to the point, Mother,” interrupted Kim. The words came out harsher than she intended. She knew where the conversation was getting at. And she didn't like it.

“You are going on a dinner date with the Thompsons’ heir,” her mother said flatly.

Kim opened her mouth to speak, but decided to close it instead.

A dinner date meant only one thing in their world: an introduction to an already arranged marriage.

“Unless,” continued Mrs. Nickerson, “you already have someone you could let us meet. Is there anyone, dear?”

“No,” mumbled Kim. She looked down, thinking of Brian. “There isn't.”

Just like that, her future was planned for her.

Brian came in the Sky Studio with Kim the next afternoon. He looked expectantly at Todd, as if he was waiting for him to speak.

“Hey,” said Todd, calling for the attention of the gang. When everyone was looking at him, he continued, “Do you guys want to hang out tonight?”

“Yeah, I'll go,” agreed Brian quickly.

“Me, too,” said Kim.

“Hey! We have to practice the song tonight,” Maxine reminded Todd.

“Oh, right,” murmured Todd. “Sorry, I can't come after all.” He shrugged as though he wasn't the one who suggested to hang out at all.

Brian and Kim turned to Karl.

“I have to do something,” said Karl immediately.

“I have a date,” said Peter, when Kim was about to ask him.

Brian and Kim stared at each other. Kim laughed.

“Where are we gonna go?” she asked.

“Anywhere is wonderful as long as I'm with you,” murmured Brian, barely moving his lips.

“What?” asked Kim, for she didn't hear what Brian said.

“It's a surprise,” smiled Brian.

“Speaking of surprise,” said Kim distractedly. “I was surprised to hear what happened to Coward Chris yesterday.”

Karl and Peter exchanged quick glances. They forced themselves to hide their glee.

“Why, what happened?” asked Maxine curiously.

“Didn't you hear?” said Brian. “He went crazy. He was running down the hallway on every floor screaming, 'Save me! She'll eat me alive!'”

Karl and Peter couldn't take it anymore. They burst out laughing hysterically. Karl rolled on the floor, laughing his head off. Peter was holding the microphone stand for support, while his free hand was clutching his stomach in laughter.

Todd, Brian, Maxine, and Kim stared at them. Then, something flickered on their minds.

“Did you have something to do with it?” queried Brian suspiciously to Karl and Peter.

“They obviously had something to do with it,” said Todd. He watched Karl and Peter, who seemed to be unaware of their surroundings because they were still laughing.

“What did you two do to Coward Chris?” demanded Kim with a raised eyebrow.

“And how did you do it?” added Maxine.

Karl and Peter finally composed themselves. Though, they were still looking gleeful.

“Technically, we didn't do anything to Coward Chris,” said Peter, still slightly chuckling.

“We just acted in front of him,” winked Karl.

They told everything that have had happened, from their plotting to the end. They figured that since Coward Chris was a total coward, he would be scared by what he saw. And they succeeded on their goal. Coward Chris was scared stiff.

“What did Doctor Green say?” inquired Kim.

“She asked me what's happening to me,” replied Peter. “I sent her an apology note and some flowers this morning.”

“Thankfully, she forgave us,” grinned Karl.

“She must have realized what you've done was to scare Coward Chris,” said Brian thoughtfully. “But why didn't she give you detention?”

Peter snorted. “Did we say anything about not having any detentions?”

“We have a week's worth of detention,” announced Karl proudly.

Everyone stared at Karl and Peter. The best of friends were just smiling about it. A week's worth of detention didn't seem to bother them at all.

“Why do I have the feeling that you don't feel bad about it?” frowned Todd.

“Because, my dear Todd, it was worth it,” answered Peter a-matter-of-factly.

“Didn't you realize what damage you could’ve done with Coward Chris' brain or mind or his way of thinking?” asked Maxine uneasily. “He could permanently go crazy.”

Karl and Peter exchanged somewhat worried looks. Brian and Kim looked thoughtful. Todd looked at Maxine.

“But did he go crazy?” he said.

“Well, according to Coach Clearwater, they managed to calm Coward Chris,” said Brian, shrugging. “Doctor Green told what really happened. Then, Coward Chris believed her after several hours of convincing.”

Karl and Peter sighed with relief.

“See? Nothing happened,” said Peter confidently, as he grinned again.

Maxine nodded slowly.

“Why did you prank Coward Chris?” asked Kim curiously. “You must have a reason. You always have a reason for getting someone pranked.”

“That,” began Peter, “is confidential.”

Peter winked at Karl. Karl grinned cheekily.


Karl and Peter are just so awesome with their pranks. Don't you think so, too? Hehe ;)

Sorry if it took really long before I was able to update this. Things had been quite hectic at school. And then, there's the thing that it's Hell Week here. -_- Plus, I haven't checked my e-mail. It's most probably full of Wattpad notifications that I haven't read yet. I'll get on it as soon as I can. Hopefully, really soon.

Note: Excited with Brian and Kim's love story? Not to worry, my dears! Next chapter's all about them. Next chapter, which I'll upload on . . .

Upload: I upload on weekends. ^_^ That means I'll upload tomorrow! Yay!

 Please Comment and Vote -- if you like, which I'm hoping you DO!! ^_^

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