Realize (32)

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When they came back, the gang was already preparing for a Barbeque Party. They were already in their swimming trunks and swim suits, their faces sharing the same meaningful grins when they saw Todd and Maxine approaching them.

Maxine kept head hair down and went straight to her room to change in her swim suit before going back down to join the others.

They had lunch outside, having the time of their lives.

Brian and Kim were swimming nearby. Karl and Jen were making a sand castle. Peter was flirting with a random pretty blonde girl. Todd was frying the barbeques, while Maxine was preparing the drinks.

“Excuse me.”

Maxine turned around to who spoke and saw two young women, probably nineteen or eighteen, smiling at her. One was dark haired, the other was pale blonde. They were both sexy and attractive.

“Yes?” said Maxine politely.

“Could you please tell us who that gorgeous guy is?” said the dark haired girl, pointing at Todd.

Maxine’s heart beat accelerated. She suddenly felt angry at these women for even looking at Todd. But maybe it was more of the fact that she was afraid that Todd might take interest in them.

She wasn't sure if she should tell the truth or lie. But at the end of the day, she was only one of the many girls attracted to him. What right did she have?

“His name is Todd,” she answered quietly, looking away.

The women giggled and beamed at her.

“Thanks a bunch!” they said in unison.

She watched them approach Todd from afar.

“Hi, Todd!” they greeted.

He raised an eyebrow at them.

“Do I know you?” he asked indifferently.

“’Course,” said the blonde. “She told us,” she pointed at Maxine.

His eyes slowly turned to where Maxine was standing at. He then glared at her.

She smiled feebly and mouthed, “Sorry.”

From then on, the two women didn't leave Todd alone. It was obvious that he was irritated. He tried to tell them that he was busy but they always seem to find a way to get him back. He kept glaring at them and surrounded himself with the unapproachable aura that he always used at Sky but it didn’t seem to work.

It continued like that until in the afternoon.

That night, Kim and Brian went into town. Karl and Jen were playing scrabble in the living room.

But Todd was missing.

Peter was missing, too.

Maxine stood at the veranda, facing the sea. She wondered where Todd was. And at the same time, she thought about the blue rock.

“Those hot girls where persistent,” panted Peter’s voice as he climbed the stairs of the porch. He settled himself at a nearby chair. “I tried to help Todd by flirting with them but they won’t budge. They seemed to be really interested in him.”

“I don't care,” she replied.

Peter looked at her. “Don't you?”

“Why should I?”

“We both perfectly know why you should.”

Maxine didn't say anything. She had a strong feeling that he knew. The Casanova side of him must know how to read girls.

And so she decided to look for the blue rock instead.

“I’m going to take a walk,” she said as she walked toward the beach. “I need to find something,” she added.

“If you mean Todd, good luck,” grinned Peter.

She looked at him over her shoulder.

“I said something, not someone. Repair those ears of yours, Pete. They don’t seem to hear very well.”

“Nah. I think my hearing senses hear what the mind and heart refuses to say out loud.”

She froze, but she quickly composed herself and ignored Peter. She continued to walk by the shore. She felt sad and irritated at the same time. Worse of all, she felt alone.

She took out her little flash light and turned the light on. She continued to walk, and then pause for a moment to look for the blue rock. Suddenly, several feet away from where she found the blue rock, a boy was sitting on the sand. He appeared to be looking for something.

Maxine turned off the flash light and allowed the moon to light the dark night.

She watched the boy a little more. Then, she felt her heart skip a beat.

She recognized the color of the boy’s hair . . . the tousled style of it . . . the cool way of the boy sitting . . . the handsome clothes he wore . . . and she felt an unmistakable aura coming from him.

No way.

“Todd?” she called, leaning closer to the boy.

“So you finally spoke,” he said. “I thought you're going to stand there all night,” he added with a bit of smile on his face.

She pouted. “Why are you all alone?” Her eyes wandered around the area, looking for the two women.

“Because I’m not with anyone,” Todd answered dully, still searching for something.

“What are you looking for?” she asked.

“A rock,” he answered simply.

“Why are you looking for a rock?”

This time, Todd faced Maxine. He looked slightly irritated about being disturbed.

“Do I really need to give a reason for everything?”

She was taken aback. She was only asking a question. With an IQ like his, was it so hard to answer? Did he have to be such a snob?

She hated it when he did that, whenever he said those outsmarting words.

“How should I know?” she demanded indignantly.

“You always ask pointless things,” he muttered, turning away to look for the rock again.

She didn't satisfy him with a reply. Instead, she forgot about the blue rock. She simply sat beside him, feeling the moment.

“Finally,” he mumbled, after half an hour of looking. He laid back on the sand, staring at an astonishingly blue rock.

Maxine blinked. She couldn't believe her eyes. All this time, Todd was looking for the blue rock. Her blue rock.

She pointed at the rock, wide-eyed.

“How did you . . .?”

“You see,” he began, playing with the rock, “if I really want something, I never lose hope of finding it. And eventually, I find it. Here you go,” he added as he gave Maxine the rock. “I thought you wanted it so bad.”

“I do,” she nodded blankly. “Thank you.”

How am I supposed to give this to Todd? It was he, who found it. It’s like giving it back . . . Awe . . . I’ll just think of something else then, she thought.

The night turned peacefully beautiful. They gazed at the moon and stars above. It was a time that they could both think clearly without anyone interrupting them. They just laid there, treasuring the precious moment, with the cold breeze embracing them.

Maxine suddenly shivered. Todd felt her did so.

“Why do you always forget to wear a jacket?” he muttered, taking off his sweatshirt.

“I just thought it wasn’t important,” she answered, slightly quivering.

“Every single thing in this world was made for a cause.”

He gave his jacket to her. She had no choice but to take it because she really was cold. She felt really warm when she wore it. She glanced at Todd, who now wore a shirt, looking unconcerned.

“So,” began Maxine, Todd looked at her, “Happy Birthday!” she said brightly.

One of his eyebrows lifted up. “What, no gift?”

“I thought you don’t like feeling special?” she queried indignantly.

“Says who?”


“Forget what he said. I say, I like your gift.”

“Hey! You haven’t seen it yet!” she accused.

“So you do have a gift,” he sneered.

Maxine blushed.

“Maybe . . . Oh, all right!” she sighed, stuffing the blue rock to Todd. She looked far away from him, refusing to meet his eyes. “I was planning to give you that rock as a gift. I thought that the rock was just like you. It was . . . astonishing.” (Maxine sighed and ignored what Todd who said, “You think I’m astonishing?”) “But there’s no point giving it to you now.”

“Why is that?” He looked puzzled.

“Because you’re the one who found it,” she murmured quietly.

“No, I didn’t,” he argued. “You’re the one who found it. You just lost it, and I just retrieved it.”

“But —“

“Don’t contradict me,” he cut off, staring at her. And then, to her great amazement, he smiled. “Thanks, Max.”

Her heartbeat accelerated. She felt her cheeks growing hot. Very hot. She wanted to stay away from Todd's melting look. But she couldn't find herself to look away. She was rooted like a magnet on the spot.

Was it possible for her to grow even more in love with him?

“I like the rock,” he added. “As you said, I’m just like it — just as astonishing.”

At that, she rolled her eyes. That part slipped out from her a while ago. And she had a feeling that she wouldn't hear the end of it.

“Careful now,” she warned. “You wouldn't want to make your head bigger than it already is.”

He smiled crookedly. “That's only because I got something to brag about.”

“Yeah, fine. You're the perfect one.”

“I beg to disagree,” he said seriously. “I'm not perfect, Max. But I sure as hell am close to being one.” With that, the crooked grin returned.

“So how do you think your birthday turned out?” she asked, changing the subject.

He shrugged. “Dull, as always,” he sighed, looking at the sea. “But then,” he paused to turn his eyes up at the sky, “at the end of the day, I felt this unusual happiness.”

“What do you mean?”

He looked at her, as though he was seeing something more.

“I mean . . . something happened today that I will probably treasure for as long as I live.”


What might that be? Hahaha! ADVANCED HAPPY CHRISTMAS, MY DEAR ONES!! :D xxx

Upload: I upload on weekends. ^_^

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