Realize (38)

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To explain, I've divided the Royal Ball in 4 parts so that the background music suits each. And also, so that the ending paragraph won't look out of place. You'll see why when you reach the end of this chapter. ;)

I'll update again on Saturday or Sunday, then another two next week. :)
Dedicated to @Forever_Asdfghjkl because she made me swear on the River Styx. ;)


To Miss Maxine Ferguson
Crystal Life Condominium

Maxine blankly stared at the silver ribbon that embroidered her name.

It was Friday the thirteenth. The invitations for the Royal ball had already been sent to the attendees.

Maxine was staring at the golden scrolled parchment for a few minutes now. She wasn't used to receiving an invitation like that, for it was a very unusual kind. Eventually, she removed the silver ribbon that tied the scroll and flattened the parchment.

Dear Miss Maxine Ferguson,

   It is with our greatest pleasure to inform you that you have been invited to an annual event that will take place at the Grand Hall, Thompsons Hotel on the fourteenth day of February.

   Please be informed that a high end black tie dress code is strongly recommended. The time in which the Ball will start is at exactly 08:00 in the evening and will end at precisely midnight.

   We have been notified that you will be attending the said Ball with Sir Todd Zachary Samuels. This letter will serve as your pass to enter the venue.

Good day to you,
Mrs. Rose Thompson
Head of the Thompsons Events Department

A smile reached its way to Maxine's lips.

She couldn't deny to herself that she was excited about the Ball. Kim and Jen told her stories about it; Elite adolescents from different schools and families in New York attend the Royal Ball in hopes that they would be able to meet someone there.

She then recalled that the white gown that her mother showed her last year was still in her closet. She had to admit that she liked the dress, even though she acted quite horrified when she first set eyes on it.

It was sleeveless and it didn't show too much. It was simple yet it was very eye-catching. It fitted her personality perfectly.

While thinking about it, her eyes wandered again to the letter. It was then that she noticed Todd’s name on the invitation.

Her forehead creased.

Todd Zachary Samuels.

She burst out laughing. She never knew that he was named Zachary. Hmm. A thought came to her, maybe she should call him Zachary. She laughed at the thought. Hence, she made a mental note that she would call Todd by that name.

She absolutely couldn't wait to see his reaction.

It was the fourteenth day of February, and Maxine woke up late in the morning having been awake all night because of her eagerness to the Ball. She took a quick shower and dressed casually. When she walked in the living room, she found equipment for makeup, hair-dressing, and piles of gowns everywhere.

“Mom?” she called out, her eyes wandering around the room.

Natalie turned around and saw Maxine.

“Well, it’s about time,” sighed Natalie in relief. “Happy Valentine’s, sweetie. I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for hours now.”

“What for?” asked Maxine, finally looking at her mother.

“For the Royal Ball!” laughed Natalie, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Mom, we’ve still got plenty of time.” Maxine pointed at her watch.

“Don’t be so sure,” sang Natalie. “Anyway, this is Jacquelyn Turner.” She introduced the nice-looking woman that she was talking to a while ago. “She's my personal stylist.”

“Hi, Maxine,” greeted Jacquelyn Turner, smiling. “I see that Nat's right. You are a beautiful girl. Oh, I just love dressing up girls like you.”

Maxine smiled weakly.

Why do I feel like a Barbie doll? she thought.

“Go eat,” Natalie ordered Maxine. “Have plenty of food in you, for it won't be until tonight that you'll be able to eat again. When you're done, come back here.”

Maxine slowly nodded and followed her mother's orders. As soon as she felt that she was very full, she went back to the living room.

“She’s all yours, Jacquelyn.” Natalie patted the stylist's shoulder lightly, settling herself on an armchair as though she was going to watch a performance.

Jacquelyn pointed Maxine to the gowns spread out on the sofas.

“Just pick something that you’d love to wear for tonight’s Ball, dear.”

“I’m sorry,” mumbled Maxine, shaking her head. “I already have something to wear for tonight.”

Jacquelyn was taken aback, but she quickly composed herself. She glanced curiously at Natalie, then returned her eyes to Maxine.

“Could you kindly bring it here and show it to me so we can start on your makeup?” asked Jacquelyn, tilting her head to the side.

Maxine headed to her room and gently grabbed the white gown in her closet. She brought it to the living room. To her relief, Jacquelyn Turner looked delighted.

The stylist then called her two other assistants. They worked on Maxine’s manicure and pedicure as Jacquelyn focused on Maxine’s makeup.

Maxine mostly closed her eyes. She greatly hoped that her makeup wasn't thick because she hated having too much makeup on her face. She was all for the natural look.

Jacquelyn left Maxine’s reddish brown hair loose in elegant curls. She neatly pulled some of Maxine’s hair from the front unto the side and placed some clips with diamonds on it. Maxine put on the gown with the help of Natalie and Jacquelyn.

For her jewelry, she wore a simple diamond necklace, stud diamond earrings, and a silver charm bracelet – the very same one Todd gave her for Christmas.

When a full-length mirror was placed in front of her, she couldn't stop herself from staring at her reflection. She looked exceptionally stunning. There were traces of herself, but at the same time it looked like a completely different person.

“You look like a princess,” commented Natalie in a hushed voice, she looked like she was about to cry. She waited for Maxine to come of age so she could finally attend the annual Royal Ball.

“Yes, but is it possible for you to take off that bracelet?” asked Jacquelyn, eyeing the charm bracelet on Maxine’s wrist.

“I — I can’t,” murmured Maxine, looking away.

“If you insist,” said Jacquelyn, waving her hand dismissively.

Ding! Dong!

“That must be Todd,” announced Natalie as she went to answer the door. She opened and welcomed an extremely handsome young man.

“Happy Valentine’s day, Aunt Natalie,” he greeted, entering the living room.

“Happy Valentine’s day, too,” beamed Natalie.

Maxine blinked, frozen in place.

She had always found Todd very good-looking. But this . . . this Todd was . . . She couldn't even find the right words worthy to describe how Todd looked.

Todd wore his blonde hair in its usual tousled look, but for some reason he looked very fresh. His white attire made him look princely. If any other guy wore the same white tuxedo, they would definitely look like a magician. But not Todd – he pulled it off amazingly well. He looked rather intimidating, more than the usual. However, Maxine figured it was the aura he was bringing out.

Todd's eyes found her, and he flashed a breathtaking smile. He knew Maxine didn't dress up often. However, when she did, she had the ability stand out in a huge crowd. His eyes traveled along her body and up again. Then, they stopped on her wrists.

Maxine immediately looked down and saw the charm bracelet.

He noticed, she thought.

When she looked up, she saw that he had an amused glint in his eyes. She felt her heart pounding against her chest. What was he thinking now? Was he happy that she was wearing the bracelet he gave her?

However, she knew that she could read Todd's mind as much as she could read Ancient Greek – which was impossible.

Natalie cleared her throat. Todd and Maxine quickly looked at her. She smiled knowingly but didn't say anything. If she saw how much her daughter ogled at the sight of Todd, she didn't let it on. Out of the blue, she pulled out a digital camera.

“I’d love to take a picture,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. It wasn't all the time that she could get an opportunity like this, seeing Todd and Maxine look so well. “Can the two of you move closer together, please?”

Todd caught Maxine's eyes. They both had an exchange of uneasy looks. But then, Todd sighed and went to Maxine's side.

Maxine shyly moved closer to him, very much aware of the fact that her senses went on over-drive. She was suddenly aware of how much warmth Todd was radiating, how much little space was left between them, and how much their hands were almost touching.

Then, Todd had a sudden idea.

“Can I put my arms around her, Aunt Natalie?”

Maxine almost chocked. Her eyes turned incredulously at Todd.

Natalie smiled. “Of course.”

Todd's lips twitched, as though he was fighting off a smile. He didn't look at Maxine's eyes as he placed his left arm around her waist. He wasn't just about to pass off a chance to get his arms around her.

“Get that goofy expression off your face,” he told her under his breath.

That seemed to snap Maxine out of her trance, though she still seemed a little dazed at Todd's shocking request. She tried her best to compose herself.

“Turn around and rest your back against me,” he whispered, as if he was soothing her through his voice. He could feel how tense she was.

She wasn't about to refuse that one, especially when it was him who wanted it. It was a rare request and it didn't happen quite often. She just hoped he wouldn't feel how fast and hard her heart was moving.

She turned around and leaned back against Todd. At the same time, Todd stepped a little more closely. He now put both of his arms around her waist. Maxine didn't know where to put her arms so she bravely rested them on top of Todd's. He didn't made a move to remove them, so she took that as an okay.

A smile made its way to Maxine's lips.

“Now, look straight at the camera,” declared Natalie. They both faced her in unison. She positioned the camera on the right angle and clicked.

At the last minute, Todd tilted his head slightly and looked straight at Maxine. The end of his lips was turned upward in a smile.

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