Chapter 1

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It was a bright but busy morning on the Sinnoh Island.

Bright because after a rainny day, today was day the sun has brightly rise.

Busy because after the oath ceremony today was the day for the 5th year Anniversary of the establishment of Jungkook's business company "Delfino"

Hoseok was the incharge of the preparation while his mates jimin was in-charge of the food while Yoongi is to invite guests.

Jungkook was in the company having a very important meeting. Be it anniversary, work comes first.

" Oh my god, why is this dish not ready??" Yelled Jimin.

The omega servent was now scared of the other omega.

Yoongi was out inviting everyone.

This yell made Hoseok alert. He immediately assigned the decoration work to the some beta and went inside the kitchen.

"You can't even understand the recipe-" yelled Jimin on the servant but was cut when his Alpha back hugged him.

"Shuu" whispered Hoseok near Jimin's ear.

Hoseok immediately in his alpha voice ordered the servant.

" Put a new chief and do everything right it's my hyung's business anniversary."

The servant bowed her head and went away.

When Hoseok saw that the servent was out of their site he nibble his nose near Jimin's ear, earning a small moan.

He tightened his hold around jimin's waist as jimin was unconsciously grinding his ass on hoseok's butt.

"Take him now.......take him." Commanded hoseok's wolf Honnie.

As the aroused pheromones clouded the kitchen, both mates were very horny.

Jimin grinding his butt while the other's hand making his way towards Jimin's front.

Hoseok turned jimin around and was about to kiss him when,

"Hobaaa" yelled Jung Seok their father.

This immediately made them detached from eachother.

Jimin looked down, red spots adoring his cheeks, blushing while hoseok was Little embarrassed to get caught by his father.

"a-ah yes father" he replied while jimin hide behind his Alpha.

" Do this inside your room wolves okay?? But don't forget your other mate too." Said Jungseok chuckling.

Jimin nodded his head behind hoseok while hoseok cleared his throat and asked,

" Had any work Appa??"

This made Jungseok remember why he came here at the first place.

"Ah yes son. Is the preparation done?? Because I just got a call from Jungkook saying he will be here in an hour." Said Jungseok.

This made Jimin immediately went towards to kitchen desk taking the work in his hands, not wanting others to ruin the day.

Hoseok sighed and said,

" Yess Appa the decorations are almost finish, yoongi have invited everyone and the food will be done till hyung comes."

"Ok good" saying this Jungseok made his way out.

But while going out he turned around and said,

" Better be on scent blocker next time, your aroused pheromones are still lingering in the air." Chuckled Jungseok and went outside the kitchen.

Jimin blushed and chukled while mixing the batter for the cake.

Hearing the chuckled sound hoseok turned around and said,

" Just wait for the night, yoongi and I will wreck you."

"Yess.......alpha I am excited to get wreck by you." Said Jimmy, Jimin's wolf.

" Shutup Jim" said Jimin back to his wolf blushing.

Saying that hoseok too went outside the kitchen leaving a person similar to tomato blushing madly.

There was a unique silence in the air when Jungkook parked his car outside his house. It was currently 7:30pm in the evening.

" Juggy what is the wierd silence??" Jungkook asked his wolf.

" I don't know guk. Maybe they all slept??" Said Jungkook's wolf Jug.

"Slept?? This early noo." Said Jungkook.

" Or is there any attack on our pack?" Roaringly asked Jug.

This made Jungkook angery, as to who tried to attack his pack.

"If it's soo, the person will be dead by us...... But we need to find out is everyone safe." Said Jug.

Agreeing with his wolf Jungkook slowly and cautiously went near his house door.

Very calmly, he entered the house after unlocking it with his smartphone, perks of being head alpha.

As soon as he entered the living room,

"SUPRISE!!!!!!!" yelled evryone.

This made Jug alert while jungkook got suprised of this sudden loud voice.

Soon the lights were on and he saw his whole family with the most trusted pack mates and business partners present there.

"Congratulations son." Said Jungseok.

Then it striked him that today was the 5th anniversary of his company.

Everyone started congratulating the alpha for his success of running his company for 5years and taking it to the top.

Last came his brother with his mates.

" Congratulations hyung here from us." Said Jimin.

Jungkook loves jimin as his small omega sibling.

Jimin handed Jungkook a family photo frame.

"Thanks jimin for this gift." Said Jungkook.

Jungkook did a handshake with Jimin as he knows alphas get very possesive and raged when their omegas or mates get hug by any alpha, be it his brother and here we have Beta too.

"Congratulations big brother." Yelled hoseok and hugged his big brother tightly.

The relationship between the 2 brothers is very special. They only had eachother when they were small.

"Thankyou hoba." Replied Jungkook smiling.

Now it was Yoongi's turn to give his gift.

He gifted him a memorable miniature building with 5th written on it.

Jungkook thanked him accepting the gift.

Soon they were standing near the 5 tier cake indicating the 5th anniversary.

" Cut the cake hyung~" yelled Jimin.

Jungkook smiled at them and made his way near to the cake.

His father standing to his left while his brother and his mates standing on his right.

Hoseok lit the candles, while Yoongi placed the cake knife beside the cake.

As Jungkook was about to take the knife and cut it, Jungseok stopped him.

"Son wait!!" Said Jungseok.

"What happened guk is something bothering father??" Asked Jug going on a alert state.

" What happened appa??" Asked Jungkook.

"Stupid alpha first make a wish." Said Jungseok.

After hearing this Jug his wolf calmed down and Jungkook chuckled at his father.

" Is it the same wish we make every year juggy??" Asked Jungkook to his wolf.

"Always will be the same till it gets fulfilled." Replied jug.

Jungkook went near the candles, closed hai eyes and both his wolf and him thought and wish for the same wish.

"Please moon goddess, help us find our mate. I will always make them happy and will protect them no matter what." Saying this in his mind along with his wolf, Jungkook opened his eyes and blowed off the candles.

Everybody clapped and started singing the song. Instead of birthday they added anniversary.

Jungkook now took the knife and started cutting the cake.

Rest of the time he greeted people thanking them for coming, having important talks and all.

Suddenly his eyes fell on his brother and his mates.


He always dreamt of having a person, a life patner, a mate for himself.

His wolf use to cry alot when he was like 21-22 for not being able to find their mate.

He use to hear stories from his father about the mate bond, having a person only for himself, loving and caring, beautiful as ever.

" When will our mate be with us guk. I feel very lonely without them" said Jug.

Feeling the sadness in his wolf's voice, it was jungkook's duty to cheer his mate up.

"Don't be said Jug, moon goddess will definitely hear us this year. " Cheered up Jungkook.

On the other hand,

On the other island named "star dew", an Omega named Kim Taehyung was currently walking towards his home after the grocery shopping.

As he was walking, many eyes were layed on him.

He was the most beautiful, most ethereal omega one has ever came across.

An beta was following him, few feet behind him.

"Taehyung I swear to moon goddess i want to punch that shit out of that beta following us." Said Tuc, taehyung's wolf.

Taehyung chuckled at his response.

He knew the beta following him. He gets followed by betas, alphas and even omegas. It's not new to him.

As he was still walking, he immediately turned around.

And the beta froze on his place.

"Hey what can I help you??" Asked Taehyung.

"Huh??" Asked the confused beta.

" You were following me from past half an hour i thought you need help." Said the omega.

Beta blushed a little, embarassed of getting caught.

" U-umm..... taehyung?" Asked the beta.

"Yes??" Asked Taehyung cutely.

"I-i want you t-to be my omega. I have loved you the time I layed my eyes on you in University. Please accept this as a courting gift." Said the beta.

Taehyung without even looking at what the courting gift was said,

" I am sorry but i don't love you and will not accept this. I have saved myself for my mate. Hope you understand this." Said Taehyung.

This made the beta angry. He yelled in his beta voice.


This made no effect on Taehyung.

From a very early age, the real voice of omegas, beta sometimes in rare case alpha's didn't affect him. He doesn't know how but is glad.

"Done ??" Asked Taehyung.

This made beta shocked, hai Wolf's voice didn't even affected him.

Watching the shocked look taehyung said,

" It's No from my side, better accept that."

Saying that he made his way towards his home.

Now taehyung was laying in his bed, after having dinner.

"Tuc when we will have our mate??" Asked Taehyung to his wolf.

" It's only been one year tae let's see." Said Tuc.

"What if we are mate less." Said Taehyung panicking.

This made Tuc think this too.

" I don't know." Said Tuc sadly.

" Taehyung sleep now you have University to attend and don't forget your important project too." Yelled his mom from downstairs.

"I hope Tommorow's day will be good." Said Taehyung.


" What is the biggest lie you have ever told?"

Do answer Lavenders 💜✨

( Tannie❤️✨)

Is really taehyung mate less??

Will Jungkook find his mate??

How are Tuc and Jug?? Liked them??

How was the chapter??

Have any questions?? Do ask.

Lavenders ❤️✨

Author ✨

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