Chapter 13

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-Light's POV-

I stood outside the emergency room for the longest time. I was in a trance. Wondering why it had to be L. He was the greatest detective in the world and he was the one I loved.

L? In a coma? With a big possiblity of death? No.

I was so deep in thought I didn't notice that Misa was standing behind me until I heard I high-pitched voice yell my name in my ear.

"oh... Misa..." I start to say, but she interupts me.

"I knew he'd be taken care of. This is what you get, Light. You hurt me. And now you have to pay for it."

I pull her around the corner so no one can hear us.

"You, Light-kun, have excellent skills of deduction." I hear L's voice in my head. I do have these skills... It hit me hard.

Did Misa use the death note to kill off L this way?

My eyes grow wide. Misa could not have done this. We know for a fact that she's jealous of L, but going so far to kill him is not the way to go.

Misa's yells bring me out of my thoughts again. "You were the love of my life, Light. And you gave my heart away so you could be with a man. I HATE YOU. L deserves this for taking you away from me!"

It didn't even take me a second to reply to that statement.

"I was never yours, Misa. I never will be. I can't believe you for doing this. Why would you ever use the death note this way?? You k-killed L..."

At this point, I had begun to cry. I couldn't take it anymore. In the duration of the time I have lived, I felt no stress. School was a breeze for me. But... my whole world suddenly crashed down around me only because I lost one person. I don't think I ever realized that L was more than just a love interest who I'd destroy the world for. He was my world.

And he's gone.

No. In a coma. He may not die. But if Misa did use the death note, there's no doubt he will.

"What do you mean, Light? I didn't kill L. I didn't use the death note on him... However, I would like to thank you for the idea."

I watched Misa as she smirked and walked towards the hospital entrance, swaying her hips happily as she went.

I felt stupid. I didn't think this time around.

"I'm sorry, Lawliet. For endangering you..."


A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I hope my writing style fits your tastes since it's different from Savvy's. You guys are great and all very nice people. I hope to help out again real soon :)


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