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Six weeks later

My ribs have healed and things between Jake and I have been heating up. Whenever we're around Dad we keep the PDA to a minimum I really don't want my father to see us together like that. He'll expect us to have kids in the next nine months and that's something that I'm not ready for yet and neither is Jake.

Jake told me a couple weeks ago that he wants to have kids in the future, but not yet. He wants to get to know me better and he's not ready to share me with anyone.

I open the door to the garage and he hugs look up when I enter with a few bottles of beer for them.

Jake rises and he walks over to me. "Why would you bring the guy's beer? You know alcohol and tools aren't a match when it comes to fixing bikes."

I throw my head back. "Most of the guys in this room are no match with a tool and I think they should take a break and get drunk." I pass out the beer, before I sit on Jake's bike.

He looks at me. "You look great on my bike. Maybe, I should buy you one myself."

I pull a pair of keys out of my pocket. "I already got one biker. I just had to hide it from Dad. He would kill me if he found out that I had one."

"Your damn right I would." Dad walks out of his office.

He has the worse timing ever.

He walks over to me and holds his hand out. "Keys."

"No," I look at him. "You're going to ruin the bike and I don't want you to do that, Dad."

"Fine, show us the bike you got." He points at the door. "I want to see what kind of death trap my daughter brought for herself."

I open the door to the second garage and enter the room. I feel around the wall until my hand touches the light and flip the switch.

The room is floods with light and I pull the cover off my Harley Davidson.

Jake walks over to it and he touches the new paint job I did to it. He whistles. "Damn, this bike is great."

I twirl the keys around on my finger. "I did the paint job myself using the left over stuff got have in the garage. His bike was a piece of shit before I fixed it." Pulling out the iPhone I flip through the pictures until I come across the way the bike looked before I fixed it up.

Dad and Jake look at the pictures of the way it looked before I fixed it up.

Dad turns towards Jake. "Princess, should help you out in the garage. She knows what she's doing. After all she did point out a whole heap of stuff out to you when she was nursing broken ribs."

"I would love to work closely with her."

I look between them. "Does that mean I don't have to work behind the bar anymore?"

A smile spreads across Jake's face and it makes his eyes shine. "No, you don't, but the boys are going to miss their favourite bar person."

"Too bad. There's more woman out there that could take my place. Besides, we need more old ladies around here. It's getting boring being with Rayna and Trina. We need some fresh blood around here."

Jake laughs. "You'd change your mind if the fresh blood flirts with me."

I wrap my arms around my man. "I'd show her who you belong to before she had a chance and if she ignores me I would make her pay for crossing me." I climb onto my bike. "Are you ready to go for a ride or am I going out myself."

"I'll meet you in front of the bar. I will get some of the boys together."

I climb onto the bike. Putting the keys into the ignition, I start the bike and it rumbles to life sending vibrations through my body.

Jake opens the garage door and I ride the bike to the bar.

A few guys step out of the bar. "Who's the hot chick on the bike?"

I pull the visor up on the helmet and look at them. "Hello, boys."


"Yes, it's me. What do you think of the bike?"

Rayna and Trina walk out of the bar before he guys can answer. They walk over and look at the bike.

Rayna yells. "Does Uncle Clyde know that you have a bike?"

Dad pulls his bike next to mine. "Yes, I do. I'm not happy about it, but I will have to get used to my daughter riding one. After all she's like the rest of our family."

Rayna crosses her arms. "I'm a Hughes and you won't be seeing me driving one of those. She turns towards Iron Fist. "I'll ride on the back of your bike, but there's no way I will be driving one."

Irons Fist holds out his helmet. "Take a rode with me?"

She walks over to him and puts he helmet on her head. "You better not drive too fast. I don't want to die before I have kids with you."

He looks at me. "We're riding slowly since we have a new rider with us."

I'm not new to riding. While everyone was asleep I would sneak into the garage and take one of the bikes out. They're going to be surprised with the experience I have on a bike. I just hope they can keep up with me.

Tank looks at Trina. "Do you want to come?"

She shakes her head. "No, thank you. I'll see you when you get home." She kisses him before walking back into the bar.

Tank looks at the two guys that were talking to me. "Grimm, Rocket, I need you to keep an eye on my girl. If anything happens to her I will kill you."

"Yes, Sir." They walk into the bar and they sit at the bar while she pours drinks.

I look at the guys. "Lets go." I drive away from the bar. Picking up speed I drive away from the Club house.

As I round the corner I see something in the road and slow the bike down.

When I get closer to what's on the road I see it's barbwire. I put the kickstand down and walk over to the wire.

Jake and the rest of the MC stop next to my bike.

"Is that barbwire?" Tank asks.

"Yeah, it is."

He looks around the bush. "We aren't safe here. We need to go back to the Clubhouse."

"You go. I'm going to end this with Michelle." I spin around and yell. "Michelle, come here and face me. Are you seriously going to play his cat and mouse game with me? When I do find you it's not going to end well for..." I am cut off by the sound of gunshots.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Iron Fist yells. He speeds away with a few guys.

Jake stands next to me. "What do you want to do?"

"End it."


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