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The sun shines into my room waking me up. I turn my head to the side and see the covers are draped around his hips. Slipping out of bed I walk to the bathroom and have a quick shower.

After the shower I walk into my room, with the towel wrapped around my body. Jake's still asleep and I open the closet. I grab a pair of black matching underwear and a pair of jeans with holes in them and a white tank top. I put it on and then exit the closet.

Jake opens his eyes and looks at me. "Morning. Where are you going this early?"

I look at the clock on the nightstand and see that it's 8am. "It's not that early. I'm having breakfast with Dad. Do you want to join us?"

He shakes his head. "No, I don't want to intrude on your time with your father. Have a good breakfast and I'll take you out for lunch at one of my favourite places."

"It's a date." Walking over to the bed I lean over and kiss him.

Jake deepens the kiss and pulls me on top of him. We pull away after a couple of minutes and our breathing is heavy. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Climbing off the bed I walk to the door and open it. Walking down the corridor I take a left turn and make my way down the stairs to the bar. When I get there I see Dad sitting in one of the booths. "Hey, Dad."

He looks up as I enter the room. "Have you made breakfast yet?"

"No," I admit.

He laughs. "I knew you wouldn't have. Which is why I asked Trina to help out with that. She bitched at me about her not being my slave. When I told her you were joining me for breakfast her attitude changed quickly. What have you trained that girl to do?"

"I haven't done anything. You know I wouldn't. Maybe, her being an old lady is helping her to grow up. To Trina you'll always be her teddy."

"Trina," Dad yells. "You better get your ass in here."

Trina walks into the room with our food in her hands. She places the plates in front of us. "Is this good enough, Pres? I know I'm not your usual server, but it seems like she slept in with one of your guys this morning."

Dad throws his head back laughing. The corners of his eyes have the laughing lines. "I know all about that." He turns serious for a moment. "I think they make the perfect couple. When it comes time for me to step down I'll give the job to..."

Please don't say Jake.

"Jake, he's one of the guys that knows all the ins and outs of the running of things. I can't think of a better man to take over than him."

I know Jake would do anything for my father. Sometimes, I wish I had a normal life. Where I don't have to worry about people putting targets on my back and trying to hurt me to get to the president.

Dad's phone starts to ring and he looks at it. "shit," grabbing the phone he says to me. "I have to take this. It's important."

Waving him off I say. "It's fine."

Lately, we haven't been able to catch up as Dad's work is always calling him. It's a shame that having meals together is becoming few and far.

Dad walks out of the room with the phone up to his ear.

After breakfast I take our dishes to the kitchen and wash up. Trina walks into the room and looks at Dad's untouched plate. "I'm taking it breakfast didn't go so well?"

Letting a sigh out I say. "I don't think Dad and I are supposed to have a family meal together again. Do you think it's going to be like this when Jake takes over."

She hugs me. "Cutthroat, isn't going to bail on you. That's one thing I know about that man. If his phone rings he'll ignore it until after he's finished his meal with you. You're going to be treated like a..."

"Princess," Jake says. He pulls me into his arms. "I saw your father leave. He wants you to know he'll make it up to you."

I smile wryly at him. "He can't make it up to me. He's walked out on too many meals and promises that it's not going to happen. Every time, I feel let down by him." I finish washing the dishes and then dry my hands off. "I'd like to be left alone now." Walking out of the room I head in the direction of my quiet. When I get there I close and lock the door.

No ones going to find me here.

I grab my iPad from the shelf and go through it until I find the latest book I downloaded. I don't know how long I've been locked in the room until I hear a dozen bikes roar to life. Standing up I walk over to the window and see some of the MC members drive off.

Jake looks up at the window and sees me. He pulls his helmet off his head and climbs off the bike. He stares at me, waiting to see what I'll do.

Opening the window I yell out. "Are we still having lunch?"

"Yeah, but it'll have to wait a bit. Prez, wants us to do a run for him. He's not giving anything specific away. I'll see you when I get back."

"Okay," I watch him climb onto his bike and he takes off down the road, joining the rest of the members. There's a knock on the door. "Give me a minute." I walk over to the door and unlock it.

Trina has her arms folded. "Do you want to get out of here for a couple of hours? I heard the run is going to take hours."

No wonder he asked me for a later lunch.

Looking out the window I start get a bad feeling. Shaking my head I say. "I think it's best that we stay here. All the time I go out somewhere something happens and I'm not going to take the risk while Jake's not here. I'll make us a pizza from scratch, we can have beer and watch movies.

The door to the bar opens and Rayner runs in. She locks it behind her. "There's some people after you, Katie. I managed to lose them on the way here, but I don't think it will last that long. They're probably chasing me to get to you. It's going to be harder for them to get close to you when the MC are home."

That's the thing they aren't home now. It's the perfect time to get to us.

"Rayne, do you think these are the same people that killed Mom? I'm the closest that this club is going to get as a mother figure."

Trina looks between us. "I'm not sure. If anyone is after you they will show themselves sooner or later and when they do the club will be ready. I know we'll be by their side as well."

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