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Chapter Eight: Contact Pending

(Suzie, Do You Copy?, Pt. 3)


Alistair's legs burned as he walked up the slope of Weathertop hill. After already biking like he was trying to break a world record to get to Dustin's place, it felt like his legs were on fire, his muscles screaming in protest with each step he took. It didn't help he was also holding one piece of Cerebro, which meant his arms also felt like they were on fire, too.

Alistair panted, trying to focus on breathing as beside him, Cami muttered, "I am so regretting wearing a dress today." Sweat dripped down her forehead, and she panted even more heavily than Alistair was. 

"You okay, Cams?" he asked, concern for his best friend thrumming through him.

Cami flashed him a smile. "I'm peachy, Al! Just wish I wore shorts instead today."

Alistair smiled, shaking his head. "Should have guessed you'd be positive."

"What's not to be positive about? The sun is shining, this place is so beautiful and green with such pretty wildflowers, we're all getting some Vitamin D, and romance is in the air!" Cami declared, twirling around, her skirt and curly hair swishing with the movement.

Alistair rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and we're sweating bullets and our legs are seconds from committing mutiny if we take one more step."

"And that's why we work," Cami chirped, smiling as she looked forward, an extra spring to her step as she hiked up the slope of Weathertop. Alistair smiled, but it faded as he was harshly reminded of the sun beating down on him, huffing a breath as he forced his tired leg muscles to keep on going, tightening his grip on his piece of Cerebro.

Only Dustin was in high spirits with Cami—probably because of this supposed Suzie—but everyone else looked as miserable as Alistair felt as they walked up Weathertop. On any other day, Alistair would have appreciated Weathertop, but currently Alistair's face felt fixed in a permanent scowl as he kept on hiking.

A caw echoed in Alistair's ears and he shifted a glance to look at Hugin, resting on his shoulder and probably the most miserable of them all. While Hugin didn't smell or have any ill effects thanks to Alistair's powers, the bird still felt the effects of the heat due to still being technically half-dead. Alistair sympathised—he would pull a Rowan and feel miserable when the heat got really bad—and again telepathically promised an ice bath for Hugin when Cerebro was built and they could go home. He wondered if they were high enough now for it.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one to think that, as Lucas asked, "Aren't we high enough?"

"Cerebro works best at a hundred metres," Dustin informed.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones," Max said, looking just as grouchy as Alistair.

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon," Dustin revealed.

That took Lucas aback as he stared at Dustin. "Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?"

"That's the Amish," Max corrected, rolling her eyes.

"What are Mormons?" Will questioned, and honestly Alistair had been about to ask the same.

"Super religious white people," Dustin answered. 

"They're basically a cult," Cami stage-whispered to everyone as Dustin went on, "They have electricity and cars and stuff, but since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve. It's all a bit... Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Max echoed in disbelief.

"Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet," Dustin replied.

"Right," Max snarked as Alistair and Cami shared a look before Alistair said drily, "I think you're over-exaggerating a little, Dustin."

"Also, you do remember how it ends, right? Do you really want to compare you and Suzie to Romeo and Juliet?" Cami questioned as Alistair nodded empathetically.

Dustin, however, ignored them and said, "Star-crossed lovers."

"I got it," Max huffed with a roll of her eyes. She looked at Cami and Alistair, and while Cami shared her exasperated look, Alistair was frowning as he glanced over to Will. Star-crossed lovers... there was no more perfect description for him and Will, if he didn't screw things up and Will liked him that way.

He just hoped they didn't end up like Romeo and Juliet did.

"Hey guys!" Mike shouted, making them all pause and turn to see Mike and El a couple metres down the slope. The dark-haired boy looked at them as he said, "This is fun an all, but, uh..."

"I have to go home," El revealed.

Alistair stared in shock. What?

"But we're almost there," Dustin said, as incredulous as Alistair felt.

Mike shrugged. "Sorry, man. Curfew."

Alistair rolled his eyes, now catching on to why Mike and El were suddenly leaving.

Mike turned to El, taking her hand as he murmured, "Come on, let's go."

"Good luck," El said before the lovebirds walked down the hill, El giggling.

"Curfew at four?" Dustin questioned, obviously after checking the time.

"They're lying," Lucas said.

"It's been like this all summer," Will pitched in, irritation clear in his voice.

"It's romantic," Max and Cami said in unison.

"It's gross," Will shot right back, rolling his eyes.

"It's been pretty annoying," Alistair concurred.

"It's bullshit," Dustin said. "I just got home. Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!"

As one, they all groaned—even Cami—before turning to continue the long, arduous hike up to the summit of Weathertop. Alistair gritted his teeth as he forced his legs to move and climb up the slope. However, he only got a few steps when he noticed Will wasn't following.

Alistair turned, seeing Will stand there, hand at the back of his neck. Just like in the movie theatre yesterday.

Worry curled in Alistair's gut as he started walking down, saying, "Will, you okay, man?"

Will didn't respond or turn around, gaze fixated on something. And as Alistair came to stand beside his best friend, he registered how suddenly eerie Weathertop had become—a wind rustled the long grass of the hill, the only noise in the otherwise empty silence. And despite how hot it was, Alistair shivered.

He rested a hand on Will's shoulder, making his best friend jolt and turn to him, hazel eyes wide.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alistair asked again, looking at him in concern.

"I..." Will started, looking away, back to whatever he'd been seeing in the distance. He swallowed before saying, "I'm fine. I just thought..."

Alistair's concern increased, knotting with the oily, cold feeling of dread. "What? Will, what's going on?"

Will stared at him, as if weighing up what to say, before shrugging. "Nothing. It's... it's nothing."

Alistair frowned. "You sure?"

"Positive," Will replied, nodding.

Alistair was still frowning, but he said, "Okay. Just... you know you can talk to me, right? If something's wrong?"

"Of course," Will said, almost immediately, something flickering in his eyes that faded before Alistair could fully catch it.

Alistair smiled, and he jerked his head to the summit of Weathertop. "Come on. Let's catch up to the others before Dustin realises we're gone."

However, he spoke too soon, as right then Dustin yelled, "Will, Al, come on!"

"Too late," Alistair mused with a smirk. "Let's go."

Will returned the smirk, walking up the slope and rejoining the others.

Alistair was a step behind him when he heard a voice whisper his name.


Alistair turned, staring into empty space, at the expanse of woods down below.

"Hello?" he called out. 

Nothing, except for a brush of wind that was colder than it should be in summer.

Alistair shivered, that feeling of dread increasing.

What was going on?

"Al!" Dustin shouted. "Are you coming, man?"

Alistair jumped, whirling to where the others were slowly becoming distant specks. He turned back, and for a moment, he caught a flash of something through the grass before it was gone, along with the unnaturally cold wind.

Biting his lip, Alistair turned back, marching up the hill.

Whatever it was, whatever was trying to catch his attention... it could wait. Especially when nothing was wrong, the Upside Down finally gone.

Probably some ghosts trying to catch my attention, Alistair reasoned as he rejoined the others. He registered the concerned looks his friends were giving him, before they resumed the hike to the top.

Because that was all it had to be.



Finally, they reached the top.

After hours of climbing—and the frantic bike ride to Dustin's place—Alistair's legs were very much all but jelly now. He groaned in relief the minute he stepped foot on the top, and it was all he could do to keep from just dropping his piece of Cerebro onto the grassy ground, and instead lower it.

In front, Dustin declared, "Made it."

"Yeah, only took five hours," Max grumbled as the others stomped forward before dropping the parts of Cerebro they carried up.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will complained. Alistair gave his friend a sympathetic look while Cami groaned, leaning against Alistair and fanning herself. Alistair wrapped an arm around her, Hugin rubbing his head against Cami's cheek affectionately. Cami gave a grateful smile to them.

"I'm so thirsty," Lucas muttered, unscrewing the cap of his water carton and drinking loudly. Max watched in disbelief, eyebrows seemingly raising higher and higher with each gulp of water Lucas took.

When Lucas finally stopped drinking, Max looked at him and asked sardonically, "Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?"

Panic flooded Lucas' face, and he quickly spat some water back in. Alistair's nose wrinkled and Max let out a scoff, turning away and getting to work on helping Dustin set up Cerebro.

Lucas and Will joined them, as Cami and Alistair took the time to take in the view before going in to help. And with all of them working together—and at Dustin's instruction—it didn't take them long to assemble it, Hugin moving in to help occasionally, until at last, Cerebro stood tall and proud.

Alistair stared at the radio tower, slightly in shock that his friend had managed to build this—and, if he was right, he'd built a functioning one.

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin said with a grin.

"Yeah," Lucas said.

"I'll say," Cami murmured, staring at Cerebro.

"Dude. It's... wow," Alistair said, holding his hand out for a fist bump. Dustin reciprocated it before asked, "Now, you ready to meet my love?"

Max shrugged. "Okay, sure."

"Yeah," Will replied, nodding.

Cami nodded and Alistair only shrugged, which was all Dustin needed as he grabbed the radio microphone and switched the radio on, saying into the microphone, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Nothing but static responded back.

Dustin looked at them, saying, "One sec. She's probably... she's still there."

Alistair shared a look with Lucas and Cami as Dustin turned back and repeated, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Again, nothing but the hiss of static. No sign of Suzie responding—or if there was someone named Suzie on the other end.

Dustin turned to them, and said, "I'm sure she's there. It's just..."

Alistair nodded, as Lucas nodded as well and said, "Yeah."

"You know, maybe she's, like, busy or..." Dustin reasoned.

"Yeah," Lucas said again.

"That's probably likely," Cami agreed.

"It's around dinnertime."



"Uh..." Alistair faltered, before Max and Cami nudged him and he hurriedly said, "Yeah, yeah, totally."

Dustin hesitated, as if he didn't believe they'd bought his excuses, before he grabbed the radio and said once more, "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."

Only more static greeted Dustin and Alistair suppressed a groan, kicking at the grass as the others turned away, knowing they'd now probably have to wait until Dustin's supposed girlfriend picked up. Cami sat down on the grass, a relieved look on her face, hands buried in the grass. Alistair moved to stand beside Max, watching as the rays lengthened over the hill, the sun dipping closer and closer to the horizon and bringing forth the night. 

"You think she'll pick up?" Alistair wondered out loud to the redhead.

Max shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe—if Dustin isn't lying, like he obviously is."

Alistair had to concede to that, letting out a snort as Max smirked. The two parted ways as Alistair now joined Will and Lucas, Hugin now flapping off his shoulder to stretch his wings while Max went to sit beside Cami, who began braiding a section of Max's fiery hair, a wildflower in her lap to put in once it was done. Dustin, meanwhile, stayed by Cerebro, trying to get in contact with Suzie no matter how long it took.

Alistair hoped it wouldn't be long.


Turns out, he was wrong.

Alistair glared up at the sky that had now darkened and shone with a haze of stars. They'd been here for hours, long enough for day to fully descend into night and the air to cool by a marginal amount, waiting for Suzie to respond. Lucas and Max were lying next to each other while Alistair was next to Will, Cami sitting next to him after finishing doing two braids in Max's hair, a wildflower each in the braids. Hugin, who'd come back a couple hours ago, was between Will and Alistair, eye closed in contentment as Will occasionally stroked the corvid's head, also looking at the star-dotted sky above, and Alistair tried to ignore how only Hugin and a few inches separated them. An hour ago, Alistair and Will had tried to stargaze, but had dismally failed—space was apparently neither of their strong suits, so they gave up.

That, and the constant noise that was Dustin Henderson trying to get in contact with his supposed girlfriend had also been crucial in them giving up as he repeated the same message. For hours.

"Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over," Dustin said, and Alistair rolled his eyes as Dustin repeated it again after the now-familiar hiss of static. "Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over?"

Nothing but the grating growl of radio static and the rapidly fraying threads of Alistair's patience, seconds from snapping.

"Suzie, this is your Dustin! Do you copy? Over. Suzie—"

"Dustin, come on!" Max exclaimed, the first one to snap. "She's not there."

"She's there, alright? She'll pick up," Dustin defended.

"It's been hours, Dustin, and she hasn't," Cami pointed out, her usual optimism dulled now. "Maybe it's time to call it quits and head home?"

"No, she'll pick up! She's probably just busy," Dustin rebutted, and Cami gave him a disbelieving look.

"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work," Will said.

"Maybe you put too much faith in Cerebro's range" Alistair muttered pessimistically, Hugin cawing from his place now on Alistair's shoulder.

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist," Lucas snapped, saying what the five of them had been thinking for hours.

"She exists!" Dustin protested, voice shrill.

"She's a genius, and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates?" Lucas said, voice heavy with skepticism. "No girl is that perfect."

Almost like clockwork, Max shot up and eyed Lucas as she queried in a dangerously light voice, "Is that so?"

Realising that he fucked up, Lucas sat up and back-pedalled, "I mean... you're perfect. I mean, like, per... perfect in your own way. In your special... your own special way."

Alistair and Cami shared a look and a grin as Max smiled and said, "Relax I was just teasing," sparing Lucas from further trying to save himself from the grave he was only digging deeper.

He smiled in relief as Max turned to Dustin and went on, "I'm obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying."

Dustin gave Max an affronted look before he turned to the rest of them. "You guys think she exists, right?"

Will, Alistair and Cami looked at each other before Will said, "Uh... I mean, I do, but..."

He looked to Cami, who's eyes widened and she scrambled as she hurriedly waved her hands, "That is, we don't think you are, but um—"

"We kinda do think you are," Alistair admitted, shrugging. "Sorry, dude, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt."

Dustin stared at the trio, but before he could say anything, Max stood up and turned to Lucas, saying, "Come on, Don Juan."

As Lucas took her hand, the pair strolled down the hill, leaving the four of them behind as they stood next to Cerebro and Dustin asked, "Where are you going?"

"Home," Max responded over her shoulder.

As the couple descended, Dustin turned to the trio and said, "Well... guess it's just us four, guys."

A guilty look crossed Cami's face as Will looked at his watch, and Alistair suddenly remembered that tonight was family movie night. He quickly looked at Will's watch and quietly cursed at the time.

"Um... it's late," Will said, his own guilty look on his face. But it couldn't be helped—Joyce was still anxious about Will being out late, which Alistair totally got and knew his aunt would do the same if he and Will had swapped places that fateful night.

"Yeah, and I have curfew," Cami explained, wincing.

"I also need to get back home—family movie night," Alistair informed.

Dustin didn't say anything, but he didn't need to—the look on his face was enough.

"Sorry," Will apologised, and Alistair and Cami gave their own apologetic looks.

"Maybe tomorrow, we can play D&D," Will offered, a tentative smile on his face.

Alistair nodded. "There's this campaign me and Will have been planning together—it would be really fun to do it with you tomorrow."

"And even if we don't, we can still do something fun. Like we used to?" Will went on.

"Like the arcade, or going to the movies" Alistair added, as now Cami was nodding.

"Yeah, we could catch The Goonies or this new movie coming out in a couple days," she said, sending Dustin a smile.

Dustin nodded, the look on his face fading a bit as something sparked at the idea of doing a campaign tomorrow. "Yeah, sure."

Will's smile widened a fraction. "Welcome home."

Alistair nodded, also smiling. "It's good to have you back, dude."

Cami just flashed a smile at Dustin, before they made the long walk back down Weathertop. Hugin cawed from his spot on Alistair's shoulder as they walked down, Alistair pointedly ignoring that he and Will were close to each other.

Still, Alistair wouldn't deny that when his and WIll's fingers occasionally brushed, along with feeling heat shoot up his arm, he wanted to grab Will's hand every single time.

And yet, he didn't.


Rowan seemed happier when Alistair saw her get out of their aunt's car, a couple seconds before he got back home.

Alistair remembered what she told him when apologising for her and Eddie not picking him up after the movie—which, Alistair had been mad about at first, but not anymore—how she and Eddie had a fight. Which Alistair didn't think was possible—he didn't remember a moment where his sister and Eddie ever fought.

But they seemed to have made up during Rowan's shift at the record store—a made up that apparently included pizza. Not that Alistair was complaining—he was starving after this entire afternoon.

"Please tell me there are leftovers!" he yelled, jogging up to his sister.

The minute he arrived, Rowan held the pizza box aloft, retorting, "Yes, there are, but they can wait until we're inside and on the couch, so wait a fucking second, squirt!"

Alistair pouted, a glare directed at his sister as he made for the pizza but Rowan kept it high above. The fact that he was nearly same height as Rowan should give Alistair a sense of triumph, but his sister kept the pizza high and out of reach as their aunt chuckled and unlocked the door. But the minute they were inside and on the couch, Hugin flying into Alistair's room, Rowan finally left him have a slice, Alistair grinning as he chowed down on slightly cold pizza, grease slicking his mouth as thin strands of cheese hanging from his mouth. Rowan was eating a slice too as Aunt Aco crouched before their TV and held up a bunch of VHS tapes. 

"Okay, Rowan, it's your turn to pick. Which one it will be?" Aunt Aco asked.

Rowan studied the movies in their aunt's hands, and Alistair silently hoped she'd pick A New Hope or even her favourite movie. But his sister was not merciful tonight, as her lips curved up in a smirk and, making eye contact with Alistair, said, "Ghostbusters."

Alistair's face twisted. He didn't exactly hate Ghostbusters—it was a pretty good film—but he detested how mostly inaccurate the ghosts in the movie were. Logically, Alistair knew he was the only one who could see ghosts, but it didn't mean it still irritated him at seeing the ghosts depicted in the movies.

He went to protest, but his aunt quickly said, "Okay then. And kid, no arguing with your sister's choice. You know the rules."

Alistair opened his mouth, but then closed it because his aunt was right, especially as his aunt gave him a pointed glare. Instead, he sat back, glaring as well while Rowan smirked and Aunt Aco put the movie in, joining them on the couch and sitting between the siblings, snagging her own slice of pizza. Hugin joined them a second later, flapping out and landing on Alistair's shoulder, pecking at his ear right as the movie began.

Even with his sullenness, even with the inaccuracy of ghosts, Alistair couldn't help but be sucked into the movie, a grin on his face as they shared pizza and watched the movie that satisfied all of them—horror for his sister, adventure and science fiction for him and comedy for Aunt Aco—especially with jokes only she got. Laughter, grimacing and smiles were shared, all three of them enjoying a movie and eating pizza together, a good family night. A perfect family night—and a well deserved one.

And as the credits rolled, Alistair couldn't help but think with all of his friends in the same town, and with maybe he could even find the courage to confess his crush on Will, this was shaping up to indeed being a perfect, normal summer.

He couldn't wait for what the rest of these summer days had.


Alistair: Enjoying a summer free of monsters and the Upside Down.

Mind Flayer returning from the dead: Are you sure about that?

In all honesty, I really liked writing this! S3 has been REALLY fun to write, and I hope that shows!!

I loved writing the friendship Alistair has with Cami, and the crumbs of the Cami and Max friendship (Cami is the friend who braids wildflowers in her friends' hair) Just wait until you see their friendship with the addition of El in the Martinéz sisters' book—it is elite 🥰 

And yes, Alisill is happening... very slowly, but happening...

Also, unpopular opinion: I think Dustin would have played D&D with Will. If he hadn't received that Russian transmission, he 100% would have played it with Will and not tried to get out of it, and I stand by that until I die

Anyway, this concludes the first episode of s3!! Now we head into episode 2 where some stuff happens (including some spooky stuff 👀)

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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