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Chapter Seventeen: Testing For A Host

(The Sauna Test, Pt. 2)


Hawkins Community Pool was busy.

It always was during summer, but right now Alistair loathed it being busy, because it made the Party's job more difficult as they spied on the person Max, El and Cami believed to now be the new host of the Mind Flayer.

Billy Hargrove.

Having heard what the girls said about him recently, especially the part about him taking ice baths, and looking at him wearing a long-sleeved shirt and staying under the shade, legs covered, holding a cold drink, Alistair had a feeling he was the host. And as they looked at Billy, Alistair couldn't help but glare at him. He knew that Max and Billy had formed a truce, and no one deserved to be possessed by the Mind Flayer, but Alistair couldn't help but look at Billy and be filled with loathing and anger. To him, Billy Hargrove was the asshole who made Max's home life hell, who had tried to run him, Dustin, Lucas and Mike over, who'd targeted Lucas and Cami for no other reason but their skin colour and had almost killed Steve and probably would have if Max and Rowan hadn't stepped in. Who had tried to harm his sister on Halloween that still made Alistair's blood boil and want to hug Rowan and ask Allie and a couple of the more horrifying ghosts to haunt Billy. Maybe even send zombie rats and wolves after him to terrorise him. Alistair wouldn't mind doing both—for his sister, Alistair would use his powers to terrify the people who hurt her.

He absolutely despised Billy Hargrove, but he pushed his hatred down, for Max and how they had the bigger issue of if Billy was the Mind Flayer's new host. Which Alistair was leaning into definitely thinking he was.

But Max wasn't so convinced—which Alistair completely got; he would be in denial if his friends or Rowan were the new host until it was undeniable—as she said while looking through the binoculars, "I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me."

"Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas pointed out, Alistair nodding and adding, "Yeah, he has an allergy to them or something. Especially long-sleeved shirts."

"I mean, it's a little weird," Max conceded, lowering the binoculars.

"More than a little," Mike said, making everyone look at him as he went on, "He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else El saw..."

"But he's lounging at the pool. Which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever," Max argued.

"Especially since he's more or less under the freaking sun. The Mind Flayer would be crazy to make its host do that," Cami pointed out, Max nodding in agreement.

"Not necessarily," Will rebuked, and everyone looked at Will as he explained, "The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like... like you're dormant. And then, when he needs you... you're activated."

They all looked back at Billy, still under the shade and in the lifeguard chair as Max suggested, obviously still trying to deny it, "Okay, so we just wait until he gets activated."

"No. What if he hurts someone?" Mike argued.

"Or kills someone," Will added in.

"We can't take that chance. We need to find out he's the host," Mike said.

Alistair nodded. "Mike's right. It's too risky to wait. We need to be certain."

Mike sent a grin at Alistair, before his face got the look of he had an idea, before he was moving to the pool, gesturing for Alistair, Will and Lucas to follow.

They did, and the girls immediately noticed as El asked, "Where are you going?"

"I have an idea. Boys only," Mike said.

"Seriously?" Max scoffed.

"Just trust me on this one!"

Alistair gave a shrug to Cami, Max and El before the four of them headed into the pool, he, Will and Lucas following after Mike as he made a beeline for the area that was the men's locker room, showers, and gym at once, and told them of his plan.

"Okay, so we wait until the pool closes, until everyone leaves," Mike said. Alistair and Will shared a look as they entered the lockers part, as Mike went on, "And we somehow get him to come from here and..."

Alistair's eyes widened when he saw the sauna as they stopped in front of it and Mike opened it, finishing, "Get him into here."

When he opened it, it gave the four boys a view of old, incredibly sweaty, half-naked men sitting there. One who looked like Santa Claus crossed with a lobster yelled, "Hey, shut the door!"

Oh my God, Alistair thought as he, Will, Lucas and Mike stared as another shouted, "Hey, come on, kid, shut it!"

Mike did so immediately, and Lucas groaned, "I think I just threw up in my mouth."

"I need to drench my brain in bleach," Alistair muttered, shuddering. Will gave him a sympathetic pat.

Mike turned, and walked over to the controls, pointing to them as he said, "And look, the controls are right here. It's perfect."

"Will it get hot enough?" Will questioned.

"Two hundred and twenty degrees,"  Mike replied, standing up and looking at them as he continued, "We just have to figure out how to get him in here."

Then we lock him in," Will said.

"Heat him up," Lucas went on.

"And get the Mind Flayer out or at least loosen its control," Alistair finished.

"No matter what happens, we'll know. We'll know for sure," Mike said firmly.

They nodded, in agreement with the plan, and headed back to the girls to let them know and think over how to get Billy into the sauna—and how to keep him in there. The memory of Will's inhuman strength thanks to the Mind Flayer was fresh in all their minds.

And yet, even though Alistair assumed Mike would have an idea, Alistair had his own idea to get Billy into the sauna.


Alistair and Cami marched up to the second shed on the other side of the pool, in the hopes to find more chains or even a lock.

That was how they were keeping Billy in—chains and a pipe that Alistair hoped would be enough, after luring him in using a walkie and a CPR dummy. Alistair was also going to use his power, to lure Billy into the sauna even more.

He just hoped it would all work.

As they searched, it was silent until Cami apologised, "Al, I'm sorry about what happened two days ago. Me and Max... we didn't think about how El would be in danger. We just thought she needed to spend a day on her own and not surrounded by boys. Still, we should have realised she would have been in danger."

"It's fine," Alistair muttered, turning to his best friend. "And I get why, and I'm glad you're all friends. I knew she'd warm up to you and Max. And now I am very scared of your friendship."

Cami grinned wickedly. "As you should be."

Alistair grinned, before it fell silent. They continued searching, until Alistair admitted, "Before Will felt the Mind Flayer last night, we... we almost kissed."

Everything was silent, then Cami whirled around, shock on her face before she grinned.

"Oh my God!" she squealed, launching forward and tackling him, nearly crushing him. "I can't believe it! Oh my God, that is so amazing! I mean, I know you guys didn't technically kiss, but I'm still so excited and happy for you!"

She then pulled back, glaring at him as she exclaimed, "And I can't believe I'm only hearing about this now! My wingwoman plans nearly succeeded, and you didn't tell me until now?"

"To be fair, we've been kinda busy with the Mind Flayer and Billy being the new host or not," Alistair pointed out.

"Okay, fair point. But level me this—if the Mind Flayer hadn't returned... would you have actually kissed Will?" Cami asked, eyebrow arched.

Alistair flushed and he mumbled, "I don't know... maybe? I just decided to screw it and just kiss him in the moment, and I think maybe after this is over I might tell Will and—"

Anything else he could have said was silenced by Cami's excited squeal as she tackled Alistair again, her arms wrapped around Alistair, so tight it felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "It's finally happening! My best friend is close to being together with Will! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, but Cami I can't breathe," Alistair wheezed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Cami hurriedly apologised, loosening her grip as she sent an apologetic smile before it became ecstatic. "I'm literally so happy for you! And when this is over, I am definitely helping you plan yours and Will's first date."

Alistair's cheeks flushed so bright, he was surprised he didn't look like a tomato. "Cami, we haven't even kissed yet!"

"Yet," Cami echoed with a grin and a wink, making Alistair glare at her.

Cami grinned before she turned away and her eyes widened.

"Hey, I think I found something!" she exclaimed, darting over and bending down, rifling through it noisily before she pulled out a loop of thick chains. "You think this would be enough?"

"It better be," Alistair said, eyeing the chains. "Come on, let's get back to the others."

Cami nodded, whispering, "We're not done talking about you know what," Alistair giving her another glare as they rejoined where the rest of the Party would be behind the car. Everyone was already there, holding the stuff they needed—the dummy, a roll of duct tape to hold the walkie in place, a pipe and a link of chains. 

"You think this will be enough?" Alistair asked, looking at his chains and the one in Will's hands.

"It will. It has to be," Mike said. He looked at Max and asked, "Anything?"

Max shook her head. "Nothing. He's just... sitting there."

Mike's mouth twisted before he nodded sharply. "Okay. Does everyone know the plan?"

"Yes," was chorused back.

"Okay. Let's get the dummy set up."

"And after that?" Lucas questioned after handing the duct tape to Mike.

Mike ripped a section of duct tape off, looking everyone dead in the eye as he said, "And then... we wait."

Nods came and Alistair looked back at Billy.

As much as he hoped he wasn't the host for Max's sake, Alistair hoped he was. Maybe for the selfish reason that Will was safe from the Mind Flayer's claws, but for the reason that at least they had a target.

Otherwise they would have no idea who the host was.

It better be you, Hargrove. It better be.



I understand why Max would be in denial—I'd be too—but with all the signs pointing to it... you can't really be in denial for long. And yes, Alistair hates Billy for all the above reasons (and he would definitely have a few ghosts haunt Billy for what he almost did to Rowan)

I loved the scene where Mike formed the plan for the sauna test—really showed how much he was a strategic genius and I loved that it did (and yeah, the boys have definitely been scarred for life XD)

And yes, Alistair told Cami about him and Will almost kissing, and she is appropriately thrilled! (and she will plan their first date)

But now, the sauna test begins...

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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