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Chapter Three: The Break Up

(pre-Suzie, Do You Copy?, Pt. 3)


Alistair picked at the skin around his thumbnail aggressively. Stinging pain burst in his thumb with each bit of skin peeled away, leaving behind red-pink skin welling with crimson blood. And yet, Alistair didn't stop, no matter the blood crusting his nails, no matter the pain.

Because he was breaking up with Cami. Today.

Alistair knew this was the right decision, that it was better for both of them—he knew it since that realisation two days ago, knew it in his bones and heart. And yet here he was, picking at his skin and agonising over it, because what if Cami didn't feel the same? What if she liked him as more than friends? Alistair didn't want to hurt her—he never wanted to hurt Cami, especially after how he'd been such an asshole to her those months ago, however unwittingly because of the Upside Down. 

And yet... what if she also felt the same as him? What if she did want to be strictly platonic again?

Alistair didn't know, and it was making his mind spin in a circle of questioning himself.

His nail scraped down sensitive skin, drawing more blood, more pain. Scarlet beaded, threatening to spill, dying the edges of his nails red.

He couldn't do this, maybe he could wait until he and Rowan got back to Hawkins, maybe—

"Are you ready, lover boy?"

Alistair jumped, whirling around as his heart resettled back into its natural rhythm and he glared at Amarantha leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom, lips quirked up in a smirk, Hugin on her shoulder. When the raven noticed the bloody mess that was the skin around Alistair's left thumbnail, he gave Alistair a reproaching glare and flapped off of Amarantha's shoulder and tugged sharply at one of his curls. Alistair yelped, swatting at Hugin who flew out of the way and dived back in, tugging another curl until Alistair stopped. He glared at Hugin, who flew onto his shoulder, before turning to his still-smirking cousin.

"Uh, yeah, I am," he said. As ready as he could be.

Amarantha nodded, getting off the doorframe and joining Alistair. As she did, Alistair added sarcastically, "Could have gone without the heart attack, though."

"I'm sure you'll live. Want me to get Aunt Hazel just in case?" Amarantha responded as she raised her hand, eyes flashing bluish purple as the air rippled.

Alistair gave her another glare before Amarantha said, "Okay, I've never seen your girlfriend's room before, could you tell me what it looks like?"

Alistair hid the flinch of Cami being referred to as his girlfriend, and described, "Uh, it has pale yellow walls with white skirting, lots of plants—like, a lot, it's like a jungle in there—Eurhythmics, Fleetwood Mac, Kate Bush, Daniela Romo, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Iris Chacon, The Police and David Bowie posters on the walls next to a picture of Blanca Canales and a cross, a Puerto Rico flag over her bed—it has pink sheets and lots of pillows—lots of cassettes and records, a record player, and a snow globe of New York on her bedside table. Oh! And she has this rainbow circle rug in the middle of the room."

Amarantha arched a brow. "That's more information than I expected."

"I thought I had to be specific with this," Alistair returned. That was a caveat of Amarantha's portals—to a place she'd never been, the more specific information she had, the more likely she'd been able to make a portal to that place.

"Yeah, you do. Doesn't mean I'm surprised her parents let you stay in her room for long enough for you to memorise it."

"I'm just that trustworthy," Alistair quipped with a smirk.

Amarantha rolled her eyes and turned back to where the portal was forming, concentrating as reality rippled even more, edges turning the same blue-purple as his cousin's eyes, as the energy she generated.

"Hang on, this might take a while," Amarantha muttered as she poured all her concentration into creating a portal into Cami's room.

Alistair stayed quiet, waiting and resisting the urge to pick at the skin around his nails—Hugin gave him a sharp look and an even shaper tug on one of his curls if Alistair even looked at his hands—as Amarantha made the portal, reality shivering and warping under her power, distorting into itself and blurring between Alistair's room, and what looked like Cami's room. As he watched, Alistair suppressed a shiver, like always—the last time portals had been created, monsters had crawled through and a demon had possessed Will, after he'd been abducted into the Upside Down. And like always, Alistair had to remind himself his cousin's portals were entirely different from the gate—no Demogorgons were creeping through them, no Mind Flayer seeking world domination. And no rotting, cold alternate dimension was waiting beyond Amarantha's portals, eager to consume those foolish or unlucky enough to wander into it—or be dragged into it.

Finally, the portal stablished, revealing a blurred image of what looked like Cami's room, edged with blue-purple. Music drifted in through as Alistair stepped toward the portal, the surface rippling as he now saw Cami, dancing in the middle of her room on that very circular, rainbow-coloured rug, singing into her hairbrush as most of her curls bounced around her—the rest were pulled up in a bun, secured by one of her trademark scrunchies. Alistair smiled, before it faltered, remembering what he had to do.

"Thanks, Ames," Alistair said, turning to his cousin.

Amarantha wiped away blood leaking from her nose, tilting her head to the portal as she explained, "I can keep it open for a few seconds, then I'll have to close it. Since I'm not a mind-reader like Eden, I'll give you guys two hours before I'll make another portal. And when I do, you'll have to go through—making portals to places I don't really know and keeping them open. takes a lot more energy than portals to places I know. So, be ready to go, okay?"

"Okay," Alistair said.

Amarantha smiled. "Have fun, lover boy."

Alistair gave her a flat look before he stepped closer to the portal. Staring at it, he looked at Hugin and said telepathically, I think it's better you stay here, Hugin. Just in case Val or Cami's parents go into her room.

Hugin cawed, panic thrumming through the bond—panic that, given the distance, the bond and the power Alistair had used to bring Hugin somewhat back to life would be severed.

It will be okay. I'll be back in two hours. I'm sure we can survive, Alistair said, and Hugin croaked lowly while giving Alistair a worried look. Both bird and boy knew while a broken bond could make Hugin dead again, they didn't know what a broken bond or at least their bond possibly stretched so thin due to this amount of distance would do to Alistair.

But that was a risk they had to take.

"I'll be fine, and so will you," Alistair assured out loud, stroking Hugin's head, the undead bird cawing softly, worriedly.

"Alistair," Amarantha said, and that was enough of a warning for Alistair to hear he needed to go.

"I'm going, I'm going," he said. Taking Hugin off, he held him out to Amarantha and asked, "Keep an eye on him, okay?"

"Of course," Amarantha said, taking Hugin, who looked disgruntled in Amarantha's hold but didn't try to squirm out of it.

"And if anyone asks where I am, especially Rowan, tell them I'm out in the woods behind the manor practicing raising dead animals and projecting my conscience out of my body for a couple hours," Alistair instructed.

"Will do," Amarantha affirmed, hand to her forehead. "Just be ready to come back in two hours."

"I will be," Alistair assured as he turned back to the portal.

Taking a bracing breath, he stepped through into Cami's room—into Hawkins again.

Several things happened at once.

Alistair let out a forceful gasp as he felt something inside him tremble, almost like it was about to snap and he was barely able to feel Hugin's panic because the bond he'd gotten so used to was so dangerously thin, so dangerously close to snapping, and it hurt and it made his mind swarm with panic and fear—

A scream sounded—

And a hairbrush slammed into Alistair's forehead like a football.

"OW!" Alistair yelled, rubbing the afflicted spot, wincing and trying to stop himself from clutching his chest, because it felt like a piece of his heart had been ripped away and left behind in Lynn, fuck, it hurt.

"Al?!" Cami squeaked, eyes wide, hand still raised up after she'd thrown the hairbrush on instinct.

"Hey," Alistair said weakly, waggling his fingers.

Cami's eyes widened further, but before she could demand how he was here, the doorknob jiggled and a voice asked behind it, "Cami? ¿Estás bien, mija?"

"Si, Mami. I'm fine," Cami responded back, while gesturing madly at him to stay silent. Which was no problem at all.

"OkayI just heard a scream..."

"Yeah, I saw a cockroach!" Cami lied. "Don't worry, I already got it with my hairbrush!"

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to come in?

"No, no, it's all good!" Cami shouted, eyeing Alistair. He eyed her back.

"Okay. If you need anything, or need me to bring in the chancla..."

"I know. I'll scream again."

"Okay. Love you, mija."

"Love you too!" Cami shouted back, wide eyes locked with Alistair's.

Together, they waited in tense silence as Cami's mom finally walked away, the stairs creaking. When the last stair creaked, leaving them in the clear, Alistair looked to Cami and joked weakly, "Your mom's nice."

Cami whirled to him, eyes wide as she hissed, "What are you doing here? How are you here!?"

"My portal-making cousin," Alistair answered, holding back a wince.

"Oh, okay. But why? My parents are literally downstairs, and Val's right next door. I can't really explain how you got in here if they catch you!" Cami panicked, gesturing madly. 

"Yeah, I, uh... I needed to tell you something, and I couldn't tell you over the phone," Alistair said.

Cami frowned, the panic melting away as she moved to turn off her stereo and sat on her bed. "Okay. What is it? Wait, where's Hugin?"

"Hugin's back at Lynn," Alistair answered, wincing again as the bond throbbed, trying its best to stay intact.

Cami's eyes widened. "Is that safe? For you two to be so far apart?"

"I don't know," Alistair admitted, moving to Cami's chest of drawers and leaning against it. "But it's better he's there than here. Don't want your folks or Valerie freaking out."

"Yeah, but not when it's causing you pain," Cami shot back.

Alistair's head whipped over to her, seeing Cami's hands on her hips and eyes narrowed as she said, "Don't even pretend, I can see your face. It's hurting you being so far from Hugin, and it's probably hurting him too. So... tell me what you need to tell me and get back to Lynn before you both get even more hurt."

"Wow. Okay. I..." Alistair started, but the words stuck, glued to his mouth and refusing to come out. Alistair bit back a frustrated cry. 

"Al?" Cami said, brows pinched together, and the words unloosed.

"Cami, I... I think you're amazing," Alistair said, trying again. "I think you're really great and just... wow. Just, the best person ever."

Cami smiled. "Thanks, Al. I think you're great too."

"Yeah, which is why... I'm not dong this because you're not great. Because you are, you're like literal sunshine, and this past few weeks has been... awesome and that kiss was amazing, but..." Alistair went on, and again the words stuck. Still he tried pushing them out to a confused Cami.

"But I..." Alistair started, paused, then tried, "The thing is, I think... no, no, I was gonna say it wrong. Cami, I—"

"Is this a breakup?" Cami asked.

Alistair froze, staring at her as his brain crashed before reloading, processing what Cami just said.

"Uh... yes?" he said meekly, resisting the urge to pick his nails and already explaining the reasons why.

So, it was very much to Alistair's surprise when Cami broke out in a relieved smile and said, "Oh thank God."

Now Alistair was blinking, stunned as he asked, "You... you want to break up, too?"

"Yeah, for like a week now," Cami replied. "Ever since I felt whatever we had at the Snow Ball or whatever crushes we had on each other... kinda fizzled out. And I'm kinda glad, because as much as that kiss was nice, I think I prefer us being friends more."

"Same here," Alistair said, smiling. Realising he maybe sounded too eager, he pulled the smile down as he added, "If that's okay. I know it might be awkward, and I understand if you don't—"

"Al, if you say I don't want to be friends with you just because we dated for a month, I will literally go downstairs, grab my mom's chancla, and smack you with it," Cami threatened, before she smiled and went on, "I don't care if it might be awkward at first. You were my friend first, Al. I'll always want to be your friend."

Alistair smiled. "I'll always want to be your friend, too, Cams."

Cami beamed.

"So... friends again?" Alistair asked.

"Friends again," Cami affirmed, before opening her arms. "C'mere, you el idiota."

Alistair chuckled, but he accepted the hug. The pair of them nearly toppled back onto Cami's bed, smothering their laughter as best they could so Cami's family didn't hear, but they honestly didn't care if they did. Both happy to be newly friends again.

"What if they do hear us?" Alistair whispered as they now lay on the bed together, staring at the ceiling.

"I dunno. Shove you in my closet?" Cami suggested, and everything in Alistair froze.

At sensing it, Cami said, "Hey, it was just a joke. I wouldn't shove you in my closet, even if it is roomier than under my bed..."

"No, no, it isn't that," Alistair murmured, rolling over. 

"What is it?" Cami inquired, sitting up. She touched his shoulder and said, "Hey, you can talk to me. I'm here to listen, if you want, and I'll support you, okay? Always."

Something loosened inside Alistair, and he sighed, rolling back as he said, "Okay, but you can't tell anyone about this."

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Cami said, her face as serious as her voice.

Alistair stared at Cami, at war with himself. before he sighed again and began, "Cami, I... I like—"


Again, Alistair blue-screened before he spluttered, "What?"

"Well, I kinda picked up on it, even when I think we still liked each other as more than friends, and it's totally okay, and—" Cami started, only for Alistair to cut in, "Cami, I... I was gonna say I like both. Girls, and... and boys."

Cami blinked. "Oh."

"Yeah," Alistair murmured, biting his lip, waiting for what she had to say.

Again, she surprised him by grinning and saying, "Well, then, you get the best of both worlds! Plus, I already knew you liked Will, so I guess that—"

"Wait, Cami, you're... cool, with this?" Alistair asked, making Cami pause to blink owlishly at him.

She stared at him for a second before she smiled and said, "Yeah, I am, you el idiota. I mean, it would be hypocritical of me if I wasn't."

Chai moved closer and said in a stage-whisper, "I like both too."

Alistair stared bug-eyed Cami as she amended, "Well, I do, but I also don't really care? I just think everyone looks so hot, boy or girl? I dunno if it's the same or..."

She shrugged, before smiling. "But it's okay. At least we can now talk about how cute boys and girls are."

"Yeah, I guess we can," Alistair said, and this time he could crack a grin.

Cami was still smiling, showing off the gap in her teeth, before she said, "Or, someone here already has a cute boy they like."

Cami winked and Alistair frowned before his brain caught up with what Cami had been saying amid his shock and confusion—and happiness—of her so casually accepting him, about him liking Will.

"That's... Me and Will—I don't—what?" Alistair stammered, the words tripping over each other as they stumbled out of his mouth, a flurry of vocal confusion.

Cami stared at him in confusion, before understanding dawned. "Al, do you really don't know?"

"Know what?" Alistair asked, still confused.

"That you're practically in love with Will," Cami said.

Now Alistair was the one staring at Cami, even more confused, as he said, "I'm not in love with Will—he's my best friend!"

"Al, please," Cami said as she sat up, hands on her hips and giving him a look. "You stare at him like he put the stars up in the sky, and you're always the first to go after him and make sure he's okay. Plus, the fact you literally wanted to run into a monster-infested lab just to save him and then helped exorcise the Mind Flayer out of him... that's not stuff you usually do for someone you're just friends with."

"I'd do that for any of my friends. I'd do it for you," Alistair argued.

"Yeah, but you do it the most with Will," Cami countered. "He may be your best friend, that's true... but it's more than friendship now. You like Will."

 Alistair opened his mouth to argue, but Cami beat him to it, saying, "Look, just... give me a reason why you don't, and I'll drop it, okay?"

"That's easy. I..." Alistair started, but for some reason he couldn't continue. His mind was blanking on a reason why he and Will were just friends. 

"Al?" Cami questioned, prodding his leg gently with her socked foot. "You okay?"

"I just... need a moment," Alistair muttered as he sat up, his mind racing with all the memories and years of friendship with Will—from the very first moment they met, when Alistair had stolen his crayons by accident and he apologised in a mess of tears but Will had accepted and let him use his crayons and they coloured their drawings together, and Alistair knew he'd found his best friend. The years where their Party had grown, but Will had always been his best friend, the friend he was closest to, that he trusted the most and knew would never judge him or think him crazy, the terrifying moments when Will got hurt and everyone in Alistair seemed to stop, and when Alistair stood up for Will against the bullies and Will did the same even if it was quieter. And that terrifying moment when Will was abducted and trapped in the Upside Down for a week, that heart-stopping moment when Alistair saw the fake body and believed Will dead—the utter relief when he was alive and he was rescued. The week leading up to the possession and saving Will, and then their dance together at the Snow Ball. The moments in between of laughter and arcade games and reading comics and Lord Of The Rings together and watching Star Wars and Ghostbusters, of Halloweens and birthdays, of sleepovers and hang outs, of endless campaigns, Will the Wise and Alistair the Fearless. The confession in that shed, because it was true, Alistair would always try to save Will and bring him back into the light, pull him out of the dark before he could drown under it, when Will did so effortlessly when Alistair felt swallowed by the ghosts and death, with his smile and soft-spoken kindness and occasional moments of sarcasm. Of how it felt like they were always in the other's orbit, circling around each other, pulled back to the other. Alistair and Will. Will and Alistair. Best friends, forever and always. And the moments where Alistair found Will's smile nice, and he liked the sound of his laugh, how being around Will made something squirm and swoop in his stomach and his heart beat just a bit faster, and he got lost in his hazel-brown eyes and wanted to run his fingers through Will's stupid but adorable bowl-cut hair—

Alistair froze, eyes wide.

"Holy shit," he breathed. "Holy shit."

"Al?" Cami questioned again, concern in her face. "Are you okay? Wait, I didn't break you, right? Oh God, I broke you, I'm so sorry—"

"No, no. I just..." Alistair answered, breathing in and out before he whispered, "Holy shit. You're right. I like Will."

He liked Will. Not just as a best friend, but as something more. Somehow, somewhere, it had shifted into something more, platonic feelings transforming into romantic ones. Alistair liked Will, he had a crush on his best friend for God knows how long—a few months, a year, maybe longer? But that didn't matter.

Alistair liked Will. He had a crush on his best friend.

And he hadn't noticed.

"How come I never noticed?" he whispered, still stunned.

"Well, we did kinda crushed on each other..." Cami pointed out.

"True," Alistair muttered.

"And, if I'm being honest, you were kinda oblivious," Cami went on.

"Fair point," Alistair mumbled. He had been—right until now.

"Which, I don't get, since it's so obvious—even when we crushed on each other and dated," Cami said.

"He's my best friend. I just... I thought that what I felt was what I felt toward Mike and Max," Alistair admitted, now hugging his knees. "But it was?"

"Yeah. To everyone but you and Will," Cami said, before she paused and amended, "Okay, maybe not everyone. I think your friends and Rowan's and Will's family haven't clocked it yet. But to nearly everyone else... yeah, it kinda was."

Alistair blinked, then blew out a breath as he ran his hand through his curls, making them even more unruly. "Okay. I think I need to... process all of this. Holy shit."

"Yeah, of course," Cami said, voice soft and kind. "And know that, if you guys do end up together—especially now you're no longer oblivious—I'll support you wholeheartedly. Because you're my friend, and you deserve happiness and be with the one you like."

Alistair smiled. "Thanks, Cams. And same goes to you."

Cami smiled, before it turned wicked as she added, "Plus, since you're not oblivious anymore and we've broken up now, I can finally play wingwoman!"

"Really? You're gonna be my wingwoman?" Alistair questioned, half-sardonically, half-genuinely.

"Yeah! As your ex and your friend, it is my duty to get my ex -slash-now best friend and his crush together!" Cami declared dramatically as she flopped back on her bed.

Alistair let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I think that might take a while."

"Don't care! I will do my duties as wingwoman and get you guys together, no matter how long it takes!" Cami exclaimed, sitting up and wagging a finger in front of him, determination in her face. "Especially when I've seen you two obliviously pine for each other for too long now!"

"Okay, okay," Alistair said with a chuckle. "I won't doubt your skills. Also, ouch, Cams."

"Hey, as your best friend, I need to be honest about your love life," Cami said, reclining back onto her army of pillows.

"Speaking of love life, can we take a pause on it?" Alistair questioned.

"Sure. Oh! Do you wanna listen to some music?" Cami asked.

"Sure," Alistair answered with a shrug, watching as Cami bounced back up and headed over to the stereo, replacing her tape with a new one. Immediately the beat for Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of These) began to play. Cami grinned, bopping her head to the music.

"Dios, I love this song so much!" she exclaimed, fluffy-socked feet moving across the floor, the baggy sleeves of her sweatshirt moving with her waving arms, her curls also bouncing up and down.

"I can tell," Alistair noted, from where he was still sitting on Cami's bed.

"Listen, if I had to pick one song as my absolute fave, it's this!" Cami declared, pausing her dancing but still grinning. Noticing Alistair was still sitting on the bed, she demanded, "Oh come on, Al, you need to dance! Come on, get up and join me!"

"Okay, okay," Alistair laughed, getting up and moving to Cami. But before they could dance, a sound like fabric tearing came.

"What is happening?" Cami whispered as they saw reality warp.

"Don't worry, it's okay," Alistair assured as he saw the flickers of blue-purple.

However, Cami raced toward where her hairbrush was and picked it up, brandishing it like a weapon. And given that Alistair knew he was going to have a bruise from where it had been lobbed at his forehead, it very much was.

"Cami! It's okay! Put down the hairbrush!" Alistair hissed as the portal grew bigger and bigger, reality flickering between Cami's bedroom and the one he was sharing with Kieran.

"No chance in hell!" Cami hissed back, holding the hairbrush tighter.

Alistair didn't even get the chance to stare in bemusement at his friend, because the portal fully formed. And without hesitation, Cami lobbed her hairbrush through.

Unlike Alistair, Amarantha dodged it. A grin formed on her face.

"Nice arm," she complimented as Cami stared wide-eyed at her before Amarantha turned to Alistair and asked, "Al, you ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah, I am," Alistair said. Turning to Cami he said, "I need to go. Also, don't tell anyone about this, okay? If they ask about the breakup—"

"We did it over the phone," Cami finished, grinning. "Don't worry, I'll keep this visit a secret."

Alistair smiled, as behind him Amarantha asked, "Breakup? What breakup?"

"Doesn't matter," Alistair and Cami said in unison, before giving each other hugs.

"See you in a few weeks, Cami!" Alistair farewelled as he stood in front of the portal.

"See you in a few weeks!" Cami called back, waving just as Alistair stepped through.

Immediately, he gasped in relief as the stretched-thin bond strengthened, and a blur of black collided in his face Hugin cawing and yelling, Don't do that again! Too painful! Both got hurt! Hugin comes next time! 

"Missed you too, buddy," Alistair said, hugging Hugin as he added, "And don't worry, you will."

Hugin cawed, and Alistair turned to see Amarantha toss the hairbrush through, while also restraining herself—she didn't want to accidentally throw it through the wall. It came through, clattering on the floor just before Amarantha closed the portal up.

"Well," she panted, wiping the blood away, "I hope you and Cami had a nice chat, Al. Also, did you guys breakup? Spill all the details."

"In a minute," Alistair said. "I need to talk to Rowan."

Amarantha nodded, understanding. "Sure."

She walked out, and a second later Alistair followed, Hugin now on his shoulder, walking down the hallway to the room his sister shared with Sage and Ash. He knocked, and a minute later his sister said, "Come in."

Alistair opened it, seeing Rowan in bed, reading Carrie, headphones on. She closed her book and lowered her headphones as she said, "Hey, squirt."

"Hey," Alistair said, biting his lip. 

"What is it, squirt?" Rowan asked, brows creased in concern.

"I need to tell you something," Alistair said, making himself look at his sister.

"Okay. Tell me," Rowan said.

"Cami and I broke up," Alistair began.

Rowan's eyes widened, and sympathy flooded in on her face. "Oh God, Al, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay. It was mutual—we agreed we're better off friends," Alistair explained.

"Oh, okay," Rowan said. She frowned again, suspicious. "There's more you want to tell me, isn't there?"

"Yeah," Alistair admitted. Taking comfort in Hugin on his shoulder and Cami's support and acceptance, he sighed and confessed, "I like girls. And... and boys."

"Oh," Rowan murmured, before saying, "Okay then. I mean, I already guessed, but I'm glad you trusted me to tell me."

"Wait, you knew?" Alistair demanded, eyes wide.

"I suspected," Rowan clarified, before she smiled and added, "You're my brother, squirt. Boys, girls, both... it doesn't change a thing. I love you and support you no matter what, okay? Now, c'mere."

Alistair smiled, and he moved to Rowan, letting her pull him into a hug, something loosening inside his chest at his sister's acceptance—he knew, but a part of him had been scared, so he didn't dare say anything until now.

"Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you for being the best sister ever."

"I try," Rowan said, still hugging him tightly.

They stayed in the hug for almost a minute, before they pulled away and Alistair confessed the last thing.

"And I... I like Will. I have a crush on him," he admitted.

Rowan grinned. "Finally! I was wondering when you'd realise."

Alistair gaped, wanting to ask but deciding not to—it'd probably been obvious to his sister, too.

"Also, I... I need to tell you something," Rowan admitted, her smile falling.

Alistair frowned. "What is it?"

"I..." Rowan started, fiddling with her shirt hem, before she muttered, "Fuck it," and said, "I don't like anyone."

Alistair's confusion grew. "Yeah, I know. You've never liked anyone."

"No, it's... it's more than that," Rowan said, biting her lip, fear flickering in her face. That had Alistair's confusion grow even more—since when did his sister look so scared? 

"What I mean is," she said, "I... I'm not attracted to people. I've never had a crush or wanted to have sex with someone vaguely attractive. Ever. Not even when everyone else around me seems to be. No desire, no lust, no arousal, no fucking attraction of any kind to the human body, whatever you want to fucking call it. I just... can't feel that. I don't think I ever will."

Alistair stared at Rowan, confusion still through him. What Rowan said... was that possible? Everyone else he knew—fuck, even himself—had crushes on people. As for the sex part... even thinking about it made Alistair's neck flush, but he did feel that way, did want that, maybe, one day.

So how you could feel otherwise?

But Rowan... she'd supported him, without question, didn't love him any differently than how she already did. And though he didn't really understand, it'd be really hypocritical of Alistair if he didn't return that same support, that same love.

"I support you, Rowan," he whispered, making his sister look at him. Alistair shrugged and went on, "I mean, you're supporting me, it's not cool if I don't, right?"

Rowan stared at him, her blue eyes shining before she pulled Alistair into another hug, one Alistair returned because this time his sister needed the support as she whispered, "I love you so fucking much, squirt."

"I love you too," he murmured, holding her tightly.

When they finally pulled away, Rowan's eyes were still wet but she was smirking as she said, "So. Will, huh?"

Crimson bloomed on Alistair's cheeks as he grumbled, "Shut up."

"No! I've been suspecting for years, I need to know when my baby brother realised he finally had a crush on him!" Rowan demanded, grabbing Alistair. Alistair squawked, wriggling in her hold as he yelled, "Rowan, let me go!"

"Nope! Not until you spill!" Rowan demanded, a vicious grin on her face.

Alistair kept trying to fight his way out, before he elbowed Rowan. That caused her to let him go and he scrambled away, glaring at Rowan as she laughed, but now Alistair found himself smiling as he gave in to telling Rowan, feeling happier than he ever had.

The only thing that could change it...

Was if he did indeed get the courage to tell Will he had a crush on him when they got back to Hawkins in a couple of weeks.



Yes, Cami and Alistair broke up!! It was mutual, and they both decided they were better as friends. However, that does not devalue they did crush on each other in the beginning, even if it fizzled out. But, it's strictly platonic from here on out, and I can't wait to write their friendship

And yeah, the bond between Alistair and Hugin has a limit with distance! The further away they are from each other, the more pain and risk of the bond snapping there is. A few metres doesn't hurt, but with hundreds, maybe thousands of metres apart... that hurts

Yeah, Cami kinda channeled her inner Rachel Elizabeth Dare with the hairbrush. Even if it's a valid reaction 😂

And yeah, along with the breakup/affirming of friendship, Alistair and Cami came out to each other! We love our bisexual king and pansexual queen 

Yeah, Cami helped Alistair realise that he has a crush on Will (our oblivious boy needed a little bit of help) But Alistair now realises he does like Will as more than a friend! (now, if only he can actually confess...)

And yeah, Alistair and Rowan also had a mutual coming out as well. I acknowledged it in Rowan's side, but I decided to show it in full here. Even though it's a sort of coming out on Rowan's end, since asexuality and 80s don't mix. And yeah, Alistair is confused, but he does think it'd be hypocritical of him to not support his sister when she supports him, so he's supportive and accepting of her

... And I only just realised that Alistair, Rowan and Cami make up the holy trifecta of unrecognised/"invisible" sexualities 😂 (we love our bi, ace and pan icons, though)

Anyway, only a next couple of chapters until we leave the Graveswood family and we're in season three proper!!! Who's excited? I know I am >:)

Spanish translations:

Estás bien: Are you okay

Mija: Daughter

Si: Yes

El idiota: Idiot

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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