Chapter 2- Life in the forest

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Reaperela's preview:
I woke up the next day and went back to the river because my wound started to bleed again. I started to wash my wound even though I am 4 about to be 5 in 2 to 3 months. I know the months because my 'father' had a calendar down in the basement and the day he decided to throw me here was April 27 so it is in the middle of May. I know how to do these things because of the magic and power I got from Satan. So I guess I am not going to heaven where Mom is anymore. "I am so sorry Mom I won't be able to see you again" I said to myself and started to tear up. My devil tail wraps around my right leg. "Well I have to make a shelter probably a tree house" I said out loud again to no one. I wrapped a piece of my jeans and tied it around my wounded shoulder. I then got up from the river and tried to climb a tree but failed so I flew up the tree. I started to cut down branches of trees and putting them in a pile on the ground.
Time skip when Reaperela is done making the tree house
Once I was done I went to it and tested it if I could be on it for a long time. It was stable but I knew if I was going to live here forever I have to move out and start from scratch to make it bigger. "But It is gonna work for now" I said and I remembered the wolf that attacked me yesterday. I went back to where the wolf was I took out my switchblade and started to take out one of the wolf's teeth. Once it was loose enough I then pulled it out and I went to look for a string like thing so I could wear this. I then took my shoe lace and tied the tooth around my wrist. I then started to walk around and mark every tree with an R. Once I was done with that I didn't know what else to do. So I flew up to the top of the trees and laid on top looking at the clouds. After a couple of hours of looking at the sky I then went to the lower branches of the tree. I started to do some acrobatic shit I know shit is a bad word. But I learned all the bad words from my Dad he said each one to me and about me. I flipped onto the ground and I wondered if I have Satan's magic and powers what can I do. I then remembered I ran so fast when I was being chased by those wolves. So let me practice on running at the top speed I could go just incase I hurt my wings or something else. I went over to  mark out where I start and where I end to see if I could stop myself. I got to the marked tree behind the line that I put down. I then started to do a count down in my head 3 2 1 GO. I started to run once I got closer to the marked tree that had a checkered flag I couldn't stop and I hit the tree. "I can't control my fucking powers I guess my body can't handle my magic and powers just yet" I said thinking out loud so I could wait longer to practice my magic and powers.
Time skip 12 months later yep a whole year
"Another day another cut on my body" I said out loud as I cut on my body and I laughed insanely. "I can't believe no one has realized I am gone" I said looking over all the cuts I did over the year in the river I had them on my face, arms, legs, and almost fully on my body. I rarely got any sleep anymore I try to work on my super speed day and night. (Angela^: Day and night I toss and turn I keep stressing my mind mind I look for peace but see I don't attain what I need for keeps this silly game we play play now look at this~ | Reaperela: Angela focus on the story | Angela^: sorry I couldn't help it) I then went to go hunt for dinner tonight. I found a deer I then dug my claws in it's neck once I was sure it was dead I picked it up. I brought it back to my shelter that I call home for the past year. "I have been gone for a year everyone doesn't care to even look for me or they did and they stopped looking for me after 3 to 4 months after I got use to doing my route" I said out loud. I then put the deer on the ground next to my fireplace I built before the winter I even made one in the tree house. I then started to skin the deer once I was done taken off the skin I put it by the river. So I could clean the blood off of it and so I could use it to keep warm for the winter. I went back to the skinned deer and I started to take out all of the bones. (Angela^: *tries not to puke* | Reaperela: sorry I have to go into detail oh what happened I really didn't want to tell ye about the skinning apart animals | Angela^: It is ok I just got 'Vietnam' flashbacks *giggles*) I kept the bones just incase something happened to my tree house's seaport branches. I would tie two bones to the branch and it will keep it up. I leaned that my hearing is increased because of my magic and powers over the year. I then heard something or someone but they sound like they are 3 miles away so I shrugged it off. (Little did Reaperela know that person would change her life forever) No one goes this deep into the forest unless it is a murder. I put the deer on top of the fireplace so the deer could cook. While I wait till the deer is done cooking I flew up all the trees to look at the sun close to setting. I always love looking at the sky and the stars. I then flew back to the deer it was done so I took it off of the fireplace. I then started to eat it once I was done I put the organs to the wolves that were close by they like me now because I give them the guts and stuff of what I eat. I went back to my home and flew up to my tree house I got my switchblade and put another cut on my body. Once I cleaned all the blood I then wrapped myself with my wings and fell asleep.

Hi everyone I hope you all liked chapter 2 of Reaperela's story this chapter has 1,207 words Anyways I will see you guys in the next chapter bye~

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