Chap 13

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Echo whimpered. Soundwave gave her to Knockout and looked at Bee "You two get her out of here!" Soundwave and the others charged at Megatron. Knocks and Bee ran with Echo who was praying that they would be all be alright.
Megatron was plowing through them but they jumped back up and tackled him back down, they were going to let him get to her. Soundwave and him broke out into and all out fight between them, the others taking the advantage from him. But he still got the better of them, even Soundwave, shoving them all out of his way and racing after the two that had his lover. She saw him and squeaked out and curled up more as he got closer. Bee was ahead of Knockout and just ad Megatron grabbed him he threw Echo to Bee "Bug, catch!" Bee turned around and caught her just in time and raced off as Megatron punched the scrap outta of Knockout and threw the medic aside. Bee ran as fast as he could while carrying the femme, no one ever thought this was going to happen. Megatron was getting much closer to him and tackled the young scout causing Echo to fly out of his arms and rolled several feet away. She groaned and slowly sat up, she shook her helm. She blinked and looked around then screamed loudly as she saw Megatron racing towards her. The scream was more powerful than she had ever screamed before. It was literally Earth shattering as the ground began to crack and break from the sound waves created from her scream. Everyone covered their audios. Megatron had crippled down from the loud scream and she managed to run/limp farther away from him. Megatron shook his helm, her scream was echoing through his audios and rang through his helm, making it hard to focus on what he was doing. He stumbled back a bit.
Soundwave raced over to Echo and they hugged again. He looked her over to make sure she was okay. A little banged up but she was doing better than she had been. She hugged him again and he held her. He looked over at Megatron who had gained his balance again and raced towards them. This time they didn't run. They waited for him. He got closer and closer and went to punch Soundwave when some kind of force field stopped him in his tracks. He tried to hit again and again, but nothing happened. "WHAT!?" He roared with anger. Soundwave looked at him "You don't know Echo as well as you think you do." She looked at him, a glint from her mask, her beautiful violet optics were now bloody red. Megatron looked at her confused then shrugged it off as a trick and tried again, this time with all his might but he only bounced back off of the force field, Echo had been an experiment from the beginning, she wasn't sparked like normal and Soundwave knew this. She never remembered any of this.
He shifted and looked at Megatron "Just give it up, she doesn't love you, she loves me. You have done nothing but hurt her and cause her nothing but endless pain." Megatron looked at him then to Echo, almost like he was just realizing this to be true. But he just didn't want to give her up! He wanted her as his mate!!! He thought long and hard then gave a threat that he'd return and take her from him, even if they were bonded. He was going to claim Echo!!! Even if it killed him! He transformed and left to think of a way to get her back.
Echo was back to normal and looked at Soundwave, who was looking at the Bots and the former Cons walking over. "Let's go back to base." Ratchet said and asked Rafael to open the bridge at their coordinates. Soundwave said that they would join them a little later. After the bridge closed, Soundwave took Echo over to a cliff and they sat down watching the ocean. She leaned against him, tired, "I missed you so much." He looked at her "I missed you as well, my spark was in great pain." He sighed softly and removed his mask asking her to remove hers. She did and looked at him wondering what he was doing. He shifted and blushed looking at her "Echo, I've been meaning to ask you if..." He shifted and let out a small vent and looked at her again "...if you would be my s-s-sparkmate...?" She looked at him and smiled happily "Of course I will!" She hugged him close and his kissed her forhelm. They pulled apart and his opened his spark chamber, she did the same and carefully they removed a piece from each other's spark and then placed it in the hole that was missing the piece. Quickly their sparks had accepted the new piece and a feeling of love and warmth flowed through their new bond. "I love you, Echo," He said over the bond and she looked at him "I love you, too, Soundwave." He kissed her gently before giving her mask back to her and then put his on and called for a bridge. They walked through and into the Autobot base where Knockout and Ratchet took Echo so they could treat her wounds.
Soundwave watched with a small smile. He was happy. He looked over at Optimus and walked over to him "Thank you for all of your help." "It was no problem Soundwave, you and the others are welcome to stay here." He replied. "Even though we are Cons?" Breakdown asked. Optimus shook his helm "That doesn't matter, from the way things went I doubt Megatron would take you all back aboard his ship." "How will he get anything done? He lost his medics, a Vehicon, and his Third in Command." Miko asked. "Well, Megatron will most likely find new members to take the places of them so it may be a long while before we hear anything from him." Optimus said looking at them "Would you like to become Autobots?" It was a long day and that sounded like a pretty good idea to most.

Back on the Nemesis
Megatron was currently having a rage fit. A chuckle came from his throne "Wow, they must have really gotten to you, Big Guy~" He frowned and looked at his throne, the shadows made it hard to see who was there, besides bright green optics that sparkled with mischief. "Who are you?" He huffed out. "Who I am doesn't matter, Doll, I see that someone has stolen your love from you, would you like some help getting her back?" The voice sounded feminine but with power added behind it "Because I can help you. I know where you can get more help and make a bigger army to crush your enemies and take you love back." She held out her servo which her paint was pure white. She held a devilish grin and waited. He thought about it and nodded, shaking her servo "Deal."

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