*inserts vine*YOU BETTER STOP-

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This really pisses me off.

Like look, I know you gotta have your...




jhdisbduzh THOSE THINGIES.


Honestly I don't ship them at all. Like at first,  when I was getting into the shipping part of the fandom(I low-key loathe this part because some shippers legit take shipping too far and become very delulu, beliving the ship is real and shit LIKE GET YOUR CRAZY ASS ON SOMEWHERE. YOU'RE THE REASON I CRY TEARS OF BLOOD.) I did like them but know I fucking despise them. Specially Yoonmin shippers.(certain ones) like I was IG one day and I follow this Hobi fan account right, she posted a video of Yoongi in that chim chim outfit, he had got up when Jungkook and Jin came over.(I'll post a screen shot later) with the caption "Nah, he saw it was Hobi and moved"*I forgot the actual caption but it was something like this*



Mostly everyone was pissed because it's was Sope-only event and Yoonminers came out of the woodwork like roaches and kept saying *nO jImIn*

Reasons why i despise yoonmin:

It doesn't exist here. I don't know what the fuck a Yoonmin is tbh.

Is that a new foreign vegetable from planet Unknown?🤔

(No offense to those who ship it but don't force it in my face)

I'll respect your ...ˢʰⁱᵖˢ but I'm not gonna write about them lmao.



But anyway yeah they always put Hobi alone or something :((

Makes me so pissed. Then they have the audacity to make him the evil guy >:(((

Like Hoseok isn't evil tf. He's a giant bubble of sunshine for fuck sake.

Just so ugh.

I hate those fanfics when they either got him being lonely, that supportive lonely friend or just evil.

He need dick too tf😡

Doing my mans wrong...

But anywho I just had to get this out there lol.

Bye ❤😂

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