Chapter: Eighty-Eight

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I was currently on my way home, Twist wasn't that busy today so Blake let me leave early, which was nice. I've been dying to spend some time with Rebecca and the kids lately.

After pulling into our long driveway, I got out and headed to the door.

I put the key in the lock and opened the it.

Rebecca and the kids looked up from the couch as I entered.

"You're home early." Rebecca said as I made my way over.

I plopped down next to her and the kids, planting a soft kiss on Rebecca's cheek. "Yeah, things were kinda slow today."

Rebecca smiled. "Well, I guess that means you get to look through old family pictures with us."

The kids smiled and cheered as Rebecca stood, grabbing a binder from the bookshelf.

She retook her spot and opened the binder. The first page was filled with her baby pictures.

"Oh my god, you were so cute." I said with a smile, tapping a few of the pictures.

Rebecca laughed as she flipped through a few more pages.

And, before we knew it, we had reached the last page, which was full of pictures we took with the kids.

Rebecca closed the binder. "I guess that's it."

"Awe." Anna said.

"What about you, mommy?" Max asked me.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, your grandma would probably have them, but I don't know for sure."

"Really?" Rebecca asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, after my dad left we didn't really keep up with family pictures, you know."

"Ooh, can we ask her?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, please?" Max added.

I chuckled. "Sorry, kiddos, it's a little late to be bothering your grandma... I know, how about I tell you a story instead?"

"From your childhood?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah, I've got plenty." I replied.

She raised her eyebrow. "Are you sure they're, you know, kid friendly?"

I nodded, patting her shoulder. "Obviously. Here, I have a good one."

Rebecca and the kids sat back as I started my tale.

"Let's start a few months after my sixteenth birthday..."

Fourteen Years Ago...

Wendy and I sat in the front seats of my dad's 'Cuda, sharing a cigarette.

"Your dad really left you the car?" She asked, taking a hit of the cigarette before passing it back to me.

I ran my hand over the steering wheel. "At least that's what my mom tells me... of course the only thing he leaves me is a piece of shit that doesn't run."

She took the cigarette back. "Why not fix it up? It would definitely be the coolest car in the student parking lot... and it may win you some points with 'you know who.'"

I rolled my eyes, taking a hit from the cigarette. "Please, she doesn't even know I exist and some rotted out hunk of metal from last century isn't gonna change that."

She threw her arms up. "Fine, I won't mention it anymore."

I sighed, taking one last hit before putting the cigarette out. "C'mon, let's go somewhere."

She smiled. "A new bar opened up down the street, I hear it's for lesbians only."

I returned her smile. "I guess it's time to dust off those fake I.D.s then."

"Let's hope they still work." She replied, stepping out of the car.

I followed her out into my driveway before closing the garage door.

Then, we got in Wendy's car and headed off in search of this new bar...

When we finally found it, we pulled into the nearly empty parking lot and got out.

I looked up at the tall sign in front of the building. "Twist?"

Wendy shrugged. "Sounds cool to me and it looks pretty empty. This plan might just work."

I pulled my fake I.D. out as I followed Wendy through the front doors.

We took a quick look around the nearly empty bar. A few older women sat at a booth in the back while a couple played pool, Twisted Sister ringing out from the jukebox.

"Well, at least there's good music." I whispered to Wendy.

She chuckled as she made her way to the bar, me following close behind.

We took two seats just as a beautiful woman walked up from behind the bar, a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, welcome to Twist, my names Blake." She said.

Wendy and I stuck our hands out, introducing ourselves.

Blake nodded. "Nice to meet you, would you guys mind if I took a quick peak at your I.D.s?"

"Not at all." Wendy said, pulling hers out.

I slid mine across the bar.

Blake looked down at them for a long second before handing them back. "Alright, what can I get you guys?"

"One Corona." I replied.

"How about a Vodka, neat." Wendy added.

Blake nodded. "Coming right up."

As she walked off to get the drinks, I leaned over to whisper in Wendy's ear. "What the hell does that mean?"

She shrugged. "Beats me, I heard it on the TV the other day."

I let out a slight chuckle as Blake returned with our drinks.

"There you are." She said.

I picked up my beer and took a sip.

"So, are you from around here?" Wendy asked Blake.

She shook her head. "Seattle originally."

"What brings you to our small town?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I just needed a change of scenery. I was never much of a city girl."

"Well, this definitely isn't the big city." Wendy replied with a chuckle.

Blake smiled. "That it's not. But, I'm kinda liking it here so far. Everyone's so nice and the property taxes are cheap, so bonus."

We laughed before falling into conversation, getting to know Blake better. She was actually pretty cool and we had a good time.

As the place cleared out, Blake headed out from behind the bar. "I'm gonna step out for a smoke, care to join me?" She asked.

Wendy and I exchanged a glance and a nod before following her out the back door.

We sat on a couple crates behind the building, Blake lit her cigarette before facing us. "So, how old are you guys really?"

Wendy and I exchanged a nervous look.

"Uh, twenty-one." She said with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, you saw the I.D.s." I added.

Blake laughed, looking between the two of us. "That I did. And I've seen plenty of fakes just like them in my day."

We exchanged another glance before Wendy lowered her head. "Eighteen..."

Blake looked to me. "And you?"

I sighed. "Sixteen..."

Blake studied us for a long minute. "Well, you guys seem pretty cool, so I'm not gonna call the cops."

Wendy and I looked up, relief washing over us. "Seriously?" I asked.

Blake nodded, exhaling smoke. "Yeah, why not. You know, some of those fake I.D.s I was talking about belonged to me."

"Really?" I asked.

"Did they work?" Wendy added.

Blake thought for a second. "Sometimes. Usually not, though."

She laughed and we joined in.

"So, can we come back then?" I asked.

She shrugged, putting her cigarette out. "Sure, but I don't wanna deal with any pissed off parents, got it?"

We nodded and she stood.

"Good, I'll see you guys tomorrow then?" She asked.

We stood up as well. "Definitely." I said.

She nodded and waved us off before heading to her car.

Wendy and I shared a smile and a high-five...

Present day...

"Who knew Blake was so irresponsible." Rebecca said with a chuckle.

I returned it. "Hey, it worked out well for us."

She smiled and shook her head.

"Can we hear another one, mommy?" Anna asked, Max nodding his agreement.

I checked the time on my phone. "Sorry, kiddos, it's time for bed. I'll think of a good one for tomorrow though."

They smiled as they stood, following Rebecca to their room.

I stood and made my way to our room, falling asleep before Rebecca even got there...

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