Chapter: Eighty-One

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   The day finally came, it was officially moving day. Rebecca and I have been packing since last week, with help from the kids of course.

   We loaded up my car, my dads truck and Mikes van.

   "Thanks again, guys, we definitely wouldn't have been able to move all this stuff without you." I said.

   "Anytime." Mike replied, my dad nodding his agreement.

   Bailey cleared her throat.

   "And thank you, Bailey, we woulda been screwed for sure without you." I said with a chuckle.

   She smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

   Rebecca and the kids came out the door, one last box in hand.

   "Alright, this is officially everything." Rebecca said with a smile.

   Mike took the box and set it in his van.

   I nodded. "Then, let's hit the road..."

   We pulled into the driveway of our new house. It led way back into the wooded area behind our house. A huge garage sat off to the side of it and a barn sat way at the end of it.

   After unloading everything, we decided to set everything up on our own.

   "Thanks again, guys." I said.

   "Yeah, we'll see you all tomorrow." Rebecca added.

   After saying our goodbyes, we closed the door and examined our new house.

   Rebecca let out a happy sigh. "Isn't it great?"

   "Well, after we get everything set up it will be."

   She gave me a playful nudge.

   "Well? What're we waiting for then? Let's get to work people." She said before marching up to the first box.

   The kids and I laughed as we joined her...

   After a few hours, a few beers, and lots of hard work, everything was set up.

   Rebecca, the kids, and I collapsed on the couch, examining our new living room.

   "What do you kids think?" I asked.

   They smiled. "It's awesome." Max said.

   "And roomy." Anna added.

   I chuckled, wrapping my arm around Anna's shoulders.

   As the sun started to set, Rebecca and I laid the kids down for the night.

   We walked out onto our back patio, which had a nice picnic table and lounge chairs. A big fireplace in the middle and a nice new grill.

   I sat on one of the lounge chairs and pulled Rebecca into my lap. "Well, this is it, we own a house."

   Rebecca chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. "How're you feeling?"

   I thought for a second before flashing her a smile. "Happy."

   She gave me another kiss before leaning her head on my shoulder...

   The next morning, we rushed to get everything set up for our housewarming party.

   Max helped me set up streamers, while Anna helped Rebecca with the snacks and drinks.

   There was a knock at our door.

   "I'll get it." I said as I walked towards the door.

   I opened it and greeted Wendy and Jen. "Hey, guys."

   "Hey." Wendy replied, pulling me in for a hug.

   "Are we early?" Jen asked, poking her head in.

   "Just in time actually." Rebecca replied from behind me.

   We invited them in and showed them around.

   Soon after, everyone else started showing up and the party was officially underway.

   Beth, Kris, Stephanie, and Billy played video games with the kids, While Blake, Kat, Abigail, and Dana talked in the kitchen. Rebecca's mom and aunts chatted on the back patio, while Bailey, Mike, Heather, and Alice hung out by the snack table.

   "When are your parents supposed to show up?" Wendy asked.

   I checked the time on my phone. "Actually, they should've been here by now."

   Just then, there was a knock at the door.

   "That's probably them." Rebecca said, heading for the door.

   She opened it. "Hey Mr. and Mrs.-"

   She stopped short, glancing at the man in the doorway.

   "Uh, Skylar?" She called back.

   I walked over and smiled. "Hey, John. This is my wife, Rebecca."

   John smiled and stuck his hand out. "Nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you."

   Rebecca glanced at me before hesitantly shaking his hand.

   Before she could talk, I noticed my dads truck pulling into the driveway, a trailer was attached to the back with a familiar car sitting on it.

   "No way." I said before walking outside, a few people following me out.

   My dad jumped out and pulled me into a hug, followed by my mom.

   "Hey, sweetie." My mom greeted.

   But, I didn't answer. Instead, I looked past her, my eyes locking onto the trailer.

   "Where'd you get that?" I asked.

   My dad smiled. "I picked it up at the junkyard a few years back. I figured with the apartment and all, you didn't have much room for it."

   I walked past him and ran my hand over the fender of my first car, my Rallye Red 1973 'Cuda.

   "What's with the shitty car?" Kat asked.

   Everyone laughed a little except me.

   "Shitty? Kat, do you know what this is?" I asked.

   She just shrugged.

   "This is my car... the one I got into the accident with."

   Rebecca placed a hand on my shoulder. "You ok?"

   I just nodded, the memories of that day flashing through my mind. "Yeah... I just didn't think I'd ever see it again."

   My dad walked up. "Well, I figured we could put it back together, just like the old days."

   I smiled and pulled him into a big hug. "I'd love to."

   After getting the car into the garage, we headed back inside and rejoined the party...

   After dancing, drinking, and opening up a few gifts, the party was starting to come to an end.

   As people slowly started leaving, Rebecca and I stood by the door to say our goodbyes.

   John started heading out first. "Thanks again for inviting me... I actually had fun."

   I smiled. "Well, we're glad you could make it."

   He gave us a small smile and wave before leaving, eventually followed by the last guests.

   We stood at the door and chatted with Blake and Kat before they left.

   "The house looks great, guys." Blake said.

   "Agreed, I can't wait to have more awesome party's here." Kat added.

   I chuckled. "Thanks, guys, I'll see you tomorrow."

   They nodded and waved before heading out.

   We closed the door and headed for the couch, plopping down next to each other.

   I sighed. "Welp, now that that's over..."

   Rebecca giggled and leaned in to press a quick kiss to my lips.

   I looked her in the eyes and smiled.

   "You know... the kids are in bed..." I said, running my hand up her thigh.

   She smirked. "Skylar Valentine, you wouldn't be trying to seduce me now would you?"

   I kissed her cheek. "Well, that depends..."

   "On what..?" She asked breathlessly.

   I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her collar bone. "... If it's working."

   She smiled as she leaned in, pressing her lips to mine, slowly lowering me back down onto the couch, never once breaking the kiss.

   I pulled her shirt off and threw it to the floor before looking back into her eyes. "Now that we don't have all those pesky people around, we can finally break in the new house properly."

   She giggled as she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine again...

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