Chapter: Fifty-One

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"See, I told you it doesn't mean anything." Blake said as she handed me a box of beer to stock the fridge.

We were setting up the bar before opening.

I walked the box out front and set it on the bar. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just... I want Rebecca to know how much she means to me. That no other girl will ever come close."

Blake joined me with another box of liquor, setting it next to mine before facing me. "She does, kiddo. What you and Rebecca have is special, you guys were meant for each other and nothing's gonna change that." She finished as she started handing me bottles.

"I knew I kept you around for a reason." I replied with a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're lucky I like you, kiddo."

After setting everything up for the day, we unlocked the doors and let people in.

After a few hours, Rebecca, Stephanie, Beth and Kris walked in.

"Hey guys, what'll it be?" I asked.

"Three beers and an Alabama Slammer for me." Rebecca said.

I set the beers down and gave Rebecca a quick kiss. "Hey, babe, what're you guys up to?"

Blake handed Rebecca her drink. "Nothing much, just figured we'd come see you." Rebecca said.

"And this is like the coolest place in town." Kris added.

"I just came to see you actually work. I didn't believe you." Beth finished.

I chuckled as I ruffled her hair. "Well, believe it."

I walked over to Stephanie. She stared at her unopened beer. "You know, Steph, you don't have to drink it if you don't want to."

She gave me a small smile. "Can I have a water please?"

"Coming right up." I said with a smile as I picked up her beer and cracked it open.

I took a quick sip as I set her water down in front of her.

After a while, Rebecca called me over, she was clearly drunk. "Hey... so, when is that Dana chick getting here?" She whispered.

I laughed a little as I whispered back. "Why?"

She giggled. "Cause, I'm running a little... experiment."

I smiled and shook my head. "She's probably n-" But, the door opening cut me off.

'Well, I'll be damned.' I thought to myself.

Dana came strolling up to the bar. "Hey, guys, how are my parents to be?"

"Great, these are my friends by the way." Rebecca answered.

Dana turned and smiled. "Hey guys, Im Dana."

Just as I thought, Beth and Kris stared in awe at the red haired beauty sitting next to them.

Rebecca burst out laughing and Stephanie looked around at everyone, clearly confused.

"What's the joke?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Ignore them, Stephanie."

She nodded and shook Dana's hand. "I'm Stephanie."

"Nice to meet you." Dana replied.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "This is my sister Beth and her girlfriend Kris."

Dana smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you guys to."

Rebecca finally calmed her laughing fit and knocked on the bar. "Blake... I need another drink."

Blake smiled and shook her head. "Coming right up."

Most of us sat around and talked for a few more hours...

Rebecca was clearly trashed and the end of my shift was a few minutes away so, I decided to drive her home.

I leaned in and whispered in Blake's ear. "Is it cool if I take off? I should probably get her home." I said, pointing to Rebecca, who was using her empty cup as a telescope.

Blake chuckled. "Yeah sure."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." I replied.

She nodded and waved me off as I walked up to Rebecca.

"Ok, time to go." I said with a smile.

She looked me up and down. "Mm, hey, sexy, where are you taking me?"

I chuckled. "Home, so you can sleep."

She giggled. "As long as it's with you."

I smiled and shook my head as I helped her off the bar stool. "C'mon, babe, time to go."

"Lead the way, beautiful." She replied.

Everyone laughed as I walked past them. "See you guys later." I said.

They waved me off as I walked out the doors and helped Rebecca into the car. Once I got her seated, I hopped in the driver seat.

I looked over and saw her sprawling out in the seat, running her hands over the glove box and roof.

"This car is so... badass." She said with a hiccup.

"Glad you like it." I replied with a humorous smile.

I started the car and headed home...

We pulled into the parking lot shortly after and I shut off the car. "Ready to go?" I asked.

She turned to me and shook her head.

I laughed. "Well, where do you wanna go?"

She just shook her head again.

"You wanna stay in the car?" I asked.

This time she nodded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because... we've never done it in the car." She replied with a smirk, starting to pull her jacket off.

I giggled. "Another time."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Buzz kill." She huffed.

I couldn't help but laugh, I've never seen Rebecca this drunk, I kinda liked it. "How about tomorrow? When you're less... drunk."

"I'm not drunk." She replied with a shake of her head, running her hand up my thigh.

I sucked in a tight breath. "Ok, time to go to bed." I said as I hopped out and helped Rebecca out of the car.

I threw her arm over my shoulder and started heading for the door.

As we were walking, she ran her hand down my back and pinched my butt.

I turned to her and she giggled. "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

I smiled and shook my head.

Once I got her upstairs, I helped her change for the night, which wasn't easy, and laid her in bed.

I took my spot next to her and flicked the lights off.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight, beautiful." She replied.

I smiled and pulled her close to me. She rested her head on my chest and before we knew it, we were fast asleep...

I woke up to soft sobs and a wet T-shirt.

I lifted my head and saw Rebecca crying into my shirt while she was sleeping.

I laid my head back down and slowly ran my hand through her hair.

Ever since her dad died during our honeymoon, she's been secretly torn apart.

To everyone else, she was the same old happy, optimistic Rebecca and she might've been to herself to. I haven't seen her cry during the day, only when she sleeps.

It was heartbreaking...

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