Chapter: Fifty-Seven

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    I opened my eyes and looked around. The morning sun crept through the windows of the beach house, Rebecca laid in my arms.

   I sat up and she began to stir.

   "Good morning." She said groggily.

   "Morning." I replied.

   "That was one hell of a night." She said, a small smile on her lips.

   I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

   "Tell me about it." I said, a satisfied smile on my lips.

   She giggled as she sat up and got out of bed.

   I watched her naked figure as she made her way to the bathroom.

   She turned back and flashed me a smirk before closing the door behind her.

   I smiled to myself as I stood up and started putting my clothes on. After we were dressed, she sat at the table while I made breakfast.

   "I can't believe I've never made you my homemade pancakes before." I said as I flipped one in the pan.

   She giggled. "They better be good."

   I laughed. "If you don't like them, then there's something wrong with you."

   She smiled and rolled her eyes as I set a plate in front of her.

   I watched and waited as she ate the fluffy piece of pancake off the end of her fork.

   She groaned. "Oh my God, these are amazing."

   I smiled triumphantly. "Told you."

   After we finished breakfast, we decided to go for a walk on the beach.

   We walked next to each other, hand in hand, as the water splashed against our feet.

   "This has been the best weekend I've had in a while." Rebecca said.

   I smiled. "Me to. Sadly we have to go back to work and watching babies tomorrow."

   She gave me a playful nudge. "Don't jinx us."

   I chuckled as we walked further down the beach.

   We stopped at the edge of the forrest and took a seat on a fallen tree.

   "What a view." Rebecca said, staring out over the ocean.

   "Yeah, what a view." I replied, taking in the sight of my beautiful wife sitting next to me.

   She turned to me and gave me a playful nudge.

   "Stop, you're gonna make me blush." She replied, a slight pink creeping onto her cheeks.

   I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

   "Then, I'm doing my job." I replied as she rested her head on my shoulder.

   We sat there in silence for a while. Just enjoying each others company...

   Once the sun was high in the sky, we decided to go for a swim.

   I walked onto the deck in my black bikini. Rebecca stood waiting for me in a rather small white bikini.

   My eyes ran up and down her body, a slight smirk spreading on my lips. "That's a little small don't you think?"

   "Well, it's just us and I did buy it for you." She replied with a wink and a giggle.

   I flashed her my patented smirk as I took her hand in mine and led her to the water, stopping when it hit our chests.

   I rested my arms on her shoulders and she rested hers on my waist.

   "So..." She started.

   I chuckled. "So?"

   "It's just us, in a beautiful ocean, on a beautiful day. What ever should we do?" She asked.

   "I can think of a few things." I replied with a wink.

   She giggled as she leaned in, pressing her lips to mine.

   The kiss grew more passionate as I ran one hand down to her chest, slipping it past her top.

   She giggled against my lips, quickly sliding her hand into my bikini bottom.

   I sucked in a tight breath. "Someone's awfully feisty this morning..."

   "I blame you..." She said, pressing her fingers against me.

   I exhaled slowly as my eyes fluttered closed. "That feels amazing..."

   She pressed her lips to my temple, whispering in my ear. "Good..."

   I rested my head on her shoulder, my knees growing weak. "I don't know how much longer I can stand here..."

   She pressed her fingers deeper, eliciting a loud moan from yours truly. "I guess we'll find out together..."

   After our oceanic antics, we decided to head into town for lunch.

   We pulled into the parking lot of a local diner and walked trough the front doors, only to run into. "Steve?!" I asked, a little louder than I wanted.

   He turned to me and Rebecca, a look of shock mixed with fear spread across his face. "S-Skylar?"

   "What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, again a little louder then intended.

   He swallowed hard.

   "I-I work h-here." He replied, flashing us his name tag.

   "Oh..." Was all I could say.

   Trust me, I was still pissed at him, but I felt bad watching him cower in front of me.

   I turned to Rebecca. "Why don't you grab us a table? I'll catch up."

   She nodded and walked off, taking a quick glance back at Steve.

   Once she was out of hearing range, I turned back to Steve.

   "Listen, Rebecca doesn't know what happened that night. Let's keep it that way." I said.

   He nodded. "S-sure thing."

   I let out a sigh. "And stop acting like that, I'm not gonna hurt you."

   He looked at me for a second, clearly skeptical, before nodding. "Alright."

   I stuck my hand out. "Truce?"

   He seemed to ponder my offer for a second before taking my hand and giving it a shake.

   "Truce." He replied with a slight smile.

   I let go and headed off towards Rebecca, stopping short and glancing back at Steve. "Don't think this makes us friends, though."

   He nodded and I turned back around, walking up to Rebecca.

   I took the seat across from her.

   "You ok?" She asked.

   I nodded. "Yeah, just clearing the air."

   "I still don't like him." She said.

   I chuckled. "Me neither."

   After we finished our food, we paid the bill and started heading out the door, Steve gave me a quick wave as we walked out...

   When we got back to the beach house, we decided to pack up and get ready to leave.

   After we threw all our stuff in my car, we took one last look at the beach house.

   "Best weekend ever." Rebecca said.

   "I couldn't agree more." I replied with a smile as we got in my car and headed off down the road, back home...

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