Chapter: Fifty-Three

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We were on our way to the store to do some last minute baby shopping. He was due in two days and we still needed formula and some other essentials.

We got out of my car and walked into the store. I grabbed a cart and Rebecca starting filling it with things we would need.

"Do we really need all this baby formula?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

We paid for everything and loaded up the car before heading home.

Once at home, we unloaded everything and put it away.

I sat at the kitchen table, inspecting a jar of baby formula.

I popped the lid and took a whiff, scrunching my nose. "I can't believe I used to drink this stuff."

Rebecca chuckled as she took the jar from me. She smelled it herself and gave me a disgusted look.

I laughed, pulling a ten from my wallet. "I'll give you ten bucks if you eat a spoonful."

She smiled and rolled her eyes. "You're on, Miss Valentine."

"That's Mrs. Valentine to you." I replied.

She giggled as she took a spoonful of the powder, holding it in front of her mouth. She plugged her nose before eating the contents.

She swallowed it and ran to the fridge, grabbing a drink to wash the taste down.

She let out a small cough and stuck her hand towards me. "Pay up."

"Well earned." I replied with a chuckle as I placed the ten in her hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock on our door.

"I'll get it." I said as I made my way to the door.

I opened it to reveal Dana and Rachel. "Hey, guys. What brings you here?"

"Some last minute news." Dana replied.

I invited them in and we all took a seat at the kitchen table.

"So, what's the news?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, I got my last ultrasound today... and... well... it's not just a boy..." Rachel said.

Rebecca and I shared a confused glance before looking back at Rachel.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She sighed. "It's twins, a boy and a girl."

My eyes went wide as I looked over at Rebecca. She mirrored my expression.

"I can put them up for adoption separately, or-"

"We'll take both." Rebecca said, a wide grin on her face.

"One second." I said as I pulled Rebecca into the hallway.

"Can you believe this!? Twins! I'm so ex-" I put my hand over her mouth.

"I know, I am to, but do you think we can afford this? I mean, one kid sure, but two?" I asked.

She looked at me and lowered her head. "Maybe you're right."

I let out a sigh.

"Should we tell her to separate them?" She asked.

Despite myself, I shook my head. "No... we can't do that to them. We agreed to adopt her baby and if that baby comes with a sister, well then I guess we get both." I replied.

She smiled and pulled me in for a quick kiss. "You know I love you, right?"

I smiled. "Not as much as I love you."

She gave me a light nudge before skipping back to the kitchen. I took the seat next to her.

"So, what's the verdict?" Dana asked.

"In for a penny, in for a pound." I replied.

Dana and Rachel smiled.

"We couldn't be the ones to split up twins." Rebecca said.

"You guys are amazing, I'm so happy I picked you." Rachel said.

After we filled out some additional paperwork, we waved off Dana and Rachel.

We decided to head down to Twist to spread the good news...

"Twins!" Wendy squealed.

"How are you gonna afford that?" Kat asked.

Blake shot her a glare.

"Sorry." Kat said.

"It's ok and we'll make it work." Rebecca replied.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys." Jen said.

"Me to and if you ever need any help, you can count on us." Blake said.

"All of us." Wendy added.

I smiled. "Thanks, guys."

After a few beers, Abigail and Dana strolled in.

"Oh, hey guys." Dana greeted.

"Fancy seeing you here." Abigail added with a slight chuckle.

They took seats next to us.

"What'll it be, ladies?" Blake asked.

"Two beers." Dana said.

As Blake got their beers, I turned to them. "So, are you guys like official now?" I asked.

They exchanged a quick glance.

"No." Dana started.

"Sadly." Abigail added.

"We bumped into each other outside." Dana finished with a chuckle.

After a few more beers, Dana and Abigail challenged Rebecca and I to a game of pool, winners would face Blake and Kat, the reigning champs, and the losers would pay the winners bar tab.

Currently, Abigail and Dana had one ball left before the eight ball and Rebecca and I were behind with three before the eight ball.

It was Rebeccas shot.

"C'mon, babe! You got this!" I cheered on from the sidelines.

Rebecca sunk one ball as the cue ball rolled back and tapped another, sending it into the pocket.

Me and the small crowd cheered.

Rebecca lined up the next shot, but missed.

Dana was up and she needed to sink both to win. She lined up her shot, sinking the first one.

"Eight ball, corner pocket." She said, lining up her next shot.

We all seemed to hold our breath as she took the shot, luckily she missed.

Rebecca gave me a high five as I stepped up and lined up my shot. I sank the remaining normal ball and got ready to call the last shot.

"Eight ball, side pocket." I said as I leaned forward and lined up my shot.

I took a deep breath before taking the shot, I sunk it and the crowd erupted into cheers.

Rebecca pulled me in for a tight hug.

Then, we shook hands with Dana and Abigail. "Good game." I said.

They smiled and nodded. "You to." Dana replied.

Now all we had to do was beat Blake and Kat and we'd drink for free...

After an intense game, we were trailing with two balls before the eight ball.

Blake lined up her shot, sending her last normal ball into the pocket. Unluckily for her, the cue ball followed it in.

"Scratch." Rebecca called.

Blake shook her head as she pulled the cue ball out and handed it to Rebecca. She set it up and sunk the remaining normal balls.

I patted her on the back.

"Just one more, no pressure." I said, giving her a quick kiss.

She lined up her next shot. "Eight ball, same pocket."

Everyone seemed to hold their breathes as Rebecca took her shot, sending the eight ball into a side pocket.

Everyone erupted into cheers.

I ran over and hoisted her up, spinning her around in circles before setting her back down. "You rock, babe."

She smiled. "It was nothing."

I gave her a quick kiss before pulling her close to me, whispering in her ear. "You know, seeing you destroy that game, it kinda turned me on." I pulled back and gave her a wink.

She chuckled and shook her head. "C'mon, let's go get drunk."

We all headed back to the bar and ordered a drink...

After a few more drinks, I stood up on the bar. Luckily, the place was pretty much empty. "Excuse me everyone... I'd like to make a toast." I said between hiccups.

Everyone smiled and raised their drinks.

"To the best wife a poor girl like me could ask for." I said.

Everyone cheered.

"And, to the greatest friends I could ask for."

Everyone cheered again.

"And, last but not least, to the new members that'll be joining this crazy family in two-"

"One." Rebecca cut in.

I smiled. "Thanks, babe. One day."

Everyone cheered yet again.

"Now drink!" I shouted as I downed the rest of my beer.

Everyone followed suit.

I honestly couldn't ask for better friends. They've had my back through thick and thin and I wouldn't trade them for the world...

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