Chapter: Forty-Four

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   We were all gathered in the lobby of the hotel to decide what to do for our last day in Vegas.

   "Casinos." Blake said.

   We all looked at her and shook our heads.

   "What? That's like the whole reason people come to Vegas." She countered.

   "I agree, who doesn't like a game of chance?" Kat added.

   Blake wrapped her arm around Kat's waist and flashed her a smile.

   "I think we should go sight seeing." Rebecca said.

   "I vote we stay here and sit around." Beth said.

   "Yeah, we only have the hotel rooms for one more day and we've barley spent any time in them." Kris added.

   "I still vote strip club." I said, raising my hand.

   Some of the group chuckled while Rebecca shot me a death glare. "Or sight seeing." I corrected, pulling Rebecca into a hug.

   "I got it!" Wendy said.

   We all looked on expectantly.

   "Why don't we split up and do what we wanna do? Blake and Kat can go to the casinos, Rebecca and Skylar can go sight seeing, Beth and Kris can be boring."

   "Hey!" They replied.

   "What about the rest of us?" Stephanie asked.

   "What do you guys wanna do?" Jen asked.

   "We could go see a show?" Abigail suggested.

   "I like that idea." Stephanie replied with a smile.

   "Well, I wanna see the fountains, babe, how about you?" Jen asked.

   Wendy took Jen's hand in hers. "Whatever you wanna do, babe." She replied with a smile.

   "Oh God, get a room." I said, causing some laughter.

   "So, it's settled then. We break off into groups and go have fun for the day." Kat said, looking around the group.

   Everyone glanced around before nodding their approval.

   "Then, what is everyone waiting for? Go have fun!" Wendy shouted.

   Everyone split up and headed off in search of their own sense of happiness.

   Rebecca and I waved goodbye to the other pairs as they took off in different directions.

   We hailed a cab and got in.

   "So, what do you wanna see first?" I asked.

   "Well, I was thinking we could start with the fountains, then the fake monuments, get some food at a nice place and end the night off atop the fake Eiffel Tower. How does that sound?" She asked.

   "Sounds great." I replied with a smile.

   "Where are you ladies headed?" The cabbie asked.

   "To the fountains." Rebecca said, a giddy smile on her face.

   We pulled up in front of the fountains and paid the guy before walking up, spotting Wendy and Jen.

   "Hey guys. I didn't think we'd see you so soon." Wendy said.

   "This is just our first stop." Rebecca replied.

   We all smiled as we watched the water dance around in the fountain.

   After a while, we waved goodbye to Wendy and Jen before heading to the closest monument.

   We saw the Statue of Liberty, the pyramids, the statue of David, the canals and the colosseum.

   It was getting late by the time we walked out of the colosseum.

   "So, what's next?" I asked.

   "Let's get something to eat, then we're off to the last stop on our list. The Eiffel Tower." Rebecca replied.

   "Lead the way." I said.

   We walked into the fanciest restaurant we could find, only to be greeted by Abigail and Stephanie.

   "Hey, what're you doing here?" We asked them.

   "Well, the shows are over, so we figured we'd grab a bite to eat before heading back to the hotel." Stephanie replied.

   "Care to join us?" Abigail asked.

   I glanced at Rebecca, who nodded with a smile.

   "Sure thing, have you guys ordered yet?" I asked as we took the two seats across from them.

   "Yes, luckily for you, our eyes are a little bigger than our stomachs." Stephanie replied with a laugh.

   "Care if we share?" I asked.

   "No problem." Abigail replied with a smile.

   After the food arrived, we fell into conversation.

   As it turned out, Abigail was really sweet and really funny. Even though we just met her, she seemed to fit in perfectly, like we've known her for years.

   "Well, we should get going, guys. But, if I were you, I'd check out the canals before you go." Rebecca said.

   "I agree, they're beautiful." I added.

   Stephanie glanced at Abigail. "I don't know, guys, it's getting pretty late."

   "Oh c'mon, Steph, were in Vegas, live a little." Abigail replied with a chuckle.

   "I guess you're right... Screw it, lets go see the canals." Stephanie said.

   "That's the spirit." Abigail replied, calling for the check.

   We paid our half and walked out of the restaurant, heading for our final destination.

   "C'mon." I said excitedly, grabbing her hand and sprinting off towards the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, giggling the whole way there.

   We took the elevator to the top, only to find it completely empty.

   We walked to the railing and looked out over the city.

   "Wow." We said, almost simultaneously.

   "This is such a beautiful view."

   "I agree." I replied, looking at Rebecca, from her head to her toes, then back up.

   She giggled and gave me a slight nudge.

   I smiled, taking her hands in mine.

   "In three days we'll be married. Together forever." I said, looking her in the eyes.

   "You're not having doubts are you?" She asked.

   "Not in a million years. From the first day I laid eyes on you, I knew you would be mine forever." I replied, a wide grin spreading on my face.

   She returned it. "I love you."

   "I love you more." I replied, leaning in to kiss her.

   The moment was perfect, us kissing atop the Eiffel Tower, the lights of the city below us. I couldn't have asked for a better end to a perfect day...

   We all met back at the hotel to spend one more night in Vegas before heading home.

   "Ok, everyone, remember, five A.M. sharp. I'm looking at you, Skylar." Wendy said.

   "Got it, five A.M. sharp. Now, can I go spend an amazing night with my fiancée?" I asked.

   She motioned for us to leave.

   I smiled and took Rebecca's hand in mine as we charged up the stairs to our hotel room.

   We were barely in the room when Rebecca attacked me with kisses.

   I kicked the door closed and picked her up.

   She wrapped her legs around my waist as I walked her to the bedroom, lightly setting her on the bed.

   "I can't think of a better end to the night." She said as I leaned in for a deep kiss...


   We walked out of the airport and found our cars in the parking lot, waving goodbye to everyone as we headed back to our apartment...

   We walked through our door and collapsed on the couch.

   "What a weekend." I said.

   "Agreed." Rebecca replied.

   I jumped up and ran to the fridge, grabbing a couple beers before sitting back down next to her, offering her one.

   She rolled her eyes and took it.

   "Rebecca, I'd like to make a toast." I said, raising my bottle.

   She followed suit.

   "I toast to the weekend we just shared and to many more just like it once we're married." I said.

   We clinked bottles and took a sip.

   "Two more days." Rebecca said.

   "The longest two days of my life." I replied...

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