Chapter: Ninety

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After dropping the kids off at school, I returned home and joined Rebecca on the couch.

She faced me. "So..."

I smiled. "So?"

She returned it. "What happened next?"

I chuckled lightly. "You really wanna know?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright, well, school wouldn't start for another couple weeks. So, I decided to take Wendy's advice and try to get the car running..."

Fourteen years ago...

I sat behind the wheel of the 'Cuda, keys in hand.

'C'mon, let's see what you've got.' I thought as I put the key in the ignition and turned it.

The engine started sputtering to life, but soon gave out.

"Well, you're trying." I said, patting the steering wheel before getting out.

I walked in front of the car and popped the hood, looking over the engine.

I tried to think back to what my dad used to say.

"If a car won't start, the first two things you should always check for is gas and a spark. If it has gas, remember to replace the spark plugs."

I nodded to myself as I grabbed a half empty gas can from the floor and walked over to the side of the car, dumping the rest of the gas into the tank.

I got back behind the wheel and turned the key. Still nothing.

I groaned before getting out. "Ok, spark plugs it is."

Just as I was getting ready to walk inside, Beth came running out, followed closely by an unfamiliar girl her age.

"Hey, Skylar. What're you up to?" She asked.

I pointed my thumb towards the car. "Trying to get this junk running again."

"Cool! Can we go for a ride?" She asked.

I smiled. "Sure, if I can get it started. Who's your friend by the way?"

"Oh, this is Stephanie." She replied.

I stuck my hand in her direction. "Skylar, nice to meet you."

Stephanie smiled, shaking my hand. "You to."

"Anyway, you two stay outta trouble, I gotta run." I said before heading inside.

I sat down at the table across from my mom. "Hey, uh, can you drive me up to the parts store?"

She looked up from her paperwork. "That would kinda defeat the purpose of you being grounded."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I'm sorry about the other day, but I really don't know where she got them from. I just have to grab a few things then I can go back to being grounded."

My mom sighed. "Fine, let's go."

I smiled. "Thanks mom."

She just nodded before standing and grabbing her car keys...

After getting new spark plugs, we headed back home and I giddily made my way to the garage, where Beth and Stephanie were waiting.

"What're those for?" Beth asked.

I opened a drawer of one of the large toolboxes my dad left behind, searching for a wrench. "Spark plugs. I need them to get the car started."

I found the wrench I was looking for and made my way back under the hood, replacing all the old spark plugs.

After I was finished, I got back behind the wheel and put the key in the ignition.

'C'mon, girl, don't fail me now.' I thought as I turned the key.

The engine started to crank and eventually rumbled to life.

I let out an excited squeal. "Yes! I knew you could do it!"

Beth and Stephanie cheered as I gave it a few revs.

Then, I noticed my mom standing in the doorway, a slight smile on her face.

"Wanna go for a quick ride? I gotta get some more gas, plus I promised these two I'd take them for a ride." I said.

My mom walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, helping Beth and Stephanie into the back seats before sitting down next to me.

"Keep it under the speed limit." My mom said, buckling her seatbelt.

I did the same before putting the car in reverse and backing down the driveway into the street.

Then, I gave it a few more revs before slamming down on the gas, ripping the tires all the way down the street, smiling the whole time...

A few days later, I pulled into Wendy's driveway and honked the horn.

She opened the door, a bright smile spreading on her lips as she made her way towards the car.

"Wanna do something?" I asked out the window.

"Uh, hell yeah!" She said as she hurriedly made her way towards the passenger seat.

She got in and I pulled back out of her driveway before speeding off down the street.

"So, I see you took my advice." She said.

I shrugged. "Well, no point in letting her rot out any longer in our garage."

Wendy smiled. "So, now it's a 'she' and not a 'rusty piece of shit?'"

I chuckled. "Whatever."

We came to a stop at a red light and I rolled down the window to light a cigarette, when I noticed a familiar convertible pulling to a stop next to us.

I quickly looked away. "It's her, she's here."

Wendy looked out the window. "Who is?"

"Maxine. Don't look, she might see us."

Wendy rolled her eyes as I heard a voice call out.

"Skylar? Is that you?"

I nervously looked over. "Uh... yeah... you know my name?"

Maxine giggled. "Of course I do, we've been in the same classes for, like, ever."

"Right... yeah, um... what's up?"

She shrugged. "Just going for a ride. Speaking of, nice car. I really dig the vintage look."

I nodded. "Thanks-"

Wendy suddenly nudged me. "Ask her out." She whispered.

I turned and shushed her before looking back at Maxine.

She smiled. "Well, I should get going. Maybe I'll see you at school."

Then, she took off.

I watched her car leave, totally paralyzed from the events that just took place.

'She actually knew me. And she liked the car. And she wants to see me... How could this day get any better..?"

Then, someone behind us honked.

I waved before continuing on my way...

Present day...

"You totally blew it." Rebecca said.

I shook my head. "It's wasn't my fault, she caught me off guard."

She laughed. "Right. Or you're just a wuss."

I gave her a playful nudge. "Why do you care so much anyway? I wound up with you, not her."

She shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I'm just curious what happened. You don't really talk about your past much."

I lowered my head slightly. "Well, I haven't really thought much about it in a long time. A lot of stuff happened at that point in my life that I tried really hard to forget, you know?"

She nodded, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I know... But, I like hearing about the adventures of baby Skylar."

I smiled and shook my head. "I was sixteen. That's kinda far off from a baby."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just continue the story."

I chuckled a little. "Fine..."

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