Chapter: One-Hundred-Nine

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It was around midnight, Blake and I were the only ones in Twist, aside from a few girls playing pool.

I stared down into my eleventh beer of the night.

"You're seriously not gonna talk to me?" Blake asked.

I just shook my head.

I was scared if I opened my mouth, I would say something I'd regret. I was way beyond pissed. 'Who was she to keep my kids from me? She had no right.' I was mad sure, but I couldn't help but notice that my heart's been beating faster since I first saw her again.

Then, one of the girls walked up to us. "Hey, I hear you're the best around here at pool."

I glanced at her before looking back at my drink.

"Hey, she's having a bad night, just leave her alone." Blake said.

The girl looked from Blake back to me. "She's a grown up, she can answer for herself."

"You heard her, fuck off." I mumbled.

She leaned closer to me. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that right."

I rolled my eyes and didn't even bother looking at her.

"I think it's time you leave." Blake said.

The girl just laughed. "Not until I hear an apology from her." She said, poking my shoulder.

I felt the anger start to build up as I turned to her. "I said, fuck off!"

She grabbed the collar of my jacket and pulled me out of my seat. "Why don't you make me?"

I shoved her off of me. "Trust me, you don't want that."

She looked at her friends before laughing again, her friends joining in.

"Don't do it, Skylar, she's not worth it." Blake said.

But, I ignored her, punching the girl hard in the jaw. She fell to the ground and I wasted no time climbing on top of her and grabbing her collar.

"Fuck you!" I yelled as I punched her again, then again.

I could tell I broke my hand, but I didn't care, I just kept swinging. All the built up emotions masking the pain. I was angry at her for leaving, I hated her for it. But, deep down, my heart was still beating for her. I still got that excited feeling in my gut when I was around her and I still craved the feeling of her lips on mine. I think that's what I hated the most, that after what she did to me, I still loved her.

Then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Get off me, Blake!" I yelled, trying to fight from her grip. But, she didn't budge.

"Skylar, you need to stop, you've already won." I heard Blake's voice break through my drunken rage.

We sat on the floor of Twist, her arms still tightly wrapped around me. I looked down at my knuckles, which were swollen and covered in blood. Then, at the girl, who wasn't moving, but was luckily still breathing.

I felt some tears well up. "What'd I just do?"

Blake rubbed my back. "Just calm down, ok?"

I took one last look at the girl, her friends now trying to help her up, before burying my face in Blake's shoulder, letting the tears flow free.

"Get her outta here, bar's closed." I heard Blake say.

"Fucking psycho." I heard one of the girls say as they passed.

"This isn't over." Another one added.

Then, the doors closed.

After I calmed down a little, Blake helped me into one of the booths.

She stood up. "I'll go grab some ice."

"And a bottle of whiskey." I said.

She gave me a small smile and nod before walking behind the bar.

My phone rang out from my pocket. I pulled it out with my good hand and saw Candy's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey." I answered with a sniffle.

"Are you ok?"

I shook my head as more tears started to fall. "No..."

"Where are you?"


"I'll be right there." She said before hanging up.

I set my phone down as Blake came back over. She set the ice on my hand and popped open the bottle of whiskey for me.

I took a long sip before setting it down.

"Who was that on the phone?"

"Candy, she should be here soon."

Blake rubbed my back. "Feel any better?"

I shook my head. "Blake... if I tell you something, you have to promise to keep it between us, ok?"

She looked concerned, but nodded anyway.

"I love her, Blake..."


"Rebecca... I love her so fucking much..." I said before dropping my head on the table, tears pouring down my cheeks again.

She just rubbed my back.

Shortly after, the doors flew open and Candy came running in. Blake stood up to let her sit next to me.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Just a bar fight. Her hand might be broken though." Blake said.

Candy helped me out of the booth. "Thank you." She said to Blake before leading me out the doors and into her car.

We went to the hospital first. My hand wasn't broken, luckily, but it was fractured and required a small cast for a week or two.

I was pretty much sober by the time we got home.

I sat on the couch and Candy joined me. "So, just a bar fight, huh?"

I sighed. "The girl was pushing me and... and I guess I just lost control."

"Is the girl ok?" She asked.

I just shrugged.

She sighed before wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Well, as long as you're ok."

I rested my head on her chest. "Thank you."

She rubbed my back. "For what?"

"For being there for me."

She kissed the top of my head. "I told you I'd be there for you whenever you needed me and I meant it."

Suddenly I felt the urge to cry again. Candy was definitely to good for me, hell even Rebecca was to good for me.

I felt guilty. Candy truly loved me and was there for me when I needed her. But, all I could think about in this moment was Rebecca. I loved Candy, a lot, but I think I loved Rebecca more. I knew that ship had sailed but, I still had hope. Hope that we would wind up together again.

I would never hurt Candy, but in this moment, that's what it felt like I was doing. Even though I didn't say anything to her, or do anything behind her back. Thinking it was enough to make me feel like the shittiest person on the planet.

I was torn between the only two girls I've ever truly loved...

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