Chapter: One-Hundred-Seventeen

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I woke up on the floor, the blankets from Rebecca's bed still wrapped around me.

I sat up and rubbed my head.

"We need a real bed." I said to myself.

I stood up, seeing Rebecca still sleeping peacefully on the small bed in her aunts' house.

With a slight chuckle, I got dressed for the day and headed downstairs, only to see aunt Lucy in the kitchen, wearing a tight t-shirt and panties.

I quickly averted my gaze. "Uh, good morning."

Aunt Lucy jumped a little, covering herself. "Oh, good morning... sorry, I keep forgetting we have guests." She replied with an embarrassed laugh.

"Right, about that... I was thinking it's time we moved out."

"Oh, ok. Well, you guys can stay here until you find a place. No rush." She replied with a small smile.

I returned it. "Thanks, we'll try not to take to long."

She nodded before heading off to her room.

I shook my head before grabbing my keys and heading out for the day...

I walked into Twist and took an empty seat at the bar.

"You're here early." Blake said, checking the time on her phone.

"Yeah, the floor wasn't that comfortable." I replied, rubbing my forehead.

She leaned on the bar. "You ok?"

I sighed. "Yeah... I really appreciate them letting us stay there and all but, we have to move."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Well, between having to share a kids sized bed with Rebecca and her aunts banging at all hours of the night, I've barley slept in the last month." I replied, resting my head on the bar.

Blake laughed a little as she patted my shoulder. "Well, good luck with that."

I looked up with a slight glare. "Yeah, thanks."

Eventually, the bar started to fill up.

I stood behind the bar, taking orders, when Wendy and Jen strolled in.

"What'll it be, guys?" I asked as they took two empty seats.

"The usual." Wendy replied, Jen nodding her agreement.

I set three beers out and cracked mine open, taking a quick sip. "Hey, do you guys know anywhere Rebecca and I can move to?"

Wendy set her beer down. "Not working out at her aunts?"

"Something like that." I replied.

Wendy shrugged. "Well, I got nothing."

Jen looked up. "Oh, they just opened up a new apartment building a few streets from where I work."

I smiled and took a sip of my beer. "Thanks, we'll check it out."

She smiled back and nodded before starting in on her beer.

After a couple hours, I found myself in the back room of Twist, deciding on an opening song for The Cover Girls reunion.

"We've already done Van Halen." Kat said.

"So? There's plenty of kick ass Van Halen songs we haven't done yet." Bailey defended.

Alice and I sat in the corner, chatting amongst ourselves as Bailey and Kat continued to argue.

"We could do Thin Lizzy... or Rush... Ooh, or The Runaways, I love them." Alice suggested.

I shrugged. "They're good and all, but we need something that says 'we're back and better than ever'."

She looked down and scratched her chin as she thought.

"And what's wrong with Megadeth?!" Kat yelled.

"They're a Metallica rip off, that's what!" Bailey shouted back.

I shook my head and laughed as Alice stood up. "Guys, I got it."

We all looked at her as a big smile spread across her face.

We all smiled back as she told us her idea.

"Now that's a kick ass idea." Bailey said.

Kat nodded. "Agreed."

I stood up. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get started."

After practicing the song for a few more hours, I decided to pick Rebecca up from work.

I parked outside of Stephanie's flower shop and lit a cigarette, waiting for closing time.

Stephanie waved us off as Rebecca hopped in the car. She kissed my cheek. "Hey."

"Hey, I have good news" I said as I started the car.

"I'm listening."

"Well, Jen said a new apartment building opened up a few blocks from her work and I think we should go check it out."

Rebecca smiled. "Ok, let's go."

We eventually found the apartment building and talked to the manager, who gave us a tour of an available room.

"Well, what do you think?" The manager asked.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Rebecca beat me to it. "We'll take it." She said with a smile.

He smiled back. "Great, how soon can you guys move in?"

"Tomorrow." I replied.

He nodded. "Ok, great. Let's go fill out some paperwork."

After everything was in order, we headed back to Rebecca's aunts for the night, ready to start bright and early tomorrow morning...

After moving all our stuff from her aunts' house into the new apartment, we headed to my parents house, where I've been storing most of my things.

My dad helped me carry a few boxes from the garage to the 'Cuda.

"Thanks for storing my shit." I said.

He chuckled. "No problem. I'm just glad to see you and Rebecca back together."

I smiled and leaned on the back of my car. "Me to..."

Rebecca and my mom came out the front door, carrying a couple boxes.

"Well, this is the last of it." My mom said as her and Rebecca placed the last two boxes in the trunk.

I shut the trunk and pulled each of them into a quick hug. "Thanks again, guys. We're having an apartment warming party this weekend. I hope you can make it."

They smiled. "We'll be there." My mom said.

I smiled back before we hopped in the car and headed back to the apartment.

After unloading everything, we sat down on the couch.

"So, that's everything." Rebecca said.

"Not quite, there's still a few things at Candy's place." I replied.

"Oh, ok. Well, let's go." She said with a small smile.

I looked at her. "Are you sure you wanna go?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, sure. I can't avoid her forever. She is in the friend group after all."

I laughed a little as I stood up. "True."

After a short drive, we pulled into Candy's driveway.

I knocked on the door a few times and it opened, Candy's smiling face greeting us.

"Hey, guys, what brings you here?" She asked, letting us inside.

"Just here to pick up the rest of my stuff. We're moving into a new apartment." I said.

She nodded. "That's good, I'm sure you remember where everything is."

I chuckled. "Yeah, we'll be quick."

After loading everything up, we stood on the porch.

"Hey, so, we're having an apartment warming party this weekend and we'd really like it if you came." Rebecca said.

Candy smiled. "Then, I'll be there."

She smiled back. "Great, we'll see you then."

She nodded and pulled us in for quick hugs before we left.

After getting everything unloaded and set up, we plopped down on the couch at a little past midnight.

"I forgot how much I hate moving." I said.

Rebecca chuckled. "Same."

I gave her a quick kiss. "You know, the kids are at Wendy and Jens place for the night."

She shook her head and smiled. "And?"

I shrugged. "And, I figured now would be a good time to break in the new apartment."

She flashed me a mischievous smirk. "You read my mind."

I returned it before leaning in and pressing my lips to hers.

She lowered us onto the couch, deepening the kiss...

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