Chapter: Sixty-Five

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   As the years ticked by, Rebecca and I found ourselves falling into the parent roll perfectly. And, with the kids growing more and more each day, it was a huge relief...

   The sound of tiny feet sneaking across the bedroom floor pulled me from my sleep.

   I opened one eye, spotting Max and Anna trying to sneak up on me, again.

   As much as they tried, they could never succeed.

   I closed my eye quickly and waited as they walked up next to me.

   As soon as they were in front of me, I opened my eyes and yelled, "Boo!"

   They screamed and laughed as they ran out of the room.

   "Better luck next time!" I called out.

   I chuckled to myself as I sat up on the bed, stretching, before picking up my phone. Checking the time, I realized I was late for work. Shit.

   I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, quickly getting ready for the day, walking out into the kitchen afterwards.

   Rebecca was setting out plates of pancakes for the kids and herself.

   "Sorry to miss breakfast, guys. But, I gotta run." I said as I put my shoes on.

   Rebecca and the kids walked over to me.

   She planted a kiss on my lips as the kids each hugged one leg. "Bye, mommy." They said in unison.

   I chuckled as I knelt down and hugged each one. "I love you guys, see you later."

   "We love you to." They said.

   I smiled and gave Rebecca another quick kiss. "Love you, babe." Then, I was out the door.

   "Love you more!" Rebecca shouted as I closed the door Behind me.

   I laughed to myself as I walked out into the parking lot of our apartment, pulling my keys out before getting in my car.

   I didn't have the Corvette anymore, which sucked. But, we needed a car with real back seats and airbags. So, I sold it and bought a brand new Dodge Charger Hellcat, which was coated in a shiny, bright red paint job. Just how I liked it.

   Obviously there was no way in hell I was driving a mini van, even if I did love my kids more than life itself.

   I pulled out of the parking lot and sped off towards Twist...

   Just as I was pulling into Twists parking lot, a familiar,  black Corvette sped past me and stole my spot.

   I pulled into the one next to it as Wendy got out.

   "To slow." She said with a snicker as I got out.

   I flipped her off and she laughed before pulling me into a hug. "How was your weekend?" She asked as we walked through the front doors.

   I told her about my lazy weekend as I put my apron on and walked behind the counter, where Blake greeted me.

   "You're late." She said, arms crossed.

   I threw on my best puppy dog eyes. "I'm so sorry, it'll never happen again."

   She laughed. "If only I could believe that. Now, get to work."

   I gave her a salute. "Aye, aye, captain."

   She shook her head and waved me off as she walked to the back.

   I chuckled as I took orders...

   After a couple hours, Jen and Kat came strolling in.

   "Hey guys. What'll it be?" I greeted.

   "Couple beers." Kat said, taking her usual spot at the bar.

   Jen nodded her agreement and sat down next to Wendy.

   "So, are you guys coming to our house warming party?" Kat asked.

   Wendy, Jen and I exchanged glances.

   "You guys bought a house?" I asked.

   "And you didn't tell us?" Wendy added.

   Blake walked out from the back. "Didn't tell you guys what?"

   "That you and Kat bought a house together." Jen said.

   Blake shot Kat an accusing glare. Kat just shrugged in response.

   Blake shook her head before looking back to us. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but-"

   "Surprise!" Kat said, cutting Blake off.

   We all laughed.

   "Well, congrats, guys, that's awesome." Jen said.

   "What she said and we'll definitely be there." Wendy added.

   "Can I bring the rugrats?" I asked.

   "Sure." Blake replied.

   "Then, we'll be there to."

   After a round of celebratory drinks and water for me, I headed home and told Rebecca about the party.

   "That's Awesome, I'm happy for them." Rebecca said.

   "Me to." I Agreed.

   "Hooray for aunt Blake." Max said.

   "And Kitty." Anna added.

   Rebecca and I laughed.

   After getting ourselves and the kids ready, we met Wendy and Jen in our parking lot.

   The kids ran up and pulled them into a hug.

   "Hey, kiddos, long time no see." Wendy said.

   "You guys know where the house is?" I asked.

   "Yeah, Blake sent us the address, just follow us." Jen said.

   Max walked around Wendy's car. "Cool car, Aunt Wendy."

   Wendy chuckled and knelt down next to him. "You think so?"

   "Heck yeah, it's so much cooler than moms car." He replied.

   "Hey." I said in defense.

   Wendy laughed. "Well, I have a bunch more at home, maybe you guys could come see them sometime."

   "That would be so cool, can we, mom, please?" He begged.

   I chuckled. "After you just insulted my car?"

   "I'm sorry, your car is cooler." He said.

   I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Alright, we can go check out Aunt Wendy's cars sometime."

   He hugged me. "Thanks, mom, I love you."

   I smiled. "I love you to, kiddo."

   "I hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we're gonna be late." Wendy said.

   "Well, let's get a move on then." I said as we walked over to our cars...

   After following Wendy and Jen down a long street with beautiful houses on either side, we pulled into the driveway of a decent sized, green house.

   From the looks of it, everyone else was already there.

   We got out and started heading towards the door, just as a voice called out from behind us.

   "Looks like we're not the only ones who're fashionably late." Beth said as her and Kris walked up, hand in hand.

   "Aunt Beth!" The kids shouted as they ran over to Beth and pulled her into a hug.

   Beth handed both of them a sucker before standing back up.

   I smiled. "What do you kids say?"

   They looked at me before looking back at Beth.

   "Thank you, Aunt Beth." They said in unison.

   She smiled down at them. "No problem."

   We pulled Beth and Kris into hugs of our own. "How are you guys?" Kris asked.

   "Couldn't be happier." Rebecca answered.

   "Agreed." I added, slipping my hand into hers.

   "Where's Stephanie?" Jen asked.

   Beth and Kris shrugged. "She said she had a ride." Beth said.

   Just then, we heard the loud rev of a motorcycle as it flew down the street. It stopped in front of Blake's house, a familiar looking girl on the back seat.

   "No way that's her." Wendy said.

   "Who else would it be?" Jen replied.

   She pulled her helmet off before stepping onto the pavement. Sure enough, it was Stephanie.

   She ran over and pulled all of us into a hug.

   As she caught up with Beth and Kris, the rest of us looked back to the man getting off the bike. He took his helmet off and rested it on the seat, turning to us with a squint as he approached.

   He wore a leather biker jacket, Metal Church t-shirt, worn black jeans and harnessed biker boots.

   We all shared uneasy glances as Stephanie walked back over and pulled him into a deep, lingering kiss.

   "Guys, I want you to meet, Billy. He's my boyfriend..."

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