Chapter: Sixty-Three

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   I awoke to a blinding light and a splitting headache. I closed my eyes and rubbed them.

   "Where am I?" I asked myself.

   I opened my eyes again and looked around, Rebecca sat in a chair next to me, fast asleep.

   I looked around the room and realized I was in a hospital bed. 'Again? Really?'

   I rubbed my head as I sat up, grimacing in the process.

   I nudged Rebecca's foot with mine. "Hey? You awake?"

   She slowly opened her eyes. When she saw me, a huge grin spread across her face.

   "You're awake!" She shouted.

   I covered my ears as she pulled me in for a tight hug.

   She pulled away and looked at me, tears in her eyes. "How are you feeling?"

   "Sore and I have a splitting headache." I replied.

   She handed me a pill and a small foam cup filled with water. "Here, the doctor left these for you."

   I put my hand up. "No more pills for me."

   She gave me a small smile before putting them back on the table.

   Just then, I noticed the cast on her hand.

   "What happened?" I asked.

   She looked down and chuckled a little. "Well, it turns out Dana's face is made of steel."

   I looked at her, slightly confused.

   She shook her head. "I'm kidding. I guess my fist wasn't balled up correctly. So, I broke my hand."

   I cautiously took her cast hand in mine. "Does it hurt?"

   "It didn't at first, lots of adrenaline I guess. But, the doctor gave me some pain pills, so."

   I laughed lightly.

   It got quiet and I looked into her eyes.

   "Rebecca, I'm so, so sorry about everything. You guys were right the whole time and I should've just listened... I hope someday you can forgive me..." I said before lowering my head.

   After a second, she put her hand under my chin and lifted my head.

   "Of course I forgive you. I love you, Skylar and I don't wanna lose you." She replied with a small smile.

   I returned her smile before hesitantly leaning in for a kiss.

   She met me half way and placed her lips on mine. We stayed like that for a minute before pulling apart.

   "I love you to." I said.

   She smiled at me.

   Just then, the door opened and Blake, Wendy, and Kat came rushing in.

   "Oh, thank God." Wendy said, placing her hand on her heart.

   Kat stuck her fist towards me. "Welcome back, sister." She said with a grin.

   I pounded it, returning her grin.

   I looked over and saw Blake standing in the corner. She had a small smile on her face.

   "Hey, guys, can I have a second alone with Blake?" I asked.

   The others nodded before silently exiting the room, closing the door behind them.

   I nodded my head towards the empty seat Rebecca was sitting in.

   Blake took the seat and I took a deep breath. "Blake, I'm truly sorry for what I said. I love you like my second mom and let's be real, you pretty much are. You've looked out for me since I was young and I wouldn't be the person I am now if it weren't for you. So... I hope you can forgive me for the stupid shit that I said."

   Blake was silent for a second, then she chuckled.

   "Of course you're forgiven, kiddo." She said, a bright smile on her face.

   I pulled her into a hug just as the doors opened again.

   Blake and I pulled apart as my mom poked her head in.

   "Sorry to interrupt." My mom said.

   "No problem, Nicki, I'll leave you guys alone." Blake said before exiting the room with a smile.

   My parents strolled into my room and shut the door.

   "How're you feeling?" My dad asked.

   "Peachy." I replied with a chuckle.

   My dad returned it as my mom pulled me into her infamous bear hug.

   "I'm so glad your ok, honey." She said.

   "Thanks, mom... but... uh... can you let me go now?" I replied.

   My dad laughed as my mom set me down.

   I looked around the room. "Where's Beth?"

   "Babysitting with Kris." My dad said.

   I felt a twinge of guilt. "How are Max and Anna?"

    "They're doing great, sweetie. Beth and Kris make really good babysitters." She said.

   I sighed. "I'll have to keep that in mind."

   The door opened again, this time Rebecca poked her head in. "You ready to go?"

   "Hell yes, I hate hospitals." I replied, jumping up from the hospital bed while they laughed.

   After getting changed and signing myself out, I followed Rebecca to my car.

   I started to pull the drivers door open when she put her hand on it, stopping me.

   "Doctor says you can't drive for at least a week." She said, holding her hand out for my keys.

   I groaned as I dropped my keys in her palm. "Fine."

  She chuckled as I marched over the the passenger side.

   We left the hospital and were on our way home when I turned to Rebecca, studying her cast hand. "You know..." I started.

   She smiled. "What?"

   "That was pretty hot, the way you punched out Dana like that." I replied.

   She laughed and I joined in.

   After the laughter subsided I looked over again. "What happened to her anyway?"

   "No clue." She replied.

   "Awesome." I said sarcastically.

   It was silent for a minute before she spoke. "I'm just happy to have you back."

   I smiled. "Me to."

   She smiled back and took my hand in hers.

   I gave it a kiss, smiling lightly to myself...

   We opened the door to our apartment and walked in.

   Beth and Kris sat at the kitchen table, a six pack in front of them. They jumped up as we walked in, Beth running up to pull me into a hug.

   "What happened?" She asked.

   "Just a minor concussion, I'll be fine in a week or two." I replied.

   "Well, we got your favorite. Corona." She said with a smile, pointing towards the six pack.

   I looked at it and sighed.

   "None for me, you guys enjoy it though." I replied, walking to the couch and taking a seat.

   Rebecca and Beth shared a confused glance.

   "You've never turned down free beer, what's wrong?" Beth asked.

   "Nothing, I've just been doing some thinking. And, maybe, I should take a break from alcohol. just for a little bit anyway." I replied.

   Rebecca sat next to me. "Wow, this is big, especially for you."

   I chuckled. "Well, I figured it'd be best for us and the babies."

   She draped an arm over my shoulder. "I agree."

   I nudged her playfully and she smiled before pulling me into a deep kiss.

   I lowered her onto the couch and crawled on top of her, deepening the kiss.

   Beth cleared her throat. "We're right here you know?"

   I waved my hand at them, showing them out the door.

   They grabbed the beer with a laugh and closed the door behind them.

   I just started pulling her shirt off when I heard the babies cry's from the other room.

   I started laughing as I sat up, Rebecca joining my laughter as she stood up.

   I pulled her back into the couch.

   "Don't worry, I'll handle this." I said as I stood up and gave her a quick kiss.

   "I love you." She said.

   "I love you more." I replied as I made my way to our room.

   I knelt next to the babies cribs and smiled. "Don't tell her I said this, but... I love you guys more."

   I smiled down at their crying faces as I started singing their favorite song.

   "Every time I look in the mirror."

   "All these lines on my face getting clearer."

   "The past is gone."

   "It went by like dusk to dawn."

   "Isn't that the way."

   "Everyone's got their dues in life to pay..."

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