Chapter: Twenty-Three

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   After we got grandma Anna away from the neighbors dog and in the house, I introduced her to my lovely girlfriend.

   "Grandma Anna, Rebecca." I said, motioning to Rebecca, who stood tall next to me, a wide grin on her face.

   She stuck her hand out. "Nice to me-" But, my grandma cut her off, pulling her into a bear hug.

   "Oh, you're so beautiful. How did Skylar wind up with a such a hottie?" My grandma asked.

   I rolled my eyes and Rebecca just giggled and returned the embrace.

   "I'm still trying to figure that one out myself." She replied.

   "Oh, come on, it's time for dinner." I said while walking towards the kitchen, my grandma and Rebecca snickering behind me.

   We all took our seats as my mom passed out food.

   Rebecca and my grandma chatted away about God knows what and all I could do was stare, or rather gawk at my girlfriend. Her lips curved up in a happy smile, her eyes were bright and beautiful. She was perfect.

   'How did I get so lucky?' I thought.

   "Skylar!" I heard my moms voice cut through my thoughts.

   "Uh.. yeah what's up?" I replied.

   I heard Rebecca and my grandma chuckle, my face turned bright red.

   'How long was she calling my name?'

   "Can you pass the salt?" She replied.

   After dinner, we waved my grandma off and I got ready to drive Rebecca home.

   We got in my car and I looked over at her.

   I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. My thoughts filled with that dream and what my grandma had said.

   "You ok?" Rebecca asked.

   I sighed internally. "Uh... yeah... did you have fun?"

   "Yes. Your grandma is hilarious."

   I rolled my eyes slightly. "At least someone thinks so."

   "I definitely expected worse."

   I chuckled. "Did you not see her barking at the neighbors dog?"

   Rebecca shrugged. "So, she's a little off, but she's still really cool."

   I laughed to myself as I pulled out of the driveway and made my way towards Rebecca's house.

   The ride was pretty much silent until we were about halfway there.

   Rebecca took my hand in hers. "You sure you're ok?"

   I took a quick glance at her. "Yeah, why?"

   "I don't know, you just seemed a little off today."

   I let out a low sigh. "It's just... I don't know... are you happy with me?"

   "Are you breaking up with me?"

   "No! No, God no... it's just what my grandma said earlier, about how did someone like you wind up with someone like me..."

   She chuckled. "Is that what this is about? Skylar, I love you and no weird grandma or crazy classmates are gonna change that. I agreed to this relationship because there's something different about you. Something special. And nothing will convince me otherwise."

   I smiled to myself. "Really?"

   "Duh. Every time I get to see you or hear from you my heart flutters. I've had a few boyfriends in my day, but none of them made me feel the way you do. I don't ever wanna lose that feeling... So, you're stuck with me."

   My smile grew wider as I gave her hand a squeeze.

    "I love you." I said.

    "I love you to." She replied with a heartwarming smile.

   I returned her smile and pulled down her street, parking in front of her house. She looked up at her house, but didn't get out, she just sat there silently.

   "You ok?" I asked.

   She nodded slowly. "Yeah... I just... kinda don't wanna go home."

   I looked her in the eyes. "Why?"

   She shrugged and looked down. "Because... I don't wanna say goodbye yet."

    I smiled. "Well, what should we do?"

   "I don't know, anything really. I just wanna be with you a little longer."

   I thought for a second. Then it hit me, I knew the perfect place to take her.

   "I know where to go."

    She smiled at me. "Lead the way."

   We laughed as I took off down the street towards our destination. I sent my mom a quick text on the way there.

   "Gonna be home late."

   "K be safe."

   "Always am, Love you."

   "Love you to."

   I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket...

   We drove for a while until we hit the outskirts of town. I pulled down a dirt road, parking in a big open field.

   "Wow." Was all she said.

   "Pretty cool, huh?"


   "My dad used to take me here when I was a kid. He took my mom here on their first date when they were about our age. You can see all the stars from here."

   She smiled and I smiled back.

   We exited the car and I made my way to the trunk. I pulled out a huge blanket and laid it out in front of the car. I gestured for her to get comfortable and returned to the car. I flipped through the CD's until I found the perfect one. A slow melody began playing through the speakers as I made my way to the blanket.

   I laid down next to her and looked up at the stars.

   "This is perfect." She said next to me.

   I glanced over. "What's perfect?"

   "This whole thing, the location, the view, the company."

    I smiled. "Agreed."

   She smiled back and we stared into each others eyes for what felt like hours, I swear I could get lost looking into her eyes.

   Eventually, she leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled into her kiss as she reached her arm around me, pulling me on top of her.

   With me on top, our kisses grew more passionate.

   I began to kiss along her jawline, then down her neck to her collar bone.

   She let out a soft moan as I made my way lower.

   I pulled up the hem of her shirt and kissed around her bellybutton, then her waistline. I lightly tugged on the waistband of her shorts and looked up into her eyes.

   She nodded her approval and I began to unbutton them, slowly pulling them down her long legs. She tangled her hand in my hair, her moans growing as I pressed featherlight kisses to her inner thighs.

   "Oh my God..." She said, her eyes falling closed as I reached her panties.

   I pulled them to the side, sliding a finger past them. 

   "Fuck... Skylar..."

   I smiled up at her before sinking my head between her thighs, my tongue keeping pace with my finger.

   Her body began to tremble as I picked up the pace. "Skylar, please... I'm so close..."

   My cheeks flushed as her back arched off the blanket. "Yes... Skylar..!"

    As she caught her breath, I placed a kiss to her hip, before crawling back up beside her, smiling at her.

   "This day just keeps getting better..." She said breathlessly.

   I flashed her my patented smirk.

   She let out a low groan as she crawled on top of me, attacking me with kisses.

   Then, she sat up, pulling my shirt over my head before throwing it to the side.

   "Rebecca..." I moaned, the feeling of her warm lips on my chest.

   She loosened my belt as her tongue ran down my waist. I helped her remove my black, skinny jeans.

   I looked her in the eyes after and she smiled up at me before kissing down my thighs.

   'What a tease.' I thought as I smiled to myself.

    She eventually made her way back between my legs, pressing her tongue against me.

    The sudden wave of pleasure forced out another moan. "Fuck... Rebecca..."

    Her eyes twinkled as she picked up her pace, the pleasure growing in my gut. I was close to the edge and she was determined to push me over it.

   My hips bucked in response, my breathing picking up. "Don't stop..."

   I closed my eyes tightly, tangling my hands in her hair. Then, I willing dove over the edge, my body trembling, my muscles tightening...

   Rebecca crawled next to me as my body relaxed back into the blanket, my heartbeat starting to slow.

   She kissed my cheek before pulling half of the blanket over our half naked bodies, settling in next to me.

   "You're amazing..." I whispered in her ear.

   "You're not so bad yourself." She whispered back, which caused us to break out in laughter.

   After the laughter subsided, we cuddled up in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness.

   We stayed like that for a long while before deciding it was time to head home.

   We got dressed and I returned the blanket to the trunk before hopping in my car, taking off back towards her house.

    I placed my hand in hers and traced circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

   She glanced at me and smiled. "Tonight was great."

    "Agreed." I replied with a smile.

    Sadly, we pulled up in front of her house, neither one of us wanting to part.

    "Well... I guess I'll see you later." She said.


    We sat in silence for a minute before she leaned over and kissed me.

   She pulled away and smiled at me. "I love you."

    "I love you more." I replied.

   She rolled her eyes playfully before exiting the car.

   We said our goodbyes and I watched her walk into her house and wave me off.

   I let out a happy sigh before heading down the street towards my house, the memories of tonight playing through my head all the way home...

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