Chapter 20 Blueprint for Grand Theft

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Everyone turned and saw a bruised and limping Soriano leaning on Leslie walk in. At first, nobody could move. Then Brook came to his senses and spoke.

"Chief!" Brook yelled and shot out of the couch towards him. He helped him sit down.

"Chief, what happened? Where were you?!" Brook asked, sounding hysterical.

"Calm down kiddo. Let him catch his breath." Leslie said. "I found him at Twenty-Third's looking like this."

"Gee Chief, if you want to scare us just jump out the window," Paige said, folding her hands. Michelle noticed her fists were clenched.

"What happened?" Payton asked in a deadly calm voice.

"People, the guy's obviously had a rough time. First things first – get him an ice pack! We can't have our boss looking like he got whipped!" Reece said. Michelle jumped up to get it.

"Here," she said, bringing Soriano the ice pack. He held it to his face.

"Thanks, Michelle, for being the only one not to ask questions." He said. His voice was hoarser than usual.

"Hey! I didn't ask questions either." Reece pointed out. Soriano attempted to smile.

"I'm glad you guys are all safe. I thought you'd be at the base though. What are you all doing here?" he asked.

"I don't think you get to ask the questions," Brook said through gritted teeth.

"Brook," Michelle said with a tiny shake of her head.

"We had a bit of a run-in with the Ghosts on Sunday," Leslie explained. "We led them away from the base and lost them on the way to Vegas. Payton and Michelle had to make a break for the base so they wouldn't get caught. They flew here yesterday. Then today we all split up and went to look for you."

"Wow, that's pretty much summed up," Jett said.

"Where were you for the last three days?" Brook asked Soriano. He looked up at Brook's furious face.

"I ran into Jackson." He said. Everybody went dead silent.

"Jackson? The son of the –" Soriano spat out the name "Sergeant."

"You let him catch you?! How could you do something so stupid?!" Brook shouted. "He could've killed you!"

"Brook, please calm down," Michelle said, tugging his arm. He turned and saw her face and covered his face with his hand. He took a deep breath and glared at Soriano.

"I – I'll be in my room." He said walking away. Michelle made to follow him but Paige stopped her.

"Not now. He needs a moment to himself." She said.

"Paige right. I understand how he feels. I'd feel the same in his shoes. Let him cool off." Soriano said.

"So what happened Chief? And how did you escape him?" Jett asked.

"I suspected something was off with the Ghosts when I noticed a shift in their patrol patterns in the desert using the satellite footage. So I went out to investigate after you all left. They found me and cornered me. I couldn't get out. They captured me and took me blindfolded to their hideout. They got rough and tried to make me give up the names of all our bases and crew members." Soriano smiled with satisfaction.

"They didn't get anything out of me."

"How'd you get out in one piece? It's a miracle they didn't kill you." Paige said.

"Minor slip of theirs. They left me tied up in a garage. They should've known better. I used my boot knife to cut my ropes, broke into one of their cars, drove out of there, and ditched the car the first chance I got. Then I laid low for a bit before walking Twenty-Thirds. Didn't think you kids would be here."

"At least you're alive. Brook was going crazy with worry." Reece said.

"I'll talk to him, sort things through," Soriano said, trying to get up.

"No, Chief, you need to rest. Brook will be alright." Leslie said. Soriano glanced at Michelle.

"Don't let him do anything stupid okay? I'm counting on you," he said.

"I won't, chief," Michelle replied with a small smile. He turned away and went to a bedroom.

"I'm gonna lay up for a bit," he said. Leslie and Jett helped him walk to his room.

"Something's off. Chief is hiding something from us." Payton said with narrow eyes.

"Maybe he's not letting on everything that happened with Jackson," Paige said.

"What could he be hiding?" Michelle asked.

"Something he doesn't want us to know so let's not go digging for information," Reece said. Michelle felt uneasy and she didn't know why. Soriano hiding something must be big – she remembered three days ago when Brook went to talk to him alone in his office. And the story he gave tonight was not utterly convincing. It seemed too easy. Brook might be able to decipher more...

"Brook? Are you okay in there?" Michelle knocked on his door. He opened it and pulled her in.

"Did he say what happened?" Brook asked tonelessly.

"He did." Michelle briefly explained what Soriano had said.

"Those Ghosts are gonna pay for this," Brook said, clenching his fists.

"No Brook, you can't do anything about it now. At least he's safe and alive. Please, don't do anything stupid." Michelle pleaded. He turned from the window he had been gazing through to Michelle's face.

"Where is he now?"


"Fine. I'll talk to him tomorrow." He said half to himself. Michelle could feel the tension radiating from his body and cautiously put her hands around him as though to keep him from sprinting outside.

"He's okay Brook. Everything is gonna be okay." She whispered, leaning against his back. She heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that," he said. "I just couldn't bear the thought of..." he couldn't finish.

"I know," Michelle said. "You don't have to explain."

Michelle woke up the next morning and found the bed empty. Brook was already up. Feeling a little worried, she dressed and went down to make sure he hadn't gone anywhere. She heard his voice from Soriano's room and relaxed. He hadn't left on any wild escapade.

"They are gonna be in there awhile. Come have breakfast in the meantime." Leslie said to Michelle.

"They must have a lot to talk about," Michelle said.

"A 'lot' doesn't cover it. They've been arguing all morning." Reece said from the dining table. Everyone was already seated and eating.

"Think we should go intervene –" Jett was cut off as Soriano and Brook came out. Brook glanced at Michelle and his features softened.

"Hey," he said sitting next to her.

"Missed you this morning." She whispered to him.

"Sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight." He whispered back. Michelle felt a blush coming and ducked her head.

"Oh come on people I'm eating! Can't you flirt after breakfast?" Paige complained. Brook folded his lips in complacency.

"Okay, listen up everyone. I've got a job for you." Soriano said. "I learned the Inferno Ghosts are after a rare car which they intend to bargain for a couple million in cash." Michelle's jaw dropped open.

"There's a car that costs two million dollars?" she asked.

"Keep up Michelle, yes," Payton said.

"What do you want us to do Chief?" Reece asked.

"Get it before they do," Soriano said. "They don't know where it is – yet. Thanks to our contacts I managed to locate it last night."

"Where is it?" Leslie asked.

"Black Boulder's showroom. It's one of eighteen models and no one is even aware there's one in Nevada. If the Ghosts knew about its location it would be gone by now."

"But why do they want a car like that?" Michelle asked.

"Dumb question angel face. You should be asking why wouldn't they want a car like that." Paige said. Michelle didn't understand.

"A rare two million dollar car in the land of gambling. Take a hint, Michelle." Payton said.

"They could sell it for its worth, gamble it for weapons or use it to replicate models," Brook explained to Michelle.

"They want big money. They want to buy themselves power. They won't stop until they've established themselves as the toughest deadliest gang in Nevada." Soriano said darkly.

"And come after us," Jett said. Michelle nodded.

"So we need to get it before they do. But why do we need to get it? isn't it safe where it is?"

"Pft. You think cops could guard a car like that from the Ghosts? The Ghosts would finish them off before they even found out they were after the car. Not that we're too fond of the cops but – they are still people who don't deserve to get blown off." Paige said. Michelle winced at the thought of people getting blown off.

"Better if we get it than let a bunch of innocent people die trying to guard it," Reece said.

"So we – steal it." Michelle said faltering over the word 'steal'. Everyone looked at her.

"It's what has to be done," Soriano said. "If there was another option, I'd take it. but there isn't."

"Then what are we waiting for? We know where it is. Let's go get it." Michelle said, resolving herself.

"Whoa, Michelle, not so fast. We need to plan this carefully. And who says you're coming?" Brook asked.

"I am. I could help. Isn't it time you guys trusted me?" Michelle said, clutching the table tight.

"She could come with us. It's only a stealth job. And Black Boulders isn't the most congested showroom in Nevada. Should be an easy job." Jett said calculating the odds.

"No, this will be anything but easy. Like Brook says, we need to plan this out. If the Ghosts got a wind of it we're done for. With an easy two million in their pockets, who knows what they would do." Soriano said.

"So let's strategize. When do we leave Chief?" Paige asked.

"Tonight if possible. I don't know how long it'll take for the Ghosts to figure out we're not in the desert anymore. If they knew we were here, it'd be a cinch for them to get a hold of our plan."

"So we don't get caught," Brook said.

"Right. Thanks for stating the obvious." Payton said. He turned to Soriano.

"Just for the record chief, what sort of car is it?" he asked.

"If I remember my specs correctly, a car that costs two million and has only eighteen models in the world..." Jett thought hard and snapped his fingers. "I got it! It's a –" his eyes went wide.

"Whoa, that's big, chief." He said in awe. Soriano nodded.

"It's a Koenigsegg Agera." He said. Everyone looked impressed.

"That's not even street legal. And we're gonna get it." Paige said, smacking her lips in satisfaction.

"Yes. But I want only two cars on the job. The less attention you get the better. Brook's Bugatti and Payton's Venom are the fastest so I want you two on the job. Anybody else volunteering?"

"Er chief, my car's back in Reno," Payton said. Soriano heaved a sigh.

"I was counting on speed... okay; I guess The Jaguar is rolling out tonight." Jett gave a whoop.

"Yeah, secret mission time!" he said.

"Sorry Jett, not you. I need you to work your computer skills from here. there will be CCTVs and trackers I need you to scramble." Soriano said. Jett looked crestfallen.

"Payton, you'll drive the Jaguar. And –"

"I want in. I'm gonna drive that two million dollar car back here." Paige said, looking fierce. Soriano considered her for a minute.

"Fine. But follow orders and don't do anything stupid by making your own decisions." Soriano warned.

"I'll go with Brook as backup," Michelle said, trying to match Paige's insistence. Brook smiled.

"Sure you will." He mumbled. Michelle frowned at him.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"It's not like she'll do much anyway. Let her come. She can see how a live demonstration of a grand auto theft." Paige said with a sly smile. Michelle wasn't sure if she was joking or not.

"Fine, you can go. But stay with the crew and don't do anything on your own." Soriano said to her.

"Chief, what if something goes wrong and they need backup?" Leslie asked.

"I'm trying to avoid a situation like that. And I don't want to send you all out on this job. It's too conspicuous."

"But we never do any job without the whole team," Reece said. "Leslie and I will go as backup."

"Yeah chief, it's a good idea," Brook said. Soriano didn't look happy about it but he consented.

"Fine. Jett and I will stay here and monitor the roads. But I don't want all of you going together. Brook and Payton will drive fifty meters apart. Reece, keep your distance and do not crowd the road. You'll all be driving wanted cars. I don't want you to alert the cops to that fact."

"Got it. What time do we leave?" Reece asked.

"Ten thirty. It'll take half an hour to get there. The showroom closes at ten. Time it right, and we can pull off the biggest car heist this state has seen." Soriano said. Paige smiled darkly.

"Game on."

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