Chapter 7 Hot Kisses in the Desert

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It was like walking up from a deep sleep as Brook's car plunged out of the darkness of the cave into the golden red light of dusk. He glanced at Michelle.

"You ready?" he asked. Michelle nodded.

"Let's do this." She said with sparkling eyes. Brook smiled. He kicked the gas pedal hard and the engine roared as the car shot down the road.

"Whoa!" Michelle squealed in pleasure. She clutched the handlebar as she felt the ground vibrate below her feet. Brook was right; it was like flying.

Michelle glanced at the speedometer – it showed a hundred and ten and climbed. She gazed ahead at the road as it ran beneath the car. She turned and looked out of the window as the wide, open desert blurred past. The horizon was nothing but an orange stroke of light as the car headed south.

"You good?" Brook asked. Michelle turned to him with a look of pure ecstasy.

"Never been better." Brook turned the car slightly as the road curved left. He took a large circle and headed east. After a while, he slowed down and eventually came to a stop. They got out.

"So whatcha think?" Brook asked. Michelle spun around with her hands flying out.

"That was incredible." Brook grinned.

"That was only the beginning. Now it's your turn." He gestured for her to sit in the driver's seat. She bit her lip.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He nodded. He helped her in and came around to the passenger's side.

"Okay, you're working with an all-wheel drive here so if you feel the need to break, do it on the open road." He said.

"What happens if I don't?" She asked. Brook laughed nervously.

"Let's not go there." He said. Michelle gripped the wheel and let a breath out of her mouth.

"Hey, relax. You're supposed to enjoy it. if you're not, you've kicked the fun out of driving."

"Got it."

"Breathe. You're in control now. You've got this." Michelle tuned herself to his words and nodded.

"Now try the gas pedal. Slowly." He said. Michelle pressed the gas pedal letting the vibration of the car align itself with her heartbeat. The car rolled forward and Michelle began to relax.

"Good. Now head west."

"West? You want me to drive towards the sun?"

"You'll see why." Michelle obeyed and turned the car in one smooth curve. The car faced the wide open desert road which stretched for miles.

"Now blaze a trail," Brook said with a wink. Michelle gripped the steering wheel tight and nodded. She turned on the radio to a club station, kicked the gas pedal hard and the car shot forward like a bullet.

"Whoo!" Michelle squealed in pleasure. The thrill of the speed which was so new to her enthralled and liberated her; the rush of adrenaline never felt so incredible. She glanced at Brook and saw he was just as thrilled as her – he smiled widely as he caught her stare.

"Go Michelle!" he said. His encouragement was all she needed. She pressed the pedal harder, the speedometer arrow ticking towards a hundred and ten – hundred and fifteen–twenty – thirty.

"This is amazing! I've never gone beyond a hundred!"

"My Bugatti is the only car that can handle it like a dream," Brook said patting his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him for a second, her cheeks warming up – and she knew it wasn't from the gentle glare of the dusky sunlight in front of her.

"Go on. Take a chance." Brook said with fire in his eyes. Michelle glanced at the speedometer once more and steeled herself in resolution.

"Here I go." She kicked the pedal as hard as she could, feeling the car practically roar to a hundred and fifty. Michelle felt like she was flying through the roads. And in that moment, she had never been more thrilled in her life.

"You want to try and slow down now? We're running out of road and we need to turn back." Brook said. Michelle thought he sounded like he didn't want her to stop but he was right. The sun had almost set.

"Hang on, I want to try something," Michelle said. Brook raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. Michelle slowed to a ninety and suddenly swung the wheel to a hard right, throwing both of them to the side. The car screeched on the road as it spun around so it was facing east again. She kicked the gas again as she drove back.

"Road burn! That was awesome! How did you do that? I thought this is your first time driving like this." Brook said in awe. Michelle smiled.

"I guess I'm a natural." She said blushing. Brook grinned.

"You are – I've never seen anyone take to the road so fast."

"I have a good guide," Michelle said, giving him a sideways glance.

"It was all you," Brook said, staring at her with intense eyes. Michelle slowed down so she could see him better.

"Hey, there's something I want to show you. Go straight and take a right." Brook said. Michelle obeyed.

"Pull over right here," Brook said as they came to a large mound of rocks, almost thirty feet high. To Michelle, it looked like a mini mountain.

"You know how to climb?" Brook asked when they got out.

"Not really... Are we going up there?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'll help you." he helped Michelle get a grip on the rock wall and hoisted her up by her waist. He then maneuvered himself up a little and tugged her arm as she climbed with him. Once they reached the top, he let her stand in front of him to take in the view.

"Wow, this is... incredible," Michelle said in awe. They were a good amount of feet off the ground and the view was breathtaking. Michelle felt like she was standing on a mini skyscraper – although it was not like any skyscraper she had seen on TV. The desert stretched before her for miles and miles all around, in one vast space of nothing but dust. The horizon had darkened to a deep velvet blue flecked with white diamond-like speckles.

"I'm glad you like it. I've never shown anyone this place. I usually come here when I want to be alone." Brook said behind her ear.

"Then why..." Michelle began.

"Now I want to be alone with you." His words made her cheeks heat up. She gazed forward and stretched out her arms wide and let the mild wind cut past them.

"I feel so..." Michelle couldn't describe it.

"On top of the world?" Brook asked in a soft voice.

"Mmm-mm. I wish this moment would last forever." Brook slid his hands around her waist from behind.

"We could stay here together..." he whispered into her neck. She shivered, feeling his breath.

"Michelle..." his voice sent her heart rate into overdrive. She felt her breathlessness coming on and breathed through her mouth.

"What are you doing to me?" He asked, his voice low and rough. Michelle risked a glance behind to see his face. What was she doing to him? Michelle had no idea what he was going through; it took all his restraint to keep from losing himself in her – he could even hear her heart racing. When she turned to look at him it was enough to send him over the edge. The fruity scent from her hair filled his nostrils and he leaned into the curve of her neck, his hands tightening around her waist. He felt the slow movement of her stomach rising and falling beneath his fingers as she breathed.

"Michelle..." He mumbled into her neck.

"Yes..." she said. Brook was pleased to notice how breathless she was – he hoped that that was the reason for it. He let his lips brush against her neck, trailing from beneath her ear down to her collarbone. He heard her gasp and it aroused him more. He kissed her neck more feverishly, knowing she enjoyed it as much as he did. He was glad she wore a strapped sleeveless blouse.

"Brook..." she could barely say his name, her throat was so dry. He suddenly spun her around, his hands never leaving the curve of her waist. Michelle gasped as she felt her feet spin but in a moment she was pressed tight against Brook, his arms holding her securely in place. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, his breath warm and heavy on her lips. Again she wished she could moisten her lips since she had dried them with her breath. Brook pushed her head back a little with his forehead so that their eyes met. He gazed for a long moment at her, the blue flame in his eyes brighter than the stars. Michelle felt herself get hypnotized by them.

"I can't hold myself back around you Michelle." He said. His voice sent shivers down her spine. She was glad he was holding her; otherwise, she would have flopped to the ground in a second.

"Then don't," she whispered. Her words were enough for him. He crashed his lips against hers in a frenzied kiss, full of urgency. Michelle's arms came up and she clung to his arms, her nails clawing at his denim shirt sleeves. She melted in his grasp, giving in to his desire and her own. Brook felt her limbs weaken but held her up, not relenting from his kiss. He himself gave into his need – it was like he'd been waiting, holding himself back for too long and he couldn't anymore. Slowly his lips grew gentler upon hers. He tasted how dry her lips were and wanted to moisten every inch of them with his own. She let him, her mind blank and reeling under his duress. She let him part her lips to deepen the kiss and a tiny groan escaped her throat. Brook withdrew his lips and stared anxiously at her.

"Michelle?" She opened her eyes, her hands clinging to his chest for support.

"Hmm?" She sounded like she was dreaming. Brook grinned softly in the darkness.

"I hope I didn't break you on our first night out." Michelle looked straight into his eyes and shook her head.

"Not a chance." Brook saw the fire in her eyes and felt electricity pass through his veins. He let his hand slide up and down her back. She moaned and leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and smiled in contentment.

"This is... perfect." She said softly. Brook rested his head against hers, their heartbeats the only sound between them.

"I couldn't have wished for a better first date," Michelle said, her fingers playing with his collar. He pulled her away from his chest so he could see her face.

"First? This is your first date?" Michelle bit her lip. She hadn't meant to reveal that.

"Um, yes... I never went out with anyone before."

"I'm honored," Brook said. Michelle couldn't help laughing quietly.

"Does that mean I'm your first kiss as well?" Brook asked, his voice simmering with fire. Michelle nodded.

"You're mine too." He whispered. "I'd like for you to keep that a secret." Michelle smiled.

"My lips are sealed." She said. Brook grinned and stroked her lower lip with his thumb.

"Michelle... You're making me lose my mind here."

"I could say the same," Michelle said her fingers drawing circles on his shirt. She heard him groan deep in his throat.

"Michelle..." She loved when he called her name. She wanted to hear him say it again and again but she knew they had to get back.

"Brook... we should get back. I don't want you to get into trouble." His smile faded but the heat remained in his eyes.

"I am trouble, Michelle." He said. Strangely enough, she only found that more enticing.

"And it's already dark. Doesn't make a difference if we go back now or later." He said. Michelle had to summon all her willpower to resist his persuasion.

"But you said –" he placed his finger over her lips.

"Shh. Forget what I said. I'm not ready to leave." One of his hands came up to cup her neck. He extended his thumb and stroked the contour of her jaw. Michelle closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his touch. She let her hands roam up to his neck and wrapped them around him. Her fingers ran through the locks of his hair which brushed his shoulders.

"Hmmm..." he moaned. He closed his eyes for a second but opened them again, wanting to see her face. She smiled at him.

"Hey," she said, imitating him. He gently tugged on her ponytail, entwining his fingers at the edge which hung on her back. They stood there in the darkness lit only by the starlight enjoying each other's touch in blissful silence, unaware of the time slipping by and yet frozen for an unending moment.

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