Final: Burnout

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"Are you guys ready to break records?!" Jett shouted enthusiastically through the car radio.

"Less talking more revving," Payton said.

"Last one to hit two hundred has to wash the cars for a month!" Reece said.

"Let's just go before someone gets a head start!" Leslie said.

"No foul play or there'll be serious consequences!" Soriano said with a mock stern face.

"Eat my dust slowpokes!" Paige shouted. She whooped and started her car along with the others.

"Are you really doing this, Michelle?" Brook asked. He and Michelle were seated in her yellow McLaren. Everyone's cars were lined up at the start of a long winding desert road with nothing but dust and distant mountains for miles.

"You're good with your Bugatti, Brook. Now let me test the limits of my McLaren." Michelle said with her familiar look of determination on her face. Brook smiled.

"That's my girlfriend," he said, touching her knee. She turned and gave him a sideways smile.

"Three, two, one - GO!" Jett said. The seven cars took off in a blaze of dust, the roar of engines breaking the stillness of the desert. Michelle's car got a head start quickly and overtook the others.

"Whoo! Go, Michelle!" Paige said through the radio.

"No way I'm getting beat by a girl!" Payton said, trying to overtake her.

"Michelle's owning this one!" Paige said.

"No way I'm getting beat by a girl again either!" Reece said speeding up. Michelle looked through her window and saw everyone trying to catch up.

"Not this race." She said. She suddenly braked and lagged back.

"What are you planning to do?" Brook asked. Michelle smiled.

"Well -" she said.

"Go on, let's see what it is." Brook encouraged.

"You remember the first time you took me driving?"


"I left a road burn -"

"I remember. That mark is still there. We should go back and see it sometime. It's like a memento of your driving." Brook said with a laugh.

"Well, I'm going to take it one step further!" Michelle said with high spirits. She revved her engine to the max and then shot forward before braking and spinning the back wheels round and around in a blurry circle, creating a dust storm around the car.

"Whoa! I didn't know you could do that!" Brook said laughing and clutching the handlebar.

"I am officially race ready! Thanks to you Brook." Michelle said laughing with him.

"Burnout!" Brook yelled and whooped.

"Burnout!" Michelle joined in.

To be continued...

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